Because of you- Kim Ez
Say Yes- Loco, Punch
Warning: smut contentt
6 months later..
Jisoo stared at herself at the mirror in her room.
She'd waken up that morning beside Junmyeon oppa and suddenly felt the need to look at herself. She didn't know why, but she's a bit a weird like that. She'd did some weird things in her life.
It'd been six months since that terrible night. She still feel so grateful that God gave her boys back to her. She isn't ready to let them go that quickly.
She blowed her cheeks to look like a fish. Than she make kissy face, scrunching her face. Than she let her tongue out, examining the color. It suddenly became an intraoral examination, chuckled Jisoo.
She still look the same. She slapped her cheeks to make it bit a red because her skin seem a bit pale. It is still early, the house is still quiet.
She was just examining her pupils to see if her eye color had change, because how cool would it be, if her eyes became blue. Although she love purple better.
A chuckle scattered her weird thoughts and Jisoo turned to see Junmyeon oppa had already waken up. He was sitting and leaning against the headboard, watching her.
"You always look beautiful. Don't worry"
Jisoo blushed at his words. He was always the one with the most sweet words among her boyfriends.
"Oppa! I'm not worrying about that! Beautiful or not you all are always gonna love me, right?"
Junmyeon smiled back at her, answering with a happy yes. Junmyeon beckoned her to came back to the bed, saying it's so early and what the hell is she doing in front of the mirror this early.
Jisoo laughed at him as she run to jumped at the bed. She just felt so happy because they told her they've let go of their illegal activities. Minseok oppa told her that they've let RM take care of it. She gifted each of them a sweet kiss and a promise to make them their favorite dishes.
Junmyeon laughed at her excited laugh eventhough he's still so sleepy. He got in bed late last night because of his sudden meeting in his company. His eyes widened when Jisoo crawled to him with a wicked smirk.
"Hey, what are you doing?", asked Junmyeon nervously as she crawled closer.
"I'm going to make you happy.", answered Jisoo as she settled at his body, her hands reaching to caress his stomach.
Junmyeon gulped nervously, never seeing Jisoo this confident before. It must be because his brothers influence her. He know some of them are kinky.
"You don't have to do this to make me happy, darling", stuttered Junmyeon, when she began to kiss his stomach gently and her hands reached his pajama pants.
He realized her intention but they've never done this before.
"I know. I want this. I want to taste you. Teach me.", said Jisoo, smiling at him as she pulled his pajamas down. Junmyeon, helpless against her pretty smile, lift up his body to help her push his pants down.
Huffing, she tugged down the item of clothing in question, pausing when they were halfway down his thighs to admire the bulge that was now even more evident, separated from her by only a thin layer of cotton.
"Oh," she breathed, before grinning. "Wow."
"Jisoo, you've seen me before," Junmyeon reminded her.
"I know, but never... not like this." Jisoo swallowed hard, tracing her fingers delicately up his outer thigh.
Junmyeon shivered in response, a low groan of anticipation tumbling from his lips.
She stopped at the waistband of his undergarments, slipping her fingers inside and tugging those down, too, in one single, swift motion. His cock bounced upwards, the head of it, already glistening with the faintest hint of precome, pressing into the soft skin directly above his belly button. His already flushed skin was an even darker colour, and Jisoo could see his pulse, pounding rapidly at the softer flesh near the base. His entire length was quivering with anticipation and arousal.
She stared, entranced, before glancing back up at her boyfriend. "What do I do now?"
"You just – you use your mouth. Try it," he urged.
"O-kay..." Jisoo mumbled, leaning forward and taking him gently in both her hands, wrapping her slender fingers around his thick circumference. She lose her confidence when she saw how big he is but his gentle words make her feel better.
He was warm to the touch. At the contact, Junmyeon heaved a shuddering sigh, rolling and angling his hips so that he was more firmly in Jisoo's grasp.
Jisoo touched her lips to his engorged head experimentally, one corner of her mouth curling in a pleased smile when Junmyeon moaned. Spurred on by his reaction, she took his head fully into her mouth, rolling him between the walls of her cheeks and the roof of her mouth. He cried out, threading his fingers through Jisoo's hair and gripping it tightly, clinging to her as though his life depended on it.
Jisoo removed her lips with a soft pop, ducking to press brief, wet kisses along his shaft.
"You can – ah – use your t-tongue, if you want," Junmyeon choked out.
Jisoo nodded, licking a long line along the underside of his length before swirling her tongue around his shaft, half-taking him back into her mouth and slowly bobbing back and forth, up and down, trying to mimic the motions they would make during their lovemaking. She clenched the muscles of her cheeks around him, attempting to imitate the way her inner muscles would clench around his shaft.
"Like that?" she inquired, her voice muffled as she spoke around a mouthful of cock, the vibrations as she talked sending shivers up and down Junmyeon's spine.
"Ah, yes – exactly like that. Tell me if I hurt you now, okay?" Junmyeon yanked at her black locks as he began thrusting, slowly but with increasing speed, pumping in and out of Jisoo's sweet mouth.
