Beth: Hey guys!
Lindsay: Hi Bus
Duncan: First Hillary and now Bus
Noah: Somebody needs to help Lindsay learn our names
Heather: Since you're the know it all you should do it
Noah: Nah
Sierra: Is Codykins here?
Alejandro: Sierra I think you need to get over Cody
Sierra: But he's my husband
Heather: Al is right
Heather: He's happily with Noah
Sierra: I still hate Noah for what he did
Duncan: speaking of Noah
Duncan: Why isn't Noah here?
Sierra: He's reading a book whilst Cody sleeps on his shoulder
Dawn: Sierra, You weren't given enough emotional support as a child
Sierra: I was
Dawn: I know why you're crazy for Cody
Sierra: Cause he's hot!
Dawn: Nope
Dawn: It's because you've been rejected and alone all your life and when you saw Cody getting rejected by Gwen, you instantly wanted to be with him so you couldn't possibly be alone or rejected anymore but clearly that didn't work out the way u wanted it to
Sierra: I-
Gwen: For once Sierra is speechless
Courtney: Is this true Sierra?
Sierra: Um
Bridgette: We can help you
Sierra: fine it's true
Sierra: I used to be an orphan until somebody adopted me
Sierra: I had a sister but I was separated from her
Sierra: She was the best person ever and she gave me emotional/mental support
Sierra: But Codykins is still cute!
Bridgette: I thought she was gonna say that she would apologise to Noah and Cody but nevermind
Sierra: Why would I do that?
Sierra: Noah still stole something that was mine
Duncan: So did Cody
Sierra: He stole my HEART 💗
Trent: Cody broke your heart
Gwen: and chewed it up
Courtney: And spit it out
Bridgette: And then stepped on it
Alejandro: and threw down a sewer
Heather: Called it names
Beth: And then laughed
Sierra: Oui,my friends was a MISTAKE
Sierra: I was just angry 🙁
Justin: It's too late Sierra it's kind of a hit
Beth: Speaking of tdwt
Beth: What is everybody's fav and least fav song?
Courtney: I'm winning this as fav and Fight for gold as least
Bridgette: I'm sorry as fav and stuck to a pole as least
Gwen: Before we die as fav and Fight for gold as least
Justin: Her real name isn't Blaineley as fav and I'm gonna make it as least
Geoff: Her real name isn't Blaineley as fav cause exposing Mildred was SO fun and stuck to a pole as least
Leshawna: Sisters as fav obviously and Versus as least
Harold: Baby as my fav cause I sang it for my beautiful queen Leshawna and Eine Kleine as least
Heather: Wake up as fav and Versus/This is how we will end this as least
Alejandro: Still mad Courtney and Lindsay finished my dummy first?
Heather: No I'm mad cause if I didn't convince you to help me I could have been stuck in that ditch for weeks
Alejandro: I would help you either way!
Heather: Yeah right!
Izzy: Back to what beth said
Izzy: Lovin time as fav cause Noah and Cody are next to each other and boyfriend kisser as least
Courtney: That kinda hurt but I'm now over Duncan cheating
Eva: Enough of this Fav and Least nonsense
Izzy: Eva where are you
Eva: Where you told me to go
Tyler: I get on my phone and then I see this...
Alejandro: What are you and Eva planning
Izzy: Sierra was stalking Noah and Cody whilst holding an axe so I told Eva to sneak up on her and hit her with a bat to knock her out
Eva: Now she's in Izzy's basement where 'Explosivo' keeps all her bombs
Heather: Are you gonna kill her?
Eva: When it comes to Izzy you never know what she's gonna do
Geoff: This.
Geoff: Calls.
Geoff: For.
Geoff: A.
Geoff: PARTAY!
Bridgette: I would normally scold Geoff for this but since it's Sierra I guess this is a good thing
Sierra: Hey guys It's Izzy!
Izzy: Hi Izzy I'm Izzy!
Owen: Huh?
Sierra: BIG O
Izzy: BIG O
Owen: I'm confused
Heather: Izzy practically kidnapped Sierra and took her phone
Owen: OoOOoOOOoOoOoOoOOooOo
Owen: Hi Iz!
Cody: Hey guys!
Duncan: I thought you were sleeping
Cody: Nope I was fake sleeping
Cody: Noah said I should spend more time with him so I shouldn't text on my phone
Gwen: Yeah?
Cody: So I waited for Noah to fall asleep
Duncan: That was pretty smart for a little simp
Cody: I♏ ♑⭕t 🅰 si♏p
Courtney: 1) You're totally a simp 2) You shouldn't be taking the risk of texting whilst Noah's asleep, for all you know Noah could be fake sleeping too!
Cody: true
Duncan: You and Noah remind me of me and Princess
Courtney: Wrong way round
Duncan: I mean Princess and I
Beth: This ended up really weird
Lindsay: I know!
Lindsay: I'm beautiful
Beth: She doesn't know the meaning of weird
Lindsay: Gotta go put on some fake tanner I have a photo shoot
Justin: I gotta take a cold shower I gotta photo shoot too!
Courtney: Come to think of it, it's 3 am in the morning
Gwen: I just noticed i guess we should all get some rest
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