The Boy With Open Eyes.

By BLuEBL0Od1000

568 26 4

His siblings lay motionless and have given up, but he won't close his eyes as they did. Right? He'll find a w... More

Chapter 1: Why can't they see me?
Chapter 2: A Normal Day?
Chapter 3: Daily tasks
Chapter Four: What are their names?
Chapter Five: Hanging out and doing business
Chapter 6: Character Info
Chapter 7: Hospital Visit?
Chapter 8: Love Isn't a Game
Chapter 9 - It's Fun As Long As Your Not The Victim
Chapter 10: Dad's Sacrifice
Chapter 12: Silence
Chapter 13: Please Come Back
Chapter 14: Tears
Chapter 15: Father
Chapter 16: Everyone Loses their Mind
Chapter 17: Real crunchy
Chapter 18: Can you hear me?
Chapter 19: Take Charge!
Chapter 20: Such a LOVELY book!
Chapter 21: Just Singing
Chapter 22: Suspicious
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Happy New Years!
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Book Two!

Chapter 11: Promises Are Meant To Be Broken

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By BLuEBL0Od1000

Third Person

Cooper's Grandpa or should we call him Grandpa Cody? Anyways, he went to go check on his stupid son he hates and see why he wouldn't respond to any of the kids letters or calls to him when they had been worried for who knows how long already? He continued walking om the dirt-way leading to the kingdom where he could get some answers on what may be the dilemma or maybe their Dad was to busy with work to see any of their calls. He honestly thought they were being to paranoid about him, who knows that he could be completely fine but unable to answer them at the moment since being king isn't as easy as they make it look. To much paperwork with not enough time each and everyday can get quite hard to finish as time goes on to the point you just can't do it anymore.

It was nothing to him when they said he didn't answer because there's going to be a time where your parent is busy and needs to concentrate at least once in everyone's life, like don't your parents tell you to quiet down when their on the phone or that their to busy at the moment to talk with you? It's only for a while and you'll have to learn to deal with it whether you like it or not sometimes so just do something in the meanwhile. Grandpa continued walking to the pathway for a while knowing that this would take a few hours at most to get to by foot but he wanted to make those kids stop annoying him so he would continue to walk there until he got the evidence that everything was fine and there was nothing to see there. He would never understand why not answering a few phone calls is the end of the world for people but sometimes it's just things like life that gets in the way of things making people busy quite often at most. His footsteps crunchy from the leaves on the dirt fall as it was fall and this was usually the time to rack leaves to jump in the pile or step on crunchy leaves for their sweet satisfying sound they make quite often except at time where they look crunchy but aren't when stepped on.

This will take a while to make it to that kingdom and Grandpa wanted to turn back already since he hated seeing that evil twin that is a danger to even his own kids to the point they had to leave for their own safety. Leaving their Dad to be stuck with a man who held no sentimental value of Dad's life in his heart, which makes its easier for him to hurt another person he cares nothing about. It wouldn't be a problem for anyone to kill if they didn't care about the person they planned on killing which causes so many people that would kill during the purge cause no one would hold it against them. These thoughts were really starting to bug Grandpa Cody since he didn't care if that so called son of his died because he stayed behind for a dumb treaty but his grandkids wouldn't let him rest until he went over there himself with a pocket knife just in case something went wrong. This pocket knife was given to him by his one and only friend when he was alive, yet it has been used more than you would think so he brought it since he's still stuck at the age 28 thanks to his magic so he doesn't look old even if he was alive more many decades already.

Cooper's P.O.V.

Something was wrong I could sense it for quite a while now that it was aching at me to a point I couldn't ignore it any longer. I just got up from my seat in the dining room and headed towards the exit of the castle to go to Lin's house to get some comfort to forget the feeling that was making me anxious for no reason I could really see besides the trip my Grandpa took to Dad's prison. He said it would be fine so I don't why I feel anxious as I walk out the castle I ignore the stares from people and knock on Lin's door hoping he would answer to which he does after a minute or two. I walk inside his home and plop onto his bed to which he lies next to me with his arm bandaged brand new again, we stay laying there for who knows how long before I just hug Lin wanting some comfort from him. He hugs me back seeming to understand that I need to be hugged for a while so we stay there and it does help me calm down as his heart beat is steady making me feel better after a few minutes.

