i'm bacc from school
how was it?
wtf kinda question is that, it's school, it sUCKED
true true
but ya know what, i'm homeschooled so ur mAD
bitch i'm jealous
don't be it kinda sucks, sometimes i wish i could experience the stuff that u get to, like prom or the terrible school lunches
sis don't worry u ain't missing out on shIT
don't call me sis
damn u really know how to ruin any type of fun
no u
anyways gtg my baby drew phillips is live on insta
i've met drew b4
what is this 'national make y/n jealous day' i get it, ur homeschooled & u've met drew no need to rub it in my face👊😔😣😣
just sayin bro
don't call me bro
well what should i call you
anything but bro
luvvv it 🤪
well bye now i'm missing drew's live
bye pussyeater101
wait— i don't have nick name for you😤
how about dicksucker101?
bye dicksucker101
read at 5:01pm