Star Wars- The Phone Chat

By Wookie79

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The Characters from Star Wars have made a chat, and have bewn assigned to make vlogs, as they go on fun adven... More

Prologue-Part 1
The Chat-Part 2
The Task-Part 3
Vlog- Part 4
The Sith
Eeth Koth and Agen Kolar
The Missing House
Evil Plan For The Sith
The Sith Chat And Clone Chat
The Sith Chatting
The Clones Chatting
The Dinner
Asajj VS Maul- Maul VS Grievous
Maul Betrayed
Plan In Motion
The Vlogs- Anakin Vlog's Part 1
Commander Fox's Vlog Part 1
Fox's Vlog Part 2
Fox's Vlog Part 3
Fox's Vlog Part 4
Fox's Vlog Part 5
Anakin's Vlog Part 2- The Vlogs
Anakin's Vlog Part 3- The Vlogs
Obi Wan's Vlog- The Vlogs
Darth Maul's Revenge
Ruler Of The Sith, Palpatine VS Ruler Of Mandalore, Maul
Anakin's Meeting
Fox VS Fives Part 1
Fox VS Fives Part 2
The Plan Began
Maul Has A Plan
Fox Hates Fives, Fives Hates Fox (small agrument)
Maul Is Doing The Plan
Fox Has Had Enough Of Fives
A Injury & Fox In Trouble
Oh No! Grievous
Prepare For An Attack
Hardcase's Vlog Part 1
Hardcse Vlog Part 2
Hardcase's Vlog Part 3
Hardcase's Vlog Part 4
Reviving FoxFt. Hardcase
Reving Fox Part 2 FT.Hardcase
Happy Birthday Anakin
The Jedi Christmas
Fox & Fives HATE each other
The Sith Do Not Like Maul
Don't Call Obi Wan at 3AM
Anakin Plays Minecraft
Do Not Call Obi Wan at 3AM Part 2
The Sith Will Destroy Maul
Fox Will Get Revenge On Fives
New Character?
Sith Went To Mandalore
Obi Wan's Birthday Part 1
Cad Bane- Chapter 1
Cad Bane- Chapter 2
Cad Bane- Chapter 3
Obi Wan's Birthday Part 2
Fives VS Fox 🥊
Clones Play Minecraft & Clone Chat
Waxer & Boil & Bly & Update on Fives and Fox
Maul is trapped- The Maul story will continue after the clones play minecraft
The Clones Play Minecraft Part 2
Maul Breaks Out
Kenobi V Maul
The Sith Look For Nihilus
Maul Finds Nihilus
Nihilus Chapter 1-Sith In Trouble
The Jedi Find Out About Nihilus
Yoda's Descision
An Important Announcement
Anakin Says Hello To Padme
New Characters
Obi Wan Talks To Qui Gon
Anakin Thinks Obi Wan Likes Satine Part 1
Pong Krell
Pong Krell V Jesse Part 1
Pong Krell V Jesse part 2
Pong Krell V Jesse Part 3
Ahsoka Talks To Anakin Part 1
Anakin Talks To Ahsoka Part 2
Qui Gon & Obi Wan go on a mission Part 1
Qui Gon And Obi Wan go on a mission Part 2
The Sith Are Scared
Revive Fives
New Character 🙂
Another Important Announcement🙂
A Welcome & R2D2 Fights
Anakin's Vlog With Luke, Luke Chapter-1
Anakin V Luke- Luke Chapter 2
Luke Is Not Guilty- Luke Chapter 3
Luke Becomes Friends With Fox
CC-8826 Neyo part 1
CC-8829 Neyo Part 2
Neyo Part 3
Neyo part 4
The Jedi & Clone Party
Fox And Luke Run Away (only for a bit)
Neyo Part 5
Neyo Part 6
Neyo Part 7
Neyo Gone Pyhscho
Neyo Arrested
Neyo Gets One More Chance
Neyo Fights Dooku
Anakin Almost Kills Asajj Part 1
Anakin Almost Kills Asajj Part 2
The Clones Birthday Part 1
The Clones Birthday Part 2 & New Character & Fox and Luke Return
Anakin Tells The Council
Fives Tells The Council
Luke Executed
Jedi Attack Luke
Back To The Temple
Luke V Anakin
Fox Is Dead (For Good)
Palpatine Is The Sith Lord
Luke Revived Part 1
Luke Revived Part 2
Anakin's Outdoor Vlog
Easter Part 1
Easter Part 2
R2D2 Has Had It With C-3PO
Anakin Begs The Council For A Vacation
Anakin's Vacation Part 1
The Scary Hour
Obi Wan 3AM
Obi Wan
Padme Lives at the jedi temple
Padme's Room
Luke & Anakin
Remembering Fox
Anakin's & Luke's & Padme's Vlog Part 1
Anakin, Luke & Padme's Vlog Part 2
Savage Finds Maul
Taking Back Mandalore
Clones In Trouble & Noise Complaints
Qui Gon Jinn Vlogs
New Character :-)
Kicked Out For A Week Part 1
Kicked Out For A Week Part 2- Day 1- Obi Wan Makes A Shelter
Kicked Out For A Week Part 3- Day 2- Anakin Plays Tag
Kicked Out For A Week Part 4- Day 3- Luke's Bad Luck
Thank You :)
Kicked Out For A Week Part 5- Day 4- Yoda's Pranks
Kicked Out For A Week Part 6- Day 5- Mace Windu's Duel
Sneak Peek
Kicked Out For A Week Part 7- Day 6- Qui Gon Jinn's Force Ghost
The Clone Wars Finale
May The 4th Be With You- New Characters!
Kicked Out For A Week Part 8- Day 7- The Boat
Kicked Out For A Week- Part 9- Going Home
General Grievous And Order 66
General Grevious - Zabrak
General Grievous- Kit Fisto
General Grievous Part 4- The Hunt For Kit- Greivous V Kit
Obi Wan Sleeps
Finding A House-Minecraft
Han Solo & Chewbacca Is Trapped In The Millennium Falcon
Wolffe HATES C-3PO
New Characters
Leia Is Anakin Daughter
The Sunny Day & Luke Captured
Luke & Maul Stranded
No Cereal
Anakin Faints
Sith Training & Luke In A Coma
The Pumpkin Pie Mission & Yoda Day
Hardcase,Appo & Rex Take Care Of Luke
C-3PO Might Hurt R2D2
Anakin Accdiently Gives Plo Koon Lemons Four Times
Maul Gets Angry
Maul Travel To Jedi Temple
Darth Vader
Maul & Vader VS Obi Wan
Vader And Maul VS Palpatine
C-3PO Hurts R2D2
Boba Fett Search
Angry Darth Maul
Dagobah Part 1
Dagobah Part 2- Maul Has A Mental Breakdown
Qui Gon, Obi Wan & Ahsoka
Sith's Plan
The Clone's Chips
Clones Find Out Anakin Is Vader
The Sith Invade The Jedi Chat & Vader Redeemed
The AT AT Race, AT AT V Qui Gon
Star Wars The Phone Chat- The Saga Continues- IMPORTANT CHAPTER