Eventually we just talk until the topic of when he developed feelings for me somehow surprisingly came up in our conversation to which I said

" If you want you don't need to tell me yet because were here together noe but if you want to that's your choice" I say turning to him with a smile.

He smiles before saying back
"I think in the at the beginning of the second year we were friends that I realized I liked you. It took a lot to understand that I liked boys and not girls so that was that" he said shyly.

I just nod knowing it took a while for me to understand that as well though he didn't seem done talking so I waited and he continued

"It took so long to confess to you especially since you were oblivious to my attempts. Once I confessed I was nervous for your answer but waited but then you said you would give it a chance I couldn't have been happier" he said tearing up a bit.

I wiped away his tears and pulled him into a tight hug giving him moving my hand in circles on his back to calm him down a bit. I honestly couldn't say that didn't make me want to date anymore than I already did before he said that to me. I probably look a but red in the face right now but of course Lin couldn't see that while we're in this hugging position for now at least unless he faces me then he'll probably make me more red which would literally kill me. He always does make me feel better when he's happy because smiles are quite contiguous apparently when I'm with Lin but everything about him always makes me smile sometimes without even knowing I am. It really was worth giving him a chance that it might be the greatest thing I ever did to the point I'm glad that he asked me out because I probably wouldn't have caught on.

I wonder how Lin feels right now about this, my guess is that he must be super happy just hoping that he won't cry because seeing him cry is painful to see since he never really cries. I'm confident that Dad will be fine and Grandpa will probably be annoyed we got him worried for no reason all these days when we got no response from Dad. It might just be work that's keeping him busy just like when I build then I get to into it and don't really hear when people are calling for me since I mainly focus on the gadgets or robot I'm making. It might just be me being paranoid since that attack on the castle really got everyone on edge and more on guard since that occured two months ago. Dad is the type to always make it through the harshest of things and he would never leave us since he loves us very much from how much he showers us with affection every day we say him.

He must be talking with an ally or forgot to check his device to see if he missed anything while working so hard as king with all that paperwork and having to do daily checks. Like checking families for any issues there might be and later fix them as best he can with his smarts and ability to talk things out. Everything should be alright at least like it always has been since it's not like my Dad can't handle my Father now that were not there anymore.


I had basically spent the day at Lin's house fooling around not worrying about Father any longer since he didn't like Lin for no reason that I know of. I wandered how my Grandpa was doing and if he made it to the kingdom by now as it had been four hours since he left on foot to prove it's all fine over where Dad is. I somehow don't have that feeling that was telling me that something bad happened anymore, maybe the feeling went away because whatever was happening ended now? I am sure that Grandpa is going to come back grouchy from having to walk there for no reason in the end and having us lectured over phone by Dad. Everything honestly felt just fine and nothing seemed to change that so here I was enjoying my time with Lin slowly getting used to my new home day by day now.

Nothing could possibly go wrong iver there even when the attacked occured only 5-10 people died and many were injured but fine to say the least. Everything was and is going to be alright.

Back to the journey to Dad

Grandpa was almost there in five to ten minutes or so of walking until the kingdom would appear in front of him. After having walked quietly for a while he sees that people are panicked and a bit injured as well from who knows what happened while he made his way here. Everyone was to concentrated on the severely injured to notice that a royal had come into their presence watching them in wander from how chaotic it looked. It really things worse when some of the house were in shambles lit on fire losing all the things the house had held to those people who know could only panic. He made his way to what was the castle and it seemed that the man who he didn't approve of was looking down at some rubble like it was the most interesting thing in the world as he got closer there was an arm sticking out. It was his sad excuse of a son laying there limp in the burned rubble motionless, Grandpa know knew why he was staring at the rubble the way he did earlier before he got close enough to see.

He didn't know what to thing but the crack phone screen was beeping getting a call from one of the kids, it was Blue's contact that appeared though it seemed Father didn't plan on answering it lime he probably had earlier. This left so many thought running through his head especially when he touched the body to feel it be freezing like in North Pole which made him wonder how long had be been alive and dead as well. It really left mostly questions in his head as he comprehended this whole situation in front of him for a few minutes straight trying to figure it out. How would the kids react to their now dead Dad now left with their Father still alive sadly and it seems that something big must have happened for him to die since he has very hugh tolerance to pain with good fighting skills at that. Before Grandpa could say anything Father spoke up

"I survived because I didn't try saving anyone and he died succeeding in saving people which is hilariously stupid since no one was really in danger to begin with" he says in a snobby tone.

