Lee Hoseok: Babe!
Y/N: What hoe
Lee Hoseok: I got a paper cut!!
Y/N: Congratulations 👏
Lee Hoseok: It hurts and it's bleeding
Y/N: That's what a paper cut does
Lee Hoseok: Wanna see?
Y/N: Uh no thank you, I'm terrified of blood
Lee Hoseok: Really?
Y/N: Yeah, I'll pass out if I see a cut or even a drop of blood
Lee Hoseok: So you pass out on your period haha
Y/N: That's different
Lee Hoseok: Mhm
Y/N: ahh let's change the subject, just talking about it makes me dizzy
Lee Hoseok: ofc babe....so what do you want to talk about
Y/N: Um....idk actually
Y/N: Wait, I actually do!
Lee Hoseok: What is it
Y/N: I'm getting a puppy!!
Lee Hoseok: Awww lucky, my manager won't let us have pets
Y/N: Ha sucks for you
Lee Hoseok: Hmph
Y/N: I'm getting a beagle and it's going to be so cute omg I'm living
Lee Hoseok: Watch it hate you
Y/N: Shut up
Lee Hoseok: What are you gonna do with it? Fan girl over Wonho?
Y/N: You read my mind
Lee Hoseok: I'm honestly much hotter than Wonho btw
Y/N: Wonho is way hotter than any guy I have seen
Lee Hoseok: Thanks
Y/N: ?
Lee Hoseok: Thanks for making me feel down now
Y/N: Aww did I hurt your feelings?
Lee Hoseok: No... I just know I'm very attractive, girls be dripping
Y/N: Narcissist
Y/N: hoe
Y/N: = Narhoe
Y/N: You're a Narhoe
Lee Hoseok: That's doesn't make sense
Y/N: It clearly does
"Y/N! Let's go, we're gonna be late!!" Changkyun shouts impatiently.
Y/N: Oh yeah that's right! I gotta go with Changkyun to meet his members again
Lee Hoseok: Oh yeah? Where you guys going
Y/N: Somewhere out to eat
Lee Hoseok: I'd rather you suck on.......
~not sent
Lee Hoseok: Oh ok, have fun
Y/N: Yep
"COMING!!!" I yell back, rushing to gather my things. I quickly walk fast to Changkyun and frown. "Jeez, what took you so long?" He snickers, opening the door.
"Learn to be patient, I was busy...." I say, trying to go in front of him. "Were you texting Hoseok?"
I freeze and widen my eyes. How does he know about Hoseok?
I start to rub my arm and nervously laugh. "Hoseok? Who's that? Never heard that name." I rub my arm a little faster and bite my lips.
Changkyun eyes me down, his chin lowering. I look at him back, eyes wide, faking a smile.
"I saw you one time texting him." He said, waking out the house. "You're eavesdropping now!?"
Changkyun smirks and shrugs. "You should always be aware of your surroundings." I frown and punch his arm. "I hate you."
"Love you too."
~ the night before, CHANGKYUN P.O.V~
"How do you have my step sister's number?" I ask Hoseok as he entered the dorm. Wonho ignored me and went towards his room.
"Hey I asked you a question." I follow him to his room and sit on his big beanie bag.
"It's time for you to spill the tea." I tell him. Wonho chuckles lays back on his bed. "What tea is there to spill?"
"You know what I'm talking about, how long have you guys been talking?"
"Almost a month."
I stand up and look down at him. "And you never told me!? Does she even know you're Wonho?!" Wonho shakes his head. "I'm keeping it secret for my own reason, it would be appreciated if you did too."
I don't say anything, except a simple "Mhm." And leave him alone.
~back to present, Y/N P.O.V~
We arrive at the restaurant. It was modern and had a cozy feeling. Changkyun and I stood outside for the restaurant window, waiting for the rest of them.
My heart is beating a little faster than usual. It's actually because of the thought of Wonho. Seeing his smirk and the way he looks at me makes me melt and I'm honestly cringing every time.
But then there's Lee Hoseok, he's so funny and sweet like what the heck. I haven't even met this person but he reminds me of Wonho sometimes and it's creepy.
To waste time, I take out my phone and text Hoseok.
Y/N: Yo
Lee Hoseok: I thought you were busy flirting with Wonho
Y/N: Shut up, they're running late
It's true, we are running late because Kihyun forgot his wallet at the dorm, causing me the delay of seeing Y/N. Something about her makes me like want to protect her. Like she's a rare jewel that if you lose it, it's gone forever.
To be honest, I think I'm growing on her a little every time we text. My worries go away when she texts first and when she replies to me.
Lee Hoseok: Are you an impatient person?
Y/N: I'm about fifty-fifty
Lee Hoseok: So are you impatient now?
Y/N: Kind of
Lee Hoseok: "I just wanna see Wonho and kiss his cheek omg