
By naydoug

1.7M 30.1K 2.9K

Fresh from a divorce from Plastic Surgeon Mark Sloan, Sky Rivers finds a new start at Seattle Grace Memorial... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Season 2 cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10/11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16/17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25/26/27
Season 3 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11/12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15/16/17
Chapter 18/19
Chapter 20/21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Season 4 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9/10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14/15
Chapter 16/17
Season 5 Cast
Chapter 1/2
Chapter 3/4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23/24
Season 6 Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8/9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14/15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18/19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23/24
Season 7
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7/8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Season 8 Cast
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9/10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21/22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Season 9 cast
Mark Dies
Mark Dies pt. 2
Mark Dies pt. 3
Mark Dies pt.4
Mark Dies pt. 5
Mark Lives

Chapter 1

7K 96 6
By naydoug

Owen: "So they're living together at your house, Kepner says." he says to Derek as they work on the house he's building

Derek: "This is my house. Did she say how they're doing?"

Owen: "No. I didn't ask. I don't care. want me to ask, for you?"

Derek: "No. I don't care, either. Hand me a rock."

Mark: "Any better?" he asks as he sits on the edge of the bathtub and holds Sky's hair back as she leans over the toilet

Sky: "No." she groans with a sigh and leans her head against his leg

Mark: "Want some juice?" he holds the cup up to her face and she groans before pushing his hand away and throwing back up in the toilet making him quickly put the cup down so he can hold her hair and rub her back

Teddy: "Hey." she greets Callie and Arizona when they come off the elevator with Sofia in Arizona's arms 

Callie: "Hey."

Teddy: "You guys going to that breakfast thing?"

Arizona: "Uh, yeah, after we drop her off at daycare."

Teddy: "Oh, my god. Look at her. She's so beautiful. Oh, oh. Hey. Hey, you are so beautiful..." she moves over to the other side of Arizona to talk to Sofia as they move over to the nurses desk

Nurse: "Here you go."

Teddy: "And you've got the best mommies. Did you know that? Yes, you do. Oh, you do. Oh, you so do. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello." she says in a baby voice 

Callie: "What is wrong with her?" she gives Teddy a weird look 

Arizona: "Mm, she's getting laid. She's unnaturally cheerful."

Callie: "Oh."

Teddy: "Yes, you do. Peekaboo."

Lexie: "A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. And now you are the doctors." the three hear as they watch Lexie walk down the stairs with a group of people behind them

Man: "Will we be going into an O.R. today?"

Woman: "Oh, I hope so."

Callie: "Oh. New interns. I hate new interns."

Teddy: "Seriously?"

Callie: "Ugh. Mm-hmm."

Teddy: "I love new interns. They're the future, the next generation...filled with hope and promise, innovation."

Arizona: "Wow. The sex with Henry must be really good."

Teddy: "Earth-shattering" she breathes making Arizona cover Sofia's ear while shaking her head playfully "Not even Yang's gonna get me down. No, she's not." she smiles before walking off

April: "Good morning, and, uh, welcome to your final year of residency. Um...this-this breakfast is the one time when all the fifth years and the attendings will be in the same room, use your time wisely, residents...find a mentor...ask questions, get advice on your futures. And, um, I see you're already chatting away, so that's...that's good. Just carry on" she sighs before moving over to where Bailey and Sky are getting food "Dr. Bailey, how did you do it?"

Bailey: "I put down the english muffin first, then the bacon, then the eggs."

April: "Oh, no-"

Bailey: "Now some people may be surprised by this method, thinking you put the bacon on top of the eggs, and those people would be right, see what I'm doing? Bam! An extra layer of bacon right on top. Then you put on the other half of the muffin. And there you go. That's a breakfast sandwich."

April: "Uh, no, no, I, uh, I mean, how did you get people to listen to you as chief resident?"

Bailey: "Dr. Kepner, I am eating. Leave me alone with my food. Figure it out on your own."

April: "Oh, w..." she sighs as she watches Bailey walk away before turning to face Sky "Dr. Rivers, I was hoping to get more time in with trauma."

Sky: "Are you going to have time? I mean with all your chief resident duties?" she asks putting food onto her plate

April: "Um...well I can't say for sure, but I'm willing to give it my all." she gives her a hopeful smile

Sky: "Alright. You can"

April: "You?"