General Grievous Part 1

16 0 1
By Wookie79

Thank you for @clonetrooperfives for recommending this.

General Grievous had just woke up. General Grievous was now unpainted. He had a good evil plan for the sith, but everyone said it was bad. 

His Plan

He wanted to go to the jedi temple and kill all the jedi

R3 approached General Grievous, "My droid." Grievous said, R3 played a message. 

"Hello Grievous, you have been kicked out the sith for not being helpful. Bye." the message of Dooku said. "What? Dooku was my bestie!" Grievous said angrily. Grievous went on his phone. 

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids HAS JOINED THE CHAT

(every sith is in the chat)

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: u guys can't do this, pls i need 2 support my family

PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: You don't even have a family.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: Please guys y cant we just take over the galxy togrther

DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: Because now you are weak.

PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42 KICKED DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73

Savage_DarthMaulIsMyBrother62 INVITED DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73

DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: You cannot silence ME fools.


DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: Go cry to your battle droid mother you stupid droid. You are a weak sith, the weakest in the history of sith. Why are you even a sith? 

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: i'll let u kno ive killed a lot of jedi XD my username should b GREIVOUS_JEDI_KILLER

TheCount123_Dookuu62: Go away Grievous. Your just ruining our plans. Go become a jedi for all we care.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: Dooku? Whyyy? Pleeeeaaseee. I need this job. :(

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: fine, u all wont survive a day without me

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids HAS LEFT THE CHAT

Grievous was sure mad. Grievous got in his ship and drove to Corusant. Grievous knocked on the door. Anakin opened the door, "GENERAL GRIEVOUS!!!" Anakin yelled and activated his lightsaber, "Jedi scum. I've came to become a jedi." Grievous said, "Yea right." Anakin said (sarcastic) Grievous ran back to his ship. "You are jedi scum." Grievous yelled out his window, "Ok" Anakin yelled back, "Your are not cool" Grievous said, Anakin threw a bomb on his ship. Grievous jumped out of his ship and ran. Grievous went on his phone.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids HAS ENTERED THE CHAT

DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: It's the weak battle droid.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids; Shut up u bald man 

Savage_DarthMaulIsMyBrother62: Do not insult my brother.

DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: Stop being so protective.

TheCount123_Dookuu62: Ok Grievous we've run out of sith, you can come back now

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: should I hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnbufyggturidehybfgt87hresunderbfygt789r54he3onsdriufbuiedeuhrnuiej 

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: Oops i coughed and smashed all the letters smh 

PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: I'm 'SMH' at you, droid.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: wat did i do

PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: You are weak, you couldn't beat Anakin Skywalker.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: Wat???? I though u said 'dont kill him we need to make him darth vaderr'

PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: Shut up

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: cough cough

IAmVentressASAJJ48OwnerOf2RedLightsabers_IAmSithComfirmed: When will we make him Vader?

PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: I don't know

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: hey guys im hacking into the jedi rn LOL

PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: What?

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: im sending battle droids to their account COUGH

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids HAS JOINED The_Jedi_Offical_Group_Chat

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids : hi jedi scum

KiiiAaad1MUndi_58: General Grievous?

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: yes it is me the great general grievous, be afraid jedi

Anakin_Da_Jedi74: LOL like im afraid of u

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: well im not afraid of u either jedi scm

kit_Fisto_jedi48: You miss spelt scum lol

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: shut up

kit_Fisto_jedi48: You miss spelt scum lol

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: jedi r so rude smh

Cody_212th2224_commander: You miss spelt scum lol

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: STOP REPEATING THE SAME THING OMG

AHSOKA63_TAN0_53_Lightsabr: You miss spelt scum lol

Grievous smashed his phone in anger

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids HAS SHARED HIS HOUSE- HOUSE IS AT GeneralGrievousStreet

Anakin_Da_Jedi74; Lets go get him.

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