For Forever

By ZaraIsNotHere

9.6K 421 299

After the incident, Jess is left with no other choice but to switch schools. She attends Emerald High, the sa... More

1. Starting Over
2. Newfound Friendship
3. Lunchtime Discussions
4. Two-Player Game
5. Rivalry
6. Miss President
7. Go Ask Your Mom
8. The Project + Jesse's Lament
9. Babysitting Fun
10. Truth Or Dare?
A/N | For Forever wants YOU!
11. Fortnite vs Overwatch
12. Valentines Dance 1/3
13. Jessica's Lament
14. Confession
15. The Answer
16. Valentines Dance 2/3
17. Valentines Dance 3/3
19. April Fools
A/N Behind The Scenes! (Sort of)

18. Epilogue

362 15 12
By ZaraIsNotHere

One month later..

A month had passed since the Valentines Dance, and everything was going great. The group hung out more and more frequently, doing things like watching movies, going shopping, playing video games, all that jazz. Jess recently joined the art club, telling Olivia that, "If you join the redstone club, I'll join a club too." Her determination gave Olivia just enough confidence to finally join the redstone club, and she actually made her way to become the vice president.

It was a regular Sunday afternoon, and guys were hanging out in Lukas' room, discussing the best dating strategies.

"You gotta buy her a rose, compliment her on her clothes," Axel advised, to which Jesse nodded. "Say you appreciate that's she's smart!" the brown-haired boy suggested as he placed a hand on Lukas' shoulder. But Aiden had other ideas, "Nah man, you tell her that she excites you sexually," he joked as he wiggled his eyebrows, making Lukas blush.

Three friends. Three different types of advice. One choice. Not to mention the stress that came with it. In the end, Lukas decided to choose the best advice. His own. He was going to stand up for himself, only accepting the best possible option for him. He quickly put on his jacket and left his room, but came back soon enough.

"Uhh, I don't know how to drive." Lukas sighed as he glanced over to Aiden, gesturing him and the other guys to come with him.

The guys stepped out of the car, taking in the view of the park. It was surprisingly empty, especially for a Sunday. But that only meant that there was more room for the group, so nobody cared. The park was beautiful, the leafs were colored in various shades of green, the once neat rows of trees were disrupted by saplings, the light that filtered through the leaves.. it was wonderful.

All we see is sky, for forever..

"Huh." Aiden breathed, stepping up beside Lukas. "Trees."

"Come on, I think I see the girls over there." Jesse grinned as he led his friends through the maze of trees.

We let the world pass by, for forever..

"AXEL!!1!" Olivia screeched as she ran towards him at top speed, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Hey Olivia!" Alex smiled as he hugged the shorter girl back.

"Guys, you made it!" Cassie said as she walked up to them, smiling sweetly.

Feels like we could go on for forever this way..

"Hey Cassie." Aiden greeted, trying to keep his cool. He was still disappointed over the fact that he missed his chance to ask Cassie to be his girlfriend at the Valentines Dance. But no matter what, Aiden promised himself that he'd ask her someday. Someday.

All we see is light, for forever..

"Come on guys, we were just talking about you!" Olivia giggled, gesturing to the guys to follow her, leading them to where Petra and Jess were standing.

Cause the sun shines bright, for forever..

"Look Jess, it's your boyfriend." Petra teased, making Jess laugh. "Shut up!"

Lukas' eyes widened at the remark and a grin slowly spread across his face when an idea popped up in his head. He walked up to Jess, taking a deep, shaky breath, before pressing his lips against hers. Jess was in shock at first, but soon enough melted into the kiss.

All we see is sky..

For forever


And there we have it folks, my first finished story! It's crap, but still.

I really hope you guys enjoyed it, let me know what you think! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you guys later!

Did you really think I was just going to end the story here? No no my friend, because while you're reading this, I'm actually already working in the SEQUEL! (or maybe it's already finished, depends on when you're reading this).

I realized that there were a LOT of characters that I didn't use, so I figured I'd just use them in the sequel. Sounds cool right?

So yeah, that's it. There were a few parts here and there where I thought I could've done better, for example, I feel like I kinda rushed into the story even though I tried my best not to. But I do really hope you liked the story though!

Sincerely me ❤️

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