Sky: "In order to prevent stress I've decided to push back my time in the OR...well Mark decided and I went along with it. So I need somebody to pick up my surgeries. I have Owen but he can only be in one place at a time."

April: "You think I can be you?" she asks with a hopeful look in her eyes

Sky: "You impressed both Owen and I during your trauma certification. Wanna see more of what you got."

April: "Oh wow. Uh...thank-thank you. I promise I won't disappoint."

Sky: "Can't wait" she gives her a smile "Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to find a very chocolatey sauce to put over this bacon."

Mark: "You want plastics? I don't see it." he mutters as he chews an apple and walks around the room with Jackson

Jackson: "But let me do a few surgeries with you when you had me spying on Sky."

Mark: "I did."

Jackson: "Then I don't understand."

Mark: "Look you're a good surgeon. Not a great surgeon, but pretty decent."

Jackson: "So..."

Mark: "So, I need more than decent."

April: "Oh! Look, here's the chief! Chief, is there, uh, anything you'd like to say as we embark on our final year of residency?" she asks when Richard comes into the room and everybody becomes silent 

Richard: "You all know what you're doing. Just don't kill anyone" he says as everyone gives him a weird look before going back to their own business "Uh, Meredith, can I see you in my office?" he guides her out the room and April turns the others awkwardly

April: "Well, that was very...inspirational. Thank you, chief."

Owen: "We're going to the scene of an onsite amputation woman's trapped under her car."

April: "Ok sir. Have fun."

Callie: "At an amputation?"

April: "Uh, I-I meant good luck."

Sky: "Were about to be swamped with bodies. Kepner you're in charge." she says leaning against a wall and eating some ice cream

April: "Seriously?"

Sky: "You wanted to show me what you got. Now's your chance."

Cristina: "You know what? There's bound to be piles of head trauma. Derek's gonna have to talk to you." she says when Meredith comes outside with them 

Meredith: "I got fired." she says making everybody look over at her in shock

Lexie: "What?"

Meredith: "The chief fired me." she glares at Alex 

Cristina: "You son of a bitch. I mean, are you happy now? 'Cause this is all because of you. You and your big fat, stupid mouth!" she hits Alex on the back and he moves next to an ambulance and she starts hitting his chest

Alex: "Get off me. Get off!"

Bailey: "Kepner, control your people."

April: "Stop! Stop!" she moves over to try to pull them apart 

Cristina: "All your fault!"

Alex: "Get off."

April: "There's no hitting. No hitting. Would you stop right now?"

Cristina: "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." she whines when Bailey goes over and grabs her behind the neck

Alex: "You going to the scene?"

Man: "Yes."

April: "Wait. Wait. I didn't tell you you could go. I need you here."

Paramedic: "42-year-old female. Lost consciousness en route. Unable to get airway secondary to tracheal injury. Last B. P. is 89 over 60."

Cristina: "Don't worry. We'll figure something out. Make sure there is a crike tray set up with the intubation kit."

Woman: "Yes, doctor."

Bailey: "Come on. You can't be here. You need to go." she says to Meredith as they start wheeling the patient into the ER

Bailey: "I hope you've got me with a decent resident. I'm not babysitting any first-day first years today."

April: "Yep, I got you with Meredith. Oh, wait. Um, that's not gonna...that's okay. Uh, not a problem. I can fix this. Uh, Jackson, can I get you with Bailey today?"

Jackson: "I'm already with Sloan. Sorry."

April: "Uh, okay. Uh, Yang. Yang. Can I get you to-"

Cristina: "No."

April: "Okay. Um, sorry. Hang on. Let me just, um...just figure this out." she looks through her clipboard frantically and Bailey rolls her eys before looking around the room 

Bailey: "Hey, Grey. You're with me."

Lexie: "Yes, ma'am."

April: "Uh, okay. Great. There we go."

Sky: "Dr. Kepner, three more coming in." she points her to the direction of the ambulance bay 

April: "Okay." she nods

Meredith: "Tension pneumothorax. Grab the biggest needle you can find." Sky hears when she walks into a room and sees Meredith standing at a patient's bed

Sky: "What are you doing?"

Meredith: "Tension pneumo. This guy's freaking out."

Sky: "Step away, Grey." she sighs before moving her out the way

Man: "Uh...14-guage? 16-guage?"

Sky and Meredith: "The biggest needle you can find!"

