โ› ๐ ๐ž๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž. ๐–ป๐—๐—Œ ๐–บ๐–ฝ๏ฟฝ...

By Galaxy_Blue3

1.1M 36.8K 7.7K

BOOK ONE. โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค โ ๐—Œ๐—๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐— ๐–ฟ๐—ˆ๐—‹ ๐—๐—๐–พ ๐—†๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐—‡. ๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—‡ ๐—‚๐–ฟ ๐—’๐—ˆ๐—Ž ๐—†๐—‚๐—Œ๐—Œ, ๐—’๐—ˆ๐—Ž'๐—…๐—… ๐—Œ๐—๐—‚๐—…๐—… ๐—…๏ฟฝ... More

โ–น Lee George.
โ–น The Ellen Show.
โ–น Twitter.
โ–น Surprise vacation.
โ–น Defending the fans.
โ–น The Tumblr discovery.
โ–น George the therapist.
โ–น Claimed.
โ–น The Maknae Line loving George moments.
โ–น The clingy pup.
โ–น Ariana Grande.
โ–น Twitter.
โ–น Mood swings.
โ–น Backstage at the BBMAs | Interview.
โ–น Kpupdates; The break in.
โ–น Making amends.
โ–น Burn The Stage; George's anxiety attack.
โ–น BTS Run! Wake up call.
โ–น Exam advise.
โ–น The old ladies
โ–น KPupdates; George opens up.
โ–น Jin babying George.
โ–น George's birthday surprise.
โ–น A whiny Maknae.
โ–น George's assumptions.
โ–น Lost in the city.
โ–น The sickness bug.
โ–น George reacts; a fan youtube video.
โ–น Scandals George has been involved in
โ–น George's rollercoaster adventure
โ–น The deep scratch
โ–น Allergic reaction
โ–น Opening up
โ–น Manager George
โ–น Scaredy cat
โ–น The bathroom meetings
โ–น George being awkward moments.
โ–น George's teasing
โ–น Wisdom teeth
โ–น The little girl
โ–น Always be your mother
โ–น A second chance?
โ–น Loyalty
โ–น George being cute and caring with the staff
โ–น George Reacts; Fans Edits.
โ–น He's fixed
โ–น Cheesy lines
โ–น FaceTime calls
โ–น The gift
โ–น Mischief
โ–น Broken handle
โ–น Twitter
โ–น Caught?
โ–น Bets and broken hearts
โ–น Unwell
โ–น Idols that have crushes on George
โ–น She likes you
โ–น A jealous Jimin
โ–น KPupdates
โ–น Rudolph
โ–น Pimple peach
โ–น George Lee day
โ–น In denial
โ–น Just another morning
โ–น Found a way
โ–น The Grammys
โ–น Well looked after
โ–น I promise
โ–น Finally free
โ–น The mean maknae
โ–น A good man
โ–น Cuddles equal happiness
โ–น Cuddling the babies
โ–น Bothering the hyung
โ–น The chilled out evening
โ–น Appreciating George
โ–น The tough decision
โ–น The best surprise
โ–น George being protective moments
โ–น The simple smiley face
โ–น The iconic moments
โ–น Loving the attention
Just addressing things
โ–น The leaders comfort
โ–น Furious George
โ–น Midnight Rain
โ–น Introducing BB
โ–น The older brother
โ–น A sense of normality
โ–น Maybe one day
โ–น The silly speculation
โ–น George the bias wrecker
โ–น The newest addition
โ–น Introducing Pluto Lee
โ–น the bathing mayhem
โ–น The start of a collab
โ–น Stress gone overboard
โ–น Twitter; the reactions
โ–น The perfect ending
โ–น George the love doctor
โ–น George vs zombies
โ–น George x a female member
โ–น Playing with pluto
โ–น George's dream came true
โ–น The collab release
โ–น The new bear
โ–น The lost pup
โ–น Home sweet home
โ–น The start of something new
โ–น A kiss on the cheek
โ–น The youtube channel
โ–น Yoongi's soft spot
โ–น Just come home
โ–น The Comeback
โ–น Happy December
โ–น Line Without A Hook
โ–น Just like old times
โ–น The snow battle
โ–น George appreciation
โ–น The barking competition
โ–น The heartbreak exchange
โ–น A day in the life video
โ–น A whole lotta love
โ–น The start of the series
โ–น On a short fuse
โ–น Embracing the changes
โ–น Making things official
โ–น Slush Puppie argument
โ–น Attempting the trend
โ–น We can trust her
โ–น The pro dogsitters
โ–น BTS MUSTER 2021
โ–น Meeting the family
โ–น Twitter content
โ–น Wedding bells ringing
โ–น A trip down memory lane
โ–น 'Early Morning Glow'
โ–น I-LAND moments
โ–น Soulmate type of thing
โ–น Special birthday visit
โ–น Award receiving moments
โ–น Study With BTS!
โ–น Almost a widow
โ–น Matching bracelets
โ–น Nobody compares
โ–น The autograph
โ–น Kpupdates: the discovery
โ–น All my fault
โ–น The agencies respond
โ–น Coming to a decision
โ–น A little too expensive
โ–น The eyeball thieves.
โ–น Disgusting medicine
โ–น George at the AMAs.
โ–น The Late Late Show.
โ–น The personal account
โ–น Personal account: pt.2
โ–น Sick on the trip
โ–น The confessional hike
โ–น The birthday key
โ–น Definitely just water
โ–น Home away from home
โ–น Face your feelings
โ–น Weverse chaos
โ–น Communication is key
โ–น Scheming, scheming
โ–น When to walk away
โ–น The first goodbye
โ–น Totally mysterious vibes
โ–น Jimin x George moments
โ–น Ambassador George
โ–น His newest chapter
โ–น Geokook live content
โ–น The lucky one
โ–น Prince Charming
โ–น Real Deal: Episode One
โ–น Sixth Avenue
โ–น Things George does...
โ–น A final farewell

