Hi everyone! This is not an update unfortunately. Hahaha! Saya nak cakap yang saya tidak akan update sebelum PT3 sebab saya mesti study hard sangat-sangat. Sorry for this. I just started it and I have to due it for awhile. Sorry again.
Don't forget to watch 17th Incheon Asian Games! Of course I support Malaysia eventhought I love Korea. I hope u all support our country too.
To whoever gonna face the PT3,I wish u luck and always be ready for the questions. Just one month to go and we're free! I can't wait for that day!
And most important is, I wanna wish to our beloved Kim Jong Dae or Chen a Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for being born Mr.Troll. Hihi... I hope you can create more sweet memories on ur birthday with everyone u love. We Exo-L love you forever!
Sorry again because I really really need to due this story.
- 2014's kyungsoomyrae -