Sky: "Okay. Get this man a chest tube. And next time, call your resident."

Man: "I'm sorry. I-I thought that she was a resident."

Sky: "No, she is not a resident. She was fired by this hospital. Had this man died under her care, the hospital would be sued, you would be sued, hell, maybe even I would be sued. Now get this man a chest tube, and, Grey, get the hell outta here." she snaps in annoyance making Meredith walk away

Sky: "We need a gunther." she tells Richard when she comes to walk beside him 

Richard: "Dr. Rivers, it's the first day of fifth year. I-"

Sky: "And they're at each other's throats. We need a gunther."

Richard: "I've got more pressing problems. I'm trying to find a new spot for Meredith Grey" he says making her pace slow a little as she gives him a look "You know, I heard they have a new research fellowship at Mass Gen. I thought a recommendation from you might-"

Sky: "You want me to write a recommendation for Meredith Grey?"

Richard: "By the end of the day would be fine." he goes to walk away but she stops him

Sky: "To whom it may concern, Meredith Grey is an excellent example of the kind of resident you absolutely should not hire. She undermines groundbreaking clinical trials, she has absolutely no respect for rules, authority, or, as it turns out, the oath that she took when she became a doctor. She will most likely tarnish the reputation of you, your doctors, and your hospital. Sincerely, Dr. Sky Rivers" she finishes, making him sigh "Meredith Grey is the reason we need a gunther." she snaps before walking away

Jackson: "Jerry Hoffman. C.T. showed a traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. I cleaned and splinted his humerus fracture and sutured his facial lacerations."

Derek: "Well, he won't need surgery, but let's do a neuro exam every two hours just to make sure."

Mark: "Let's take a look at your handiwork" he moves over to remove the gauze to see the stitches on Jerry's face "Oh, dear god. My grandmother could sew up a stuffed turkey better than this."

Jackson: "It was...pretty, uh, jagged in there, so-"

Mark: "You ever heard of burying your stitches?"

Jackson: "All right. So I will fix it."

April: "Oh, Jackson. There's a new patient in bed 3."

Jackson: "Kinda busy, April."

Mark: "Yeah, kinda busy turning this guy into Frankenstein. Go. Go. Make yourself useful."

Jackson: "All right, I'm gonna fix this. Mm-hmm."

Derek: "Don't you think you're being a little hard on the kid?"

Jackson: "He's a lightweight. Be thankful you have Meredith."

Derek: "She was fired."

Mark: "She okay?" he asks after a moment of silence 

Derek: "I don't know" she shrugs before they hear Jerry start to groan awak "Mr. Hoffman? Dr. Shepherd. You're at Seattle Grace hospital. There was an accident. A sinkhole collapsed."

Jerry: "My son?"

Derek: "Nicky's on his way in. He's had some severe injuries that they need me to assess, but I promise you, I'm gonna take good care of your son."

Mark: "Hey." he smiles when Sky comes over to where he's at

Sky: "I don't like you." she bluntly states making him look at her at him shock

Mark: "What? Why?"

Sky: "Because you...did me." she points at him before pointing to her stomach and then herself

Mark: "Well from what I remember you liked what I did."

Sky: "That was before all the throwing up, the many, many mood swings, and the fact that there is a giant sinkhole and instead of operating on patients I am dealing with residents and their annoying drama." she says through grit teeth 

Mark: "Yeah but think about the bigger picture...our beautiful baby." he lightly grabs her face and she sighs

Sky: "I don't like you." she states again before walking off and he chuckles at her

Jackson: "Dr. Sloan, I think you're gonna be really impressed by the buried sutures I did here. After you." he pulls back the curtain and they see a woman laying on the bed 

Mark: "That is impressive. It is. Gender reassignment, huh?"

Jackson: "Yeah."

Mark: "Normally they don't teach that till next year."

Jackson: "That's a mistake. This is not-"

Mark: "Call me when you find the right patient. I don't have time for this." he chuckles before walking off 

April: "Hey, uh, I need you to prep trauma 1. We got another sinkhole victim on the way."

Jackson: "Stop asking me to do your work. Do it yourself. And how about you tell me where Jerry Hoffman is?"

April: "What?"

Jacksin: "Jerry Hoffman?"

April: "Um, uh, well, he's supposed to be in bed 1. That's what the board says. He's not there?"