โ–น Still in love

6K 161 38
By Galaxy_Blue3

This a special chapter, different to the usual ones.


Peter always chose Wendy despite Tinkerbell always being there for him.

Hwasa was the same in some aspects. Laying on her bed with her eyes latched onto the ceiling, she bit back her own tears. She had been open with George about her feelings. She was in love with him, that was that.

But he wasn't in love with her because if he was then he wouldn't be crushing on Chungha. He hadn't admitted that, but she thought it. After all, he had been glowing after their conversation.

She had been supportive, acted as though she was happy for him though deep down, secretly she was wishing he'd ruin it. Because as happy she was of him finally taking the steps to move on from his ex girlfriend...he wasn't taking those steps with her and it killed her.

"Hyejin, come on. Don't waste your tears over a silly boy who doesn't deserve you," Moonbyul told her as she sat down beside her.

Hwasa hadn't even noticed she was in the room.

The Maknae of the group laughed and shook her head, more tears sliding down her cheeks. "That's the thing...he's not silly and he deserves me more than anyone. Because George is the best guy there is...I guess that's why I fell for him."

Moonbyul could only sigh at her younger member. She sat down next to her and wrapped her arms around her resting cheek on top of Hwasa's hair.

"You have it bad for him, don't you..."

Hwasa nodded. She was ashamed to admit it. She would swim across the world for that dorky, dramatic idiot.

"Tell him how you feel."

"He already knows-"

"No. Tell him how you feel. Not what everyone else has told him. Tell him how he makes you feel. Because I'm sorry but that man has acted more like a boyfriend to you than a best friend. He's too scared to admit it."

Hwasa was left in her thoughts as Moonbyul exited the room. As if on cue, her phone started to ring and when she checked the ID, she saw it was the man himself.


"Not George, hello! I'm Jin. Sorry to call you out of the blue but I need to tell you something because I'm tired of George being a wimp."

"Um? Excuse me?" A faint voice called in the background. "If you must know I'm more manly than anyone, I'm manlier than the manliest man. Which is me. I'm the manliest man."

Yep, that was the man child she had fallen in love with having a rant in the background.

"Yeah whatever, let me talk to the love of your life in peace. Gosh, can't get some privacy around here."


Hwasa held back her laughs and wiped her eyes barely noticing that he hadn't denied that she was the love of his life.

"Um do you need me to call you back?"

"GET OFF MY FUCKING BACK GEORGE—HMMPH have you gained weight?"

The phone call was cut off. Hwasa pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it just then a very messy text came through.

HEBS IN LOBE WITH YOUP :D — Worldwide Handsome xoxo

Tell him how you feel...

'I'm in lobe him too.'

She then held her phone against her chest and grinned.

Maybe in this story Peter does end up with Tinkerbell....


Hmm will George end up with Hwasa or will the tables turn? Who knows.
So sorry for the lack of updates, I'm currently sick, so I have been struggling a lot. Today is the first time I can somewhat breathe better so yeah hopefully I'm getting over it.

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You're greatly appreciated 💜

- Blue x

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