The Seer sent me to the woods to collect some mushrooms. I hop to one boulder to the next. I try to hop along to trees with the fungus I was looking for.
The Seer was told from the gods that he shall make a powerful seer. He grabbed a slave he deemed right and impregnated her with me. Though I do not recognize him as my father, more like my mentor. He had never showed me affection like a father should.
When I was deemed old enough to be apprenticed, he took me under his wing. I admit my living situation was far from normal. He didn't recognize me as his daughter, but merely a vessel to share his knowledge and wisdom to.
I don't think he expected me to be his apprentice. He finds me annoying, I asked too many questions and I am bothersome. But I cannot help it.
He may not recognize me as his child, but everyone else in Kattegat does. I am called 'The Young Seer', I am a völva, just like Queen Aslaug. But I am supposed to be more powerful than her.
The gods made me special, and people treat me with respect because of it. But I am nothing but a young woman- I am barely a woman. I just turned of marrying age, but I will never be with a man. The gods do not have that in my future. I am to dedicate my life to the wisdom of the future and the gods. I cannot waste my time falling in love. I have more important things to focus on, but I am young and I get distracted by cute boys. I am only human.
Queen Aslaug took a liking to me because I am like her. She is kind to me and always acknowledges me when the Seer allows me to go to feasts. It's not often I am allowed to enjoy myself.
"Jump!" I shouted as I leap to the mossy forest floor.
I walked over and pluck a mushroom from a tree. They make you see things. The Seer says they are magic mushrooms. I'd rather eat normal ones that don't make me see things. I see enough things as it is.
When I think I have enough, I made my way towards the clearing. I was greeted with a horse pulling a wagon of goods down the dirt road that led straight into town. I made by way on the edge of the road, out of the way of horses.
"Seeress!" A man on a wagon greeted.
I gave him a friendly wave. Some young men find it as an honor to woo a seeress, so I've noticed young men trying to impress me, but they only look stupid. I am seen as high-ranking, making it an honor to be with me, no matter if there is an attraction or not.
There was a group of men that have been my tormentors since we were children. Erik, Børge, Arvin and Baldur. All four were bullies and idiots. Their family had successful farms, making them think they are great. Great enough to woo a Völva.
They would bully lower ranking boys our age. They were cocky and confident. They act as if they are princes. Erik and Børge became friends with the older princes. Mainly Sigurd and Hvitserk. Mainly because they were just as cocky and confident. They see themselves as gods. They flirt with any thing that moves and warm beds with beautiful women from all ranks. I am shocked they don't carry a love disease.
I hated Børge more than the rest- though Arvin once tugged my braid when we were young and ran with my basket. They loved to bother me, and for what purpose? They do not find me attractive. They only do it because they are used to other women finding then charming, but I do not. They get entertainment out of angering me and Erik, their leader had a slight liking to me, only because I was unattainable.
I finally made it in the center of town. The Seer would be upset if I took longer than an hour. He knew I'd be messing around, and that upset him. He wished I was more sober and grim like him. I used to be so scared of him, but now, I see him as a cranky old man.
I walk through the front door to see slaves tending his midday meal. He perked up at the sound of me entering the grim hut.
"Give me the basket, Hedwig." He ordered. I handed him it and he weighed it in his hand. "Hm, not enough."
I rolled my eyes at him and cross my arms. "Yes it is, Seer." I argued. "Its enough for the whole village."
"I said it isn't enough." He huffed. "But it must do. Sit down and eat."
I listen and sit across from him, being handed a bowl of stew from a former monk. He hadn't seen his god in many years.
"Seer, may I go in town and buy some fabric?" I asked softly.
"Why? What's wrong with your current dresses?"
"Nothing!" I blurted out. "I-I just want to make additional details to my gown, if that's okay."
"Why do you care for vanity? You have more important things to worry about."
"Yes, Seer." I sighed. "Its just... I saw Freya wearing something beautiful in a vision and I'd like to... dress more like her."
The Seer laughed at me darkly. "You are not Freya, Hedwig. You mustn't try and be like her, she wants you to be yourself."
"But I'm so bland in comparison. She's so beautiful... I just..."
"You have no reason to be vain. You are not in this world to be like Freya, or to be the fairest woman in Kattegat. You are to carry wisdom no other can carry." He pointed a gross finger at me. "So stop this vanity, there is no reason for it."
"Why can't I be a little vain, I'm only human."
"Because you're not a typical human. You are favored by the gods- by Freya."
"Yes, Seer." I stab my potatoes with my spoon. What a stupid question to ask.
"Stop wallowing." He growled into the silence.
I sighed. "Yes, Seer."
This was my typical life. Being constantly reminded that I had more of a purpose than others, that I cannot experience life like others, merely because I am supposed to be powerful.