At first, she sputtered, almost choking, her eyes widening as she felt the head of him press against the back of her throat, but she soon recovered and adapted quickly to the new pace. In response she quickened the movements of her tongue on his cock, sandwiching his length between her tongue and her palate.
"Oh, J-jisoo!... oh!" he warbled, feeling the pressure building, a not-altogether unpleasant pang shooting through his lower belly.
Jisoo dipped her hand to squeeze playfully at his balls, eliciting a strangled cry from her boyfriend, who practically spasmed at her touch. With her other hand she gripped at his hips, clutching at the taut, freckled skin there, digging her fingernails in as he continued to thrust.
"I'm gonna – gonna – ahhh," Junmyeon moaned, his voice high and keening as his hips bucked of their own accord, powered by the strength of his orgasm.
He attempted to back out, but Jisoo clung to him, fingernails clawing at his hipbones, one hand still massaging his balls, and he let out a groan as he filled Jisoo's mouth with the thick, ropey strands of his release. Jisoo's cheeks bulged, her facial muscles contracting as she swallowed heavily.
"Jisoo, I'm so sorry, you didn't have to – I tried to – I'm so sorry!"
"Shhhh," Jisoo hushed him, smiling, a silvery string of come still clinging to her lips. She reached out a hand to cup his chin, stroking it tenderly with her thumb. "Shhh, baby, it's fine. I liked it."
"You – you did?"
"I did." She nodded, pulling him close and wrapping her arms around his broad torso, squeezing him tightly before whispering into his ear in a low, sultry voice, her lips tickling the outer shell of his ear.
"Next time do it to me too"
It'd been one year since that night.
All of them are hanging around in the living room, waiting for the guests to come. Special guests.
Minseok and Junmyeon oppa is still upstairs though, and Jongin is at the bathroom. The rest of them are sprawled all over the couches except Sehun who is sitting at the carpet and playing video games.
Today is the day Jisoo would introduced her three bestfriends too her boyfriends. They've never met before but Jisoo like to tell them about her boyfriends. So they knew her boyfriends names but they didn't know their faces except for Sehun and Jongin who goes to the same Uni as them.
"I want all of you to behave, especially you Baekhyun. I know how dirty your mouth is.", pointed Jisoo at Baekhyun who was laying lazily at the couch. She glared when he smirked at her from his spot as he sucked his lollipop.
"You love my dirty mouth, baby", answered him. The others started to teased Jisoo when she blushed red, laughing at how embarrassed she looked.
"Shut up! You know what I meant.", said Jisoo as she gave him a 'you will get a punishment for this' look.
"Jisoo, calm down. We're not savages.", said Yixing at the same time Jongdae screamed bloody murder at Sehun for cheating in the game.
Jisoo gave him a look.
Yixing shrugged.
"I mean, not all of us are savages"
Jisoo chuckled and lean up to kiss Yixing oppa gently. She appreciated that Yixing at least tried to calm her.
"Thank you for trying to calm me down, oppa"
The kiss made everyone shouted that they need one too for a good behavior and Jisoo rolled her eyes.
"Honestly, you're all adults. You behaved as kindergardens for gods sake", said Jisoo exasperatedly but she smiled fondly at them.
"Only for you, baby. For them, I'd rather throw up", said Kyungsoo.
"Really? Well I remember a certain someone crying ho-", said Luhan as he ducked from the pillow that Kyungsoo threw at him.
The bell rings just when Luhan started to chase Kyungsoo and Jisoo turned to faced them all.
"Remember! Behave!"
Jisoo ran to the front door, excited to see her best friends. After EXO left the mafia world, they didn't need to be extra safe anymore. They let Jisoo invited her friends here after 1 year, now that all the documents and assets are officially owned by BTS.
Jisoo opened the door and see Jennie, Lisa, and Chaeyoung looking around the house in awe. She didn't blame them because she was just like that the first time she come here. It feel like ages ago. Lisa was holding a flower bouquet and Chaeyoung was holding a cake.
"Guyss!! I'm so happy you're all finally here!"
Jennie smirked as she answered, "I know. Finally. Now let us see your hot men"
She's always a straightforward person, never wasting time on her priorities. And right now, her priority is seeing Jisoo's hot boyfriends.
Lisa and Chaeyoung thrusted their gifts to Jisoo, and Jisoo place it at the little table in the living room.
"I'll tell Mino that you say other men are hot", teased Lisa, tickling Jennie's side.
"Lisa, you also say that many times to many men. ", deadpanned Chaeyoung.
Jisoo smiled at her friends and step in to hug them tightly.
"I love love love you", said Jisoo happily as she squeezed them.
"Aw my baby Jisoo declaring her love for us", said Lisa as smiled back.
"Huh? What's going on?", asked a confused voice from behind Jisoo.
Lisa, Jennie, and Chaeyoung looked up and gasped. In front them, a handsome man (very handsome) stand in the doorway as he stared at them. Suddenly, a equally handsome man appeared beside him with a lollipop in his mouth as he smirked at the girls.
"Chanyeol, didn't you know? Girls like to squeal shit like that", said Baekhyun.