Jackson: "Does it look like he's there?" he motions over to the bed

April: "Oh, wait. Wait. That can't be right, 'cause if the patient from bed 2 is in bed one, then that means the patient from bed 3 must be...oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no." she mutters before rushing off

Lexie: "The patient is Mr. Chuck Wallace. He's having a splenectomy secondary to injuries sustained in the sinkhole."

Bailey: "Yes, Dr. Grey, let's move on before my patient bleeds out."

Lexie: "Okay, I'm almost ready Dr. Bailey. I just have to have the nurse show me the consent form as part of the checklist."

Bailey: "Thought you were supposed to be staying out of the OR." she turns to Skt who stands behind her

Sky: "I'm not operating" she shrugs her shoulders "Never said I couldn't watch." she says making Bailey chuckle

Bailey: "Scalpel."

Lexie: "Wait a second." she grabs the chart and looks through it 

Bailey: "Dr. Grey, you're sterile. What are you-"

Lexie: "Okay, hold-hold on. Wait a minute. I'm...I think that there...something might I'm thinking that maybe this is...not our patient."

Bailey: "Then whose patient is it?"

Lexie: "I don't-I don't...I don't-I don't know. I just-I-"

Sky: "You don't know? She's holding a scalpel in her hand. Think it might be a good idea to find out."

April: "Stop!" she rushes into the room "Don't cut! Uh, it's the wrong patient. That's Mr. Jarvis, who needs a lung resection, not Mr. Wallace with a splenic hemorrhage. I-I'm-I'm sorry. I-I-I am so, so sorry." she says and Bailey glares while slowly putting the scalpel down 

April: "No one was updating the board even though I kept telling them to" she tells Sky as they walk out the OR "I know-I know...I have to make people listen to me but in all fairness, I've been chief resident for 12 hours and...and yes I mean I could have lost his..." she accidentally bumps into Sky when they walk down the hall making Sky stop her in her step to give her a look before they continue walking "His perfectly good spleen but he didn't because of a checklist I implemented" Sky grunts as she pushes the elevator button "Not that, that excuses what happened."

Sky: "I-"

April: "It's okay, just yell at me. I can take it."

Sky: "Ar-" she stops herself as she mutters and stammers angrily

April: "It's-it's okay."

Sky: "Shh..." she stammers before stepping back as the doors start to close 

April: "No, I-I-I can...I can take it. Really. I-I swear, I can take it. I..." she trails off as the doors close

Mark: "Looks perfect, Jerry. Second time's the charm. Sutures look a lot better."

Jackson: "Really? That's great."

Mark: "No. No, no. Not great. Better. Which isn't saying much considering the crappy job you did the first time."

Jackson: "You-you just said it looked a lot better, s-"

Mark: "This guy just fell into a sinkhole, his kid's in surgery, and now he's got a scar to remind him of this terrible day for the rest of his life. You want to go tell him that, big shot? Go ahead."

Jerry: "Dr. Sloan. Is Nicky out of surgery?"

Mark: "Uh, Dr. Avery was just about to go check on that."

Jackson: "Um..." he trails off when his pager beeps and he walks out the room

Alex: "Wait. Rivers paged you, too? Any idea why?" he asks as they follow Sky down the hall

Cristina: "Who cares? As long as it gets me away from Altman."

April: "Oh, God. She's gonna fire us, isn't she?"

Alex: "Why would she fire us?"

Jackson: "There was that patient mix-up in the O.R."

Cristina: "Oh. You should be fired."

April: "Me? You guys didn't update the board."

Alex: "That's why she looks so pissed off." he says as they watch Sky look at a few charts from patient's beds

Sky: "That's not good for it. Uh, let me see that chart."

Cristina: "What is she looking for?"

Sky: "What have you got?" she comes into the room where Callie is working on a patient 

Callie: "A field amputation with complicated extrications. Still assessing her multiple crush injuries, but I felt a broken pelvis for sure, and her B. P. 's in the toilet."

Sky: "Yeah, this is a gunther."

Callie: "Really?"

Sky: "Really." she nods with wide eyes

Callie: "Do you think they can handle a gunther?" she looks at the group standing in the doorway  

Sky: "Oh, I think they need a gunther." she looks back at the others 

April: "Uh, what's a gunther?" she asks the residents and they shrug in confusion

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