I'm not dead! Of course I'm not. I just like to take a massive amount of rest before continuing on with projects.
Sadly, that last part is too true and I'm wincing at myself now.
Anyway, I've been in Georgia hanging with family for a bit now so I haven't been able to write around this time like I normally would. But I have been thinking about this story and I have some questions to ask all of you.
Did this story "take you on a journey"?
Were you emotionally invested? At what part did you realize you had thrown yourself into the story?
Did you ever cry? Why and at what part(s)?
How is my writing to you as a reader?
Does my writing do its job of communicating the storyline well? What do I do well?
Does my writing communicate the characters well? What do I do well?
Please take the time to write out detailed answers to as many questions as possible. I have already started rewriting SBHS and I want it to be the best possible version of this story. A story is nothing without its readers, and I am dependent on all of you, so user input is always appreciated.
Thank you for reading :)
— Crystal ♡