Three Weeks Later
Third Person POV:
The Todoroki family was outside and enjoying the afternoon, after some fresh snow had fallen in the morning. Even Rei was there and was happy to be spending time with her children. Well, two of them.
Endeavor, however, didn't allow himself to enjoy that time, no matter how much he'd been longing to spend it with his family. He felt a bitter ache in his heart, if he was going to enjoy time off like this, he wanted to see his whole family. But he knew that Shoto and Toya weren't there. And likely never would be.
Endeavor felt so much regret for what happened to Toya, it was all his fault, if it wasn't for him getting upset with Shoto that one time, his oldest son would be alive.
Endeavor wished he could see Toya one last time to tell him how sorry he was. Actually, he wanted that for both his oldest and estranged youngest, Shoto. Endeavor didn't want forgiveness. But he wanted both of his sons to know how much he regretted everything that happened to them, and how much he wished that he gave them an at least decent childhood, and life, for one of them.
Endeavor felt his heart ache more, as he remembered the first time he saw both his sons. Toya was more noisy and seemed to understand what life was going to look like from the get-go. Endeavor couldn't say he blamed him for not being super happy. But Endeavor still felt a sense of attachment to him. Especially after seeing how much Toya looked like him.
Shoto however, was quiet, peaceful, and even cuddled up to Endeavor a bit when he first held him. Endeavor even back then felt touched and felt an unmistakable love for the infant he was holding.
Shoto looked like both him and Rei in the best ways, and Endeavor could not understand why everyone else disliked the boy so much, when he was so small and so easy to take care of. He was certainly more grounded in comparison to his other siblings. And he rarely asked for anything other than to spend some time with his family, at that time the main person to accept his invitations was Toya.
Both children were very loving, though, right from the start. Toya would in up and hug his family, Shoto would sometimes crawl into bed with Endeavor and Rei and cuddle up to them. Especially when Toya first saw Shoto, and asked his mother if he could hold him. And after roughly ten minutes of holding his baby brother, it was already obvious that Toya loved Shoto more than anyone else in the family. And it soon became obvious that Shoto returned those feelings.
Even if it wasn't obvious, Endeavor really did love both of them, even back then. But his other goals and ambitions got in the way, and ruined his relationship with his children and his wife.
Even so, Endeavor remembered running into the kitchen that night when Shoto was five, and feeling genuine panic and real, parental instincts kick in as he saw the child crying and screaming in pain on the floor while holding his burning face. Part of the reason he sent Rei away was because he genuinely feared his son's safety. Which turned out to be a valid fear later. Although, that safety precaution came at a cost, his other children's treatment of their youngest brother.
Now there was no fixing anything. His two children were gone, and while he still had the rest of his family, it wasn't the same. He would always feel the holes where Shoto and Toya were supposed to be.
Endeavor would also admit, he didn't want to look Rei, or his other children in the eye. Not after how they treated Shoto, all because of an assumption. What he heard from Rei, from the start, she never even considered him her own child. She burned him on purpose, and threw a vase at him when he tried connecting with her again. Endeavor sighed.
He couldn't completely ostracize them, he knew that would be horribly hypocritical. But at the same time, Shoto was gone, and very few times did they acknowledge it. Maybe it was just his previous obsession with his quirk. But Endeavor felt slightly sick at how little the family cared about the youngest member running away at eighteen years old thanks to how he was treated.
Endeavor wanted to cry, remembering when Shoto was so tiny that he hadn't even opened his eyes yet. He was so small he could literally fit in the palm of Endeavor's hand. To think of how much that child would suffer in later years...
But, Endeavor wasn't supposed to worry about that, not right now at least, he had to go to the reveal of the knew top ten pro-heroes, if any changes were made.
He wasn't exactly thrilled to go anymore. Endeavor was excited to go the first three times when he first became a top-hero, but after a while it just got old.
Essentially, it would be kind of like a graduation, where they just announce the top ten heroes as it currently stands.
If there was a change made, the new heroes on the list would get an invitation in the mail asking them to go because they were in the top ten.
Usually loads of people come, including the news in order to let everyone else know if or when the list was changed.
The Next Day
Midoriya: Shoto, don't worry, he might not pay attention.
Midoriya and Todoroki were getting both their hero costumes on and getting ready for the announcement. Todoroki was nervous, since he knew that Endeavor would be there.
Todoroki: I'm fairly certain he'd start paying attention once he hears that his son who ran away is in the top ten.
Midoriya shrugged and started putting his gloves on, leaving his left glove off.
Midoriya: Well, nobody's really forcing us to talk to him. Maybe we can just try to avoid him?
Todoroki looked away.
Todoroki: Maybe, but...
Midoriya stepped closer and pulled his husband into a hug. Pulling away slightly to look at him.
Midoriya: Shoto, look at me, you earned this. Even if he does try talking to you, don't let him ruin this for you. You're in the top ten! This is supposed to be a time to feel really happy and proud of yourself. Besides, I'll be right next to you the whole time. It'll be okay.
