Leo and I finally reach what he called his "lair". It was only a few feet ahead and I wondered what in the world my eyes would be met with. Would it be exactly like batman's cave? Would there be fancy gear and spy equipment all over the walls? Would there be an underground tower that stood one hundred stories tall? Would it be a castle with a drawbridge and a pit of vicious alligators or sharks or- OR piranhas???? I jumped at the thought. I wondered if he had a disco room or a 3D printer or a workshop. Did he have a garage? OR a secretly hidden tunnel car? There were so many questions, so many possibilities, but now.. now I was about to have all of that answered! Oh, I couldn't believe it!
"(Y/n), are you alright?" I turned and frantically nodded my head. Leo cocked his head to the side, unsure of my quick answer. I simply grinned. "You've got chills running up your arms." His green finger pointed to the visible bumps. I shrugged.
"Sorry. I'm just so so so so so so so so so excited to see your home that I can't control myself!"
Leo rubbed the back of his head, seemingly embarrassed. "Well, ah, I wouldn't be too excited... it's not much, but it's cozy." I smiled and patted his arm.
"Aww... Leonardo, it's okay... NOW LETS GO!" I yanked the heavy turtle ahead, seeing the awesome looking kitchen in the distance. Several things distracted me on the way, and Leo found himself in a panic to keep me in his sights.
There was a table here, something laying on the floor there. A noise came from here and there and I just had to know what it was! I bounced from room to room, eventually loosing track of my friend and winding up in a single room that held a tree. One that was alive, even underground.
Oh my gosh. A tree. Underground.
Under the tree sat an odd object.
Or...more like someone. A long figure sat cross-legged facing away from my direction. Long ears stood straight with ease, and a long tail curled around his side, safely tucked away from feet. Leo never told me he had a pet, which by the way, was dressed very nice.
I wondered if he bit? If he barked or hissed or cased his tail? I wanted to go ask Leo the thousands of questions, but I also wanted to find out for myself.
I crept up to the figure, smiling as I walked silently in a dramatic top-toe fashion. I saw the way the long ears twitched and stopped. Once they returned to their normal position, I started again.
However, once I was too close, the being stood, and used a move to sweep my feet out from underneath me. The air was quickly knocked from my lungs, and a flat-ended staff was at my neck. Though it wasn't pointy, I'm sure it would cause injury. Piercing brown eyes stared into mine, the eyebrows pointed in distrust.
"And who might you be?"
I gasped, unintentionally grabbing onto the staff. The rat allowed me to sit up, though he stayed serious. "Woah! You talk! That's so cool! OH! And your eyes!" I ended up standing to my feet, watching his intense eyes. "They are so beautiful!" I could see the way his eyebrows raised as he tried to stay focused. "And I must say, I love the outfit. Do you know marshal arts? That would be soooo cool. Your ears look so soft! You're so tall too- Oh! I totally forgot. My bad, I'm (y/n)! What's your name?"
The rat dodged my question, but didn't seem to take me as a threat anymore. "How did you find my home, child? This place is a long way from the surface where you belong."
"Umm, oh! Leo brought me down here! Speaking of which... I forgot where he was, I kinda wondered off." I looked over my shoulders, but as expected, the leader in blue could not be seen.
"Wondered off indeed." He stated. He stroked his beard thoughtfully for a moment or two, and then shouted, which made me jump.