The people that you must reme...

By ImYourCh_CherryBomb

56.1K 1.6K 2K

Despite the inability to recall most of your childhood, it's never been a secret. You know a majority of what... More

A quiet redneck mountain town
A nickleback song. You know the one.
Your typical high school drama bullshit
Ashely Katchadourian isn't even in charge of the door
Jesus christ, this kid takes larping way too seriously
An incredibly awkward confrontation in a high school parking lot
Creative writing class gets morbid
Red hot chili trauma
Something about you is familiar and my anxiety hates you for it
A heartfelt conversation with fatass
It's time to go see the counselor, mkay?
The first official meeting of thr South Park Vampire Society
Some Classi life advice. That's Classi with an i, and a little dick hanging-
Once upon a time, a little boy got punched in the dick
Does Kenny make EVERYTHING about sex?!
This is why we don't help children, but we do listen to Morgan Freeman
We interrupt your serious fanfiction for cards against humanity
You can 100% believe its Butters
Your friends heavily judge your taste in men
Well, I was trying to avoid YOU, but fuck me I guess
I stole this scene from a video game
No, I don't think you've found yourself a cheerleader
Surprise bitch, you thought you'd seen the last of me
Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go ape shit?
Thank god there's no cops around
Special chapter 1: What if?
Just because the school week is over doesn't mean the shit show is
Hey kids wanna see a dead body
I stole this scene from a video game, then had a new idea and rewrote it all
Timmy Timmy, Timmy Timmy Timmy!!
A flashback that isn't yours? Wait, that's illegal
Now that's more like it, a therapeutic talk with your dear friend
You really regret agreeing to this date
Enter Coon..god that's a stupid name
Woah, okay, THAT just happened
Mysterion gets the wrong idea
Secret admirers aren't supposed to be this creepy
Somebody wants to play ball with Kenny
Cartman breaks into the counselor's office dressed as a raccoon
I'm getting cavaties just writing this
Cartman proceeds to ruin everything like the literal Hitler he is
Don't fuck with Wendy Testaburger
Aaaye baby, don't you know suicidal tendancies are all the rage
A girl, a gay, and a graveyard
Henrietta and Mysterion are Dramatic AF
Driving back to school like nobody is watching
Deflowering you
You're treated like the Plastics from mean girls
A dream or a memory
Sabotage with that kid who keeps flipping you off
Honestly coffee is gross, especially black coffee
Is this a this not a date...this is really, really awkward.
Okay now that's just creepy and uncomfortable
Cartman gets the shit beaten out of him. Again. Let's keep this new trend going
Time to pretend you have even an iota of intelligence like people in crime shows
Tim, Tim, Timmy!
I just keep stealing scenes from the same game series because I have no control
You make a weird internet friend. Also roses
Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal!
Is this another date? What the fuck is going on
This is a friend you never expected to have
Kenny grows some balls
Laying in a goth puddle eating Nutella
Does this bring you joy? If not, we can burn it!
Special chapter 1: TFBH version
Dude, that's gay
Ah fuck, I can't believe you done this
If you tell me what it's like to die, I'll tell you what it's like to be alive
Yes you are tired of being nice, yes you would like to go ape shit
A dumping stuff on people kind of day
Oh god, it's finally happening
The return of South Park's disaster power couple
Special chapter 2: part 1
An uneasy truce between a bunch of nerds
Casa Bonita part 2
The Redrum letter
A moment of clam
Revelations. No, not like the Bible
Very cool, can you play pumped up kicks while...nevermind
Hospital food sucks ass
What a twist!
We'll defeat you with the power of friendship! And this gun we found!
Thank god for this quiet, redneck, mountain town

An awkward confrontation in a high school parking lot 2, electric boogaloo

462 17 5
By ImYourCh_CherryBomb

Henrietta pulled her car back into the South Park high school parking lot and you climb out, smiling slightly.

You weren't sure if you trusted Henrietta and her friends, but either way, this had been nice. Real nice. You'd talked about different goth bands and movies, and Pete had suggested you go thrift shopping with them next weekend. You agreed to go, for now, so long as they didn't try any funny business. Glancing towards the dorms, you noted Damien sitting outside on the curb. His eyes were red and puffy. Great.

Sighing, you told the goths you would see them later and made your way over. It was clear Damien hadn't slept lately. "...Hey, are you okay?" "The fuck do YOU care?" He spat, not looking up at you from his seat on the ground, "I saw those files. You're a fucking fake. I bet you're happy Tiger is dead." "That isn't true!" You snapped back, feeling heat build up in your chest, "I didn't like him, yeah, or you for that matter, and I admit I wished somebody would beat your asses, but I never wanted either of you dead! He didn't deserve that! Nobody deserves that!"

Damien opened his mouth to argue, but saw the sincerity in your eyes and closed it, looking away with a scowl. Sighing, you slowly lower yourself onto the ground, sitting beside him. Damien didn't look at you ask her spoke, "...You've changed." "...I had to if I wanted to survive. Being bitter and angry all the time like you and Tiger was slowly killing me inside, I could feel it." You dig around in your pocket for your headphones. "I still like a lot of the same things and still hold a lot of my old opinions, I just realized that the way you two treated people, and the way you treated me, a supposed friend, wasn't okay. To be blunt, you and Tiger were assholes."

"You're kind of an asshole too, hiding all that stuff that was in your files from everyone."

You wanted to call Damien out for making such a low blow, but..he was right.

You are kind of an asshole.

"....I miss being your friend."

Damien's comment surprised you, and you glanced at him with raised brows. "I...miss being your friend too. But..I can't go back to how things used to be. Not until you knock it off with this toxic, superiority complex bullshit. But...if you need somebody to talk to about Tiger..I'm here."

Damien didn't respond. You held out an earbud to him and he took it, putting it in. You both sat in an almost comfortable silence for a good, long while.

Not that much has changed,

but now I'm actually happy.
I surround myself with friends,

who love and respect me.
My interests have changed,

but seriously that's okay!
I don't have to like the same things

that I liked yesterday.

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