He didn't care about hid death he just found it stupid and funny to see he died for something so unimportant when in the village many people had injuries but were otherwise fine if given some bandages. Everyone seemed thankful that he had saved them whole Father was poking fun at a person who has been dead for who knows how long? By the looks of the injuries it seemed it didn't instantly kill him but eventually they were the cause of death as they were left untreated leaving them to get infected. This looks like a slow and painful way to die in excruciating pain with no comfort from anyone or seeing your kids one last time before death claims you to death soon. It would take a while to see how long he suffered like this before he succumbed to his wounds since some were burn marks that were not so pretty to look at for long.

It was a disaster an unprecedented disaster that happened in such a short but quick attack in between the few days that the kids were now gone from their old home now. What way of death should he tell the kids Dad died so it seemed he wasn't in much pain for hours before passing away succumbing to his wounds eventually and painfully to. He could possibly tell Petals the oldest how he actually died but then she might yell it out in a argument with her siblings causing them all to know and question me about how he actually died. As harsh it is to lie to them kids sometimes can't handle the news of their Dad being dead and was in excruciating pain until he finally died hours later and body was found a few hours or days later after he had passed away. One couldn't help be sad when they hear the news of their now dead Dad who was a great parent and died hours later to his wounds then corpse was found hours or days later afterwards.

It seemed the town's folks were thankful that their other king had helped them, but they didn't know he died yet and they all seemed eager to give their thanks to him in words or gifts maybe even both for the matter. Though there is nothing they can give him as he is dead and won't be able to use these things of course though words of thanks at his funeral would be appreciated by him. Anyone would want to know that their death helped people and that they didn't fail them when the person was alive indeed, it also says in his will that any may come to his funeral even if they aren't royal. Which is sweet as usually the towns folk have to watch from a distance and make an appointment to pay their condolences in this kingdom though in the now dead kings kingdom anyone may come join the funeral as the death of the king brings sorrow to everyone in the kingdom. His written will may be taken care of later as they have to make sure that the things in the will are still safe and can be given as there was attack so some things being broken need to be counted for the sake of the will.

Everything was in good condition since they were hidden well but the will tells you where each of these are hidden but it did take a while to find every single one of the items as there was some riddles. There would be a lot to do now that he was no longer alive to keep the peace and balance between everyone around him from his subjects to his family. Things aren't going to be the same now that he was dead and had a small chance of being brought back with the kingdom's witch who knows how to revive people but now that we don't know how long he's been dead then he has a smaller chance of coning back again. He could be brought back so they would just try to take the chance to do so before anyone else can find out what had happened to him so people don't panic now that their powerful ruler is dead with a small chance of being brought back. And if he wasn't brought back then how would they make it seem like he didn't due in vain so that the kids don't blame their Father or anyone for his death causing chaos between the children and their horrible Father.

As soon as they began covering his body with a blanket he seemed to have gasped sitting up which was a huge relief until he saw the Father and began cry. Several tears going down his face as he held on to himself causing Father to try to hit him without actually succeeding in trying to get him to stop, Grandpa along with others tried to get him to calm down without any success so far. Then he stopped abruptly like if a realization had hit for a moment then he let go continuing to cry then started apologizing and saying

"I'm such a horrible Dad for doing this. I am such a horrible person for trying I can always be better than that horrible man" he saud almost to quickly to make out.

Then he continued again with

"At least my kids will be safe and they won't get to see their sorry excuse for a Dad again. It makes me happy to know that I secured their happiness and didn't leave them when I was told I could" he said before slowing down his breath.

No pulse was found it must have meant he must have a lot if determination to come back even if it was only for a moment or two.


Grandpa came home to see them all waiting before he said to them

"Your Dad is dead but now a hero for saving the whole kingdom. Your Father is still alive at least" he said with dread.

Everyone didn't seem to process what he had said just now.

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