Jisoo gasped at his words, whispering furiously his name.
Her friends didn't seem to mind, as they stared at her boyfriends dreamily.
"Guys! Hey!", said Jisoo, snapping her fingers in front of them to wake them up from their daydreaming.
"Ops! Sorry Unnie, When I see beautiful things I have to appreciate it", said Lisa, winking at Jisoo.
"I see we have the same mind, Lisa isn't it? I'm Baekhyun", said Baekhyun, offering his hand to shake hers.
Jisoo glared at him before introducing them to her friends.
"Lisa, Jennie, and Chaeyoung. This is Baekhyun and Chanyeol oppa! Oppa, this is my best friends and I love them very much!", said Jisoo.
"Careful, I might be jealous", muttered Chanyeol at Jisoo's loving face towards her friends.
"Welcome to our humble home! I hear about you guys all the time!", said Baekhyun excitedly.
"I mean if I know your house was this huge, I would've come sooner.", shrugged Jennie.
All of them laughed at her words, then Chanyeol and Baekhyun get inside first as they invited the girls to come in.
When both of them disappeared, the three girls turned to Jisoo with a playful look.
"What?", asked Jisoo.
"You sneaky girl! Snatching all the handsome ones, huh?", said Jennie.
"Unnie! They're like Disney princes", gushed Chaeyoung.
"Trust me, they are far from Disney princes.", answered Jisoo with a deadpanned look.
"Still!! How did you get them boys, damn girl!", teased Lisa.
Jisoo rolled her eyes and pulled her bestfriends inside the house.
"Come onn let me introduce you guys to my other boyfriends"
"Wait! I swear to god if your other men are as hot as the four that we already met, you need to teach me your ways!", shrieked Jennie.
"I can't handle a bunch of beautiful men! I'm gonna choke at the air", panicked Lisa. Jisoo and Chaeyoung laughed at her exaggerated words.
It turned out Lisa didn't choke at all.
The EXO brothers welcomed their girlfriend bestfriends warmly. Jisoo was proud at how caring they all are towards people who's important to her. The girls keep giving Jisoo a teasing look when they saw how handsome each of her boyfriend is.
Now they've all finished dinner together in the dining room. Dinner was nice, Jisoo and Kyungsoo cooked chicken steak and mashed potatoes because chicken is Jisoo's favorite food. They're all still sitting around the table, talking and laughing together.
Jisoo smiled at how Lisa laughed with Jongdae and Baekhyun about the newest video games and how her boyfriend Bambam goes nuts for the games.
She glanced to her left to see Jennie talking animatedly with Tao about fashion and how the newest Gentle Monster collection would come out this spring.
Across her table, Chaeyoung is busy talking with Chanyeol about guitars and music. Jisoo noticed that somehow the both of them matched with each other. Both of them are tall and loves guitar. She crushed that feeling of envy deep inside her heart when both of them noticed she was looking at them and Chanyeol smiled lovingly at her. Chaeyoung smiled at her excitedly as she continued to talk about a new singer that she liked to Chanyeol.
Yixing and Junmyeon is busy discussing about some new novel that just came out. She didn't know what Minseok, Kris, and Luhan oppa is talking about because they're too far. Sehun is busy teasing Kyungsoo like the maknae he is, making Kyungsoo annoyed.
"Baby, are you happy?", asked Jongin softly.
She turned to face Jongin who sat beside her, smiling.
"Of course! My favorite people in world are together with me."
Jongin smiled and reached for hand, kissing her knuckles.
"I'm glad"
Jisoo stand up from her chair, making all the conversations halted at her move. She cleared her throat before announcing, "I'm going to the bathroom."
When nobody answered her, Baekhyun asked, "Ok baby, Do you want me to come with you?"
Jisoo blushed when everyone laughed at his words.
"No, Thank you sweetheart.", gritted Jisoo as she turned around to go to the bathroom.
"I love you too, babe!", answered Baekhyun.
When Jisoo is gone from the room, the three girls faced EXO with a stern expression.
"Ok, now let me tell you all something. Jisoo is my bestie and if any of you hurt her, I won't hestitate to punch your important reproductive part of the body!", said Jennie.
Lisa and Chaeyoung nodded furiously, eventhough Chaeyoung was a bit disturbed with the last part. There's no need for violence, thought her.
Sehun squeaked as he covered the part between his legs. He could imagine the pain clearly in his mind.
The EXO brothers look at each other before Luhan finally said something.
"I promise you girls, we'll take care of her as long as she let us"
Jennie, Lisa, and Chaeyoung look at each of the EXO members and saw their sincere and earnest faces.
They really did love her in this kinda weird relationship.
Jennie never know someone who had this kind of relationship before, but if this is what Jisoo wants and happy with, she would always support her.
No matter what.
Best friends forever, right?
Jennie nodded as she catched each gaze of the EXO members.
Did you all noticed that I never write a smut scene between Jisoo and Junmyeon?? Well, here it is
And finally the rest of BP met EXO lolll
Stay tuned for the next Epilogue!