Todoroki smiled at Izuku and pulled him into a kiss. When they pulled away both of them saw their wedding rings as Izuku started putting his left glove on.
Shoto held his left hand up, making his ring more visible with a small smile.
Todoroki: Think anyone will notice?
Izuku shrugged.
Midoriya: I dunno, but it might be a good idea to start thinking about telling everyone. So far, only our old classmates and close family know that, and about Yuki for that matter. Maybe, if they notice and ask, we might as well say something.
Shoto nodded in agreement.
Todoroki: If they don't notice, we'll figure out another time.
Izuku nodded and the pair walked inside the stage area together, you weren't allowed to have kids in the stage area, so All Might was with Yuki in the audience. Shoto and Izuku stayed clear of Endeavor, but after a bit Izuku got sick.
Todoroki: Izuku?
Izuku quickly ran over to a trash can and threw up a couple times. Shoto ran over and gently patted him on the back. Izuku laughed.
Midoriya: Uuugh... I nearly forgot...
Shoto smiled and hugged Izuku.
Todoroki: So did I, not a nice reminder it looks like?
Izuku shook his head.
Midoriya: No, and at some point I'll have to contact my agency and tell them what's going on. Based on the rules I'll have to take leave soon. So this ceremony might be a bit pointless on my end...
Shoto nodded and after they made sure Izuku was feeling better, the two met up with Kirishima and Bakugo when walking around.
Midoriya: Hi, Kacchan and Kirishima!
Bakugo: Hey, Deku. Icy-Hot.
Todoroki: Hi.
Midoriya: You guys are in the top ten, too?
Kirishima shook his head.
Kirishima: No, Katsuki is. I'm number fourteen.
Midoriya: Well, that's still pretty good, right? And is Tashi...?
Bakugo smiled and pointed toward where the audience was.
Bakugo: She's in the crowd with her grandparents.
The pair nodded in understanding.
Midoriya: Yeah, Yuki's with her grandfather too. This next one is with me right now, though.~
Both Kirishima and Bakugo's jaws dropped.
Kirishima: You're joking.
Izuku shook his head.
Midoriya: Nope, four months in. I'm just starting to show.
Then Bakugo looked down before asking.
Bakugo: So, no reply from your mom yet?
Midoriya shook his head.
Midoriya: No. And I'm not sending another letter.
Bakugo: Smart move. Hey, I actually wanted to mention something to you, Izuku?
Midoriya tilted his head.
Midoriya: What is it?
Bakugo quickly made sure nobody was eavesdropping.
Bakugo: I, think I might be the reason your mom hated Icy-Hot. When we were still on bad terms and what not, I remember your mom asking about what I thought of Icy-Hot, and I wasn't exactly filtering any grudge I felt. So thinking about it now, especially when you mentioned all of the arguments she used against Half'N'Half, I think it was my fault... if it was, I'm sorry. It just seems like the most logical answer to me. She wouldn't usually develop such a strong bias against someone unless she was convinced to.
Midoriya looked down and tried to process this. Then he gave a weak smile.
Midoriya: Well, we can't know that for sure unless my mom confirms it. And I get the feeling that she's long gone by now...
Bakugo: Are you sure you aren't upset...?
Midoriya: I'm sure, I'm about ready to just forget about the whole thing at this point. Don't feel bad, Kacchan.
Then the announcements started, Kirishima went to where Tashi and her grandparents were. Then the group went on stage and started to hear names getting called out.
As far as they knew, the first five were the same as last year, then they reached the top five.
Announcer: Number 5 Hero: Deku!
Midoriya stepped a pace forward and gave Todoroki a quick smile. Then he peered over at Endeavor and saw him looking forward.
Announcer: Number 4 Hero: Shouto!
Todoroki stepped forward and the couple saw Endeavor do a double take and look over at him. Shoto tried ignoring him, but in the process spotted the rest of his family near the back.
Announcer: Number 3 Hero: Dynamite!
Bakugo stepped forward and waved at Kirishima and Tashi.
Announcer: Number 2 Hero: Winged Hero: Hawks!—Who... is not able to attend today!
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow tilted their heads and looked at each other in confusion, as a bit of murmuring started.
Announcer: And, Number 1 Hero: Flame Hero: Endeavor!
People cheered as all names were announced. Endeavor had definitely earned the respect of most people over the past five years. Although he himself found a new respect for All Might, as he didn't realize how tough being Number 1 actually was.
However, Endeavor was more focused on Todoroki, obviously. So was the rest of the family who were staring at Shoto as he gave Izuku a smile.
Then a news castor gasped and pointed out his wedding ring. So did multiple stations.
Reporter: Shouto! I'm noticing a wedding ring on your finger, are you married?
Todoroki nodded immediately.
Todoroki: Yes, I am.
