The whole of the Mayans were in the temple, all staring at the Pres as he was deciphering what should be done about Julieta.
Turns out, they were all drugged. All the drinks being served were laced with a drug that made them go to sleep depending on how much they had.
Pres was devastated to find out what happened to Julieta. I was probably the one that they thought blamed everything on them.
But I didn't. It wasn't their fault they were drugged. Sitting at the table with everyone around talking lightly while Pres sat at the head of the table drove me mad.
Why was everyone acting like it was just another day in the life?
I shook my head, standing up from the table and heading toward the door for some air. I know it wasn't allowed, and I could have serious repercussions from doing it, but I didn't care at the moment.
And neither did the Pres as he silenced anyone trying to say something to me.
I think he understood just how much Julieta meant to me. I think I truly loved her.
Opening the box with everyone's phone I quickly grabbed mine, hoping to find a text from Miguel saying he's found her.
I didn't have a text from him, but from an unknown number.
I opened the text, reading it slowly and carefully. The corners of my mouth bent upward as I saw the word Jue signed at the end of the text.
It's her, it's Julieta.
From: 1 (072)-274-5720
To: 0462
Alive. Mexico. Come find me.
- Jue
"Guys! Guys!" I clutched the phone in my hand until everyone was out of the room and standing in front of me with worried faces.
They looked at me grinning face in question, wondering why I was so happy.
The Pres walked in front of everyone, asking me what was wrong. I quickly shoved the phone in his chest, telling him to read it.
Once he did, he looked up at me questioningly.
"It's Julieta! I have to go and find her!"
Angel put his hand on my shoulder cautiously, eyes never wavering from my excited eyes. "Little bro, it could be a trick. You know this. We can't just go to Mexico."
My eyes hardened at my brother's words, "I know it's her. She's the only one that knows I call her Jue."
Angel looked toward the crew for help, trying to keep me from leaving. But it wasn't going to work. I was going to find Julieta, with or without them.
I didn't even both taking my phone back from the Pres and headed toward the front door.
"Ezekiel. This isn't Mayan business."
I looked back at the men standing in front of me. I couldn't believe they were going to let her be hurt. I thought they all cared for her!
"And in saying that," it took me by surprise when he shrugged his kutte off and placed it face down on the table. "Julieta needs us. It may not be Mayan business, but it's our business."
A small smile made it's way onto his face as he looked at me expectantly. I quickly took off the kutte, placing it on the coat rack beside me.
One by one, the rest of the guys took off their own kuttes, placing it on the tables around us.
"Let's go get our girl."
I nodded, letting the Pres lead us out the door and to our bikes. Making sure everyone was packed up and ready for battle, our bikes roared to life as we all rode out the parking lot, Chucky closing up after us.
He yelled out to bring her back as we raced off toward Mexico, my mind already set on getting her back and safe in my arms.
The two day trip to where the Santos clubhouse was was long to say the least.
We only stopped for food and gas to the point where we didn't even really know what sleep was these past few days.
My eyes dared to shut as we drove along the rode toward where the Pres said we were meeting with Miguel.
Miguel seemed to truly care for Julieta, and met us, along with a few of his men, at a shop he owned in Santa Bárbara.
When we pulled over to a stop in front of a small shop I saw it to be a place that sold food.
Grabbing my keys from the ignition, I made my way into the shop along with Angel and Coco right behind me.
Coco made his way toward the beer, Angel to the candy, and myself to the snacks.
As quickly as we walked in, we walked out to see four trucks pulling up alongside the road.
Out came Miguel wearing khaki pants and a black long sleeve. I've almost never seen him outside of his work suit, but I guess trying to fit in is what caused him to change his outfit.
Miguel looked at me from behind the Pres, nodding his head at me, which I nodded back to and turned back to Angel who carried my drink in hand.
Pulling my water from under his chin I drank it quite quickly before scarfing down the food I had bought.
It was more than I've had in about eight hours of riding. We stopped so little my legs were actually starting to hurt from being in that position for so long.
Yet, I stayed quiet, not wanting to risk having to stop ever more.
Julieta was out there waiting for me to save her. I couldn't let her down. Not now, not ever.
"I see you've all forgotten your kuttes?" The Pres shook his head, explaining this was personal business, not club business.
Miguel merely nodded, offering us all seats in his trucks.
Turns out, we would be traveling in his trucks from now on. I guess it was safer that way, and a better way to blend in with the locals.
As we took our spots in the trucks, I looked up at the setting sky and hoped Julieta was out there and okay. That she wasn't in the hands of that psychopath, and that she was hiding it out. I closed my eyes tightly, wishing, hoping, praying.
"I'm almost there Jue. Just hold on a little while longer..."
⬆️⬆️ From before in the beginning of the Santos when Julieta actually kind of did like Lucian