"Hurry up!"
"We need some help!"
"I've located something warm!"
Thousands of voices were coming from the speakers in the room. Patrick and Max waited inside one of the rooms, blankets and hot drinks surrounded them so they wouldn't go cold. Max was on the verge of another breakdown and she hasn't slept since everything happened. There was a loud bang from the door opening and Kegley ran inside.
"We found her!" Was all he said before running back outside. Patrick and Max put on the gloves and goggles that were there for them and went outside too. They found Kegley, who was hunched over trying to grab onto the suit that Carrie went down in. Max ran over to the grayish body and attempted to grab her. Eventually, Max was able to grab the collar of the suit and pull her up. She cradled Carries' lifeless body into hers not caring that it was freezing until she felt something.
"Kegley! I think she's still alive." A few tears fell onto Carrie and Max wiped them away.
"I felt her heartbeat." And at that moment Carrie was ripped out from Maxs' grip and hurried into the facility.
"She'll stay in this room, it's specially designed for people who are freezing, but we'll turn it up all the way to help her."
"I don't know what we would do without you Kegley."
"If you want to, you guys could stay outside this window. She can't see out of it, but you can see in." After he finished his sentence, Max pulled him into a hug.
"She's the love of my life Kegley. It really means a lot."
"I know how you feel. My wife almost died going through surgery and I could feel my heart break."
"I bet she's nice."
"She is. She's like Carrie."
"What surgery did she almost died from?" Max let go of Kegley so she could see his face.
"She, um, almost died of transition surgery." Max knew that it was sensitive, but she wanted to know more.
"What's that?"
"She was originally a 'he', but felt uncomfortable about it so she got the surgery and almost died, but she didn't and we've been happily married ever since."
"I'm glad you're happy to be with her. She seems like an amazing person."
"She really is. Anyway, Carrie should be awake in a day or two. She was a blue color when we pulled her up so let her warm up and she should be good."
"Thanks again Kegley. I would've died without her here."
Two days passed and eventually I woke up. My eyes peeled open, but I didn't want to open them. I eventually opened them and saw a bunch of lights. A door swung open and Max came running in.
"I thought we lost you forever. I would've gone insane without you and I wanted to tell you that I love you." Max kept hugging me and petting my hair while she spoke.
"I love you too Max. The only reason I didn't die was because of you."
We made it home within two weeks and I stayed on bed rest until Kegley thought I was better completely. I had a cold for awhile, but Max was right there beside me to keep me company. Patrick decided to stay in the house with the rest of the Defenders and we were like a little family. I'm glad I joined the Marines.