Todoroki's family was completely taken aback.
Reporter: Oh! Who's the lucky woman? If I can ask?
Shoto gave a slightly nervous smile and spoke up, pulling Izuku to him as the other hero started pulling his glove off.
Todoroki: Well, he's not a woman, and I'd say that Izuku and I are both very lucky.
Then Izuku held up his hand showing off his wedding ring, followed by Shoto pulling him into a loving kiss, causing loud gasps and cheers from the crowd. Endeavor and the Todoroki family were staring in shock.
Reporter: Oh, sorry for the assumption! But congratulations, Deku and Shouto! How long have you two been married now?
Then Midoriya spoke up, as the two were side-hugging each other.
Midoriya: About five years, actually.
This caused and even bigger reaction from the crowd. Then the Reporter noticed Endeavor and beamed.
Reporter: So, your dad is ironically looking pretty frozen over there, how did he react to the news?
Todoroki looked at Endeavor and then back at the Reporter, holding Izuku tighter.
Todoroki: Actually... he just found out about it...
Then the questions turned to Endeavor. And the crowd went nuts.
A Few Minutes Later
The couple walked out and gave Yuki a hug as soon as the reporters and crowd would allow them. Seeing as at that point they were asking Endeavor about how he was feeling and whatnot.
Now they were getting ready to leave when Shoto noticed Fuyumi approaching them. Yuki was with her grandfather and started heading home already. Izuku gave Shoto a reassuring glance and squeezed his hand.
Fuyumi eventually reached them, and Shoto was ready for anything she could say or do.
Todoroki: Um, hi.
Fuyumi stood there for a minute, as this was the first time she'd seen her youngest brother in five years.
F. Todoroki: Sorry, I just wanted to congratulate you for making the top ten, Number 4 especially. Everyone else is still shocked by the other thing, so I'm saying this for all of them.
Fuyumi looked down then.
F. Todoroki: Father was the one that wanted to approach you the most, but he has to deal with the press right now, we doubt he'll be let go for another ten minutes at least, and he figured you might not want to see him at the moment. But, he wanted to ask you if you'd be open to meeting up with us sometime...? You can pick where, he just wants to see you again.
Shoto didn't entirely believe the last part. But after some thought, figured that it would only be a one time occurrence, and then they could go back to the way things were.
Todoroki: Alright, I'll need to talk to Izuku about this, but we could just have you visit our apartment for an hour. I don't think there'll be an issue.
Izuku looked down and spoke up.
Midoriya: Yeah, it's okay if you visit for a little bit.
Fuyumi nodded and gave the pair a smile.
F. Todoroki: Okay, I'll tell father. It was, nice seeing you again.
Midoriya responded back to be polite.
Midoriya: Nice seeing you, too.
Shoto just waved, unable to say the same thing to his sister. After she left, Shoto was still motionless, and Izuku grabbed Shoto's hand as the couple started walking home behind Yuki and All Might.
Midoriya: Honey, are you okay...? With this visit?
Shoto nodded.
Todoroki: This will only be once, then we'll be left alone again. This is just to tie up loose ends, and put all feelings in the open one last time. I just don't want them to do the same damage to Yuki that they did to me. So, I'd rather leave Yuki out of the meeting if that's okay.
Midoriya: That's completely fine, we don't have to mention her or the pregnancy during the meeting. But what if they want to stay in contact after this...? You and I both know how much pain they caused you, I don't want you to go through that again... Or even relive any of that...
Todoroki: I know, we'll figure something out. But for now we just need to get this visit over with. As long as it's short and it goes well, I'm not concerned. Especially if we get to keep what we had before they decided to meet up...
Midoriya: Alright, but remember I'm right here for you, okay? I love you...
Shoto smiled and pulled his husband in for a kiss.
Todoroki: I love you too.
Then they went home, when they got there Yuki spoke up.
Yuki: Daddy? Who was that?
Todoroki: That was your aunt, sweetie. She wanted to congratulate your father and I for being in the top ten.
Yuki looked a bit confused. She had only heard about Todoroki's side of the family a few times. And every time she had heard about them, it seemed like her father didn't like them. So it was weird to hear that her aunt had actually complimented her parents.
She didn't really want to meet them either way, they sounded kind of mean, especially towards her father.
Yuki: Okay.
Then the family went on like normal for the rest of the day.
Meanwhile however, Endeavor was both in shock, and over the moon. He'd finally be able to properly apologize to his youngest for everything he went through.
He also couldn't forget hearing Shoto announce his marriage to Midoriya, nor could he forget the sight of them hugging and kissing each other for the country to see. They looked so happy and frankly, natural together. Endeavor now wished he had been to the wedding. He also wished that his marriage with Rei was more romantic for her.
But he couldn't waste this opportunity. This was probably the last chance that Shoto would ever give for contact. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes. Endeavor couldn't blame him.
Endeavor was going to put as much effort as possible into making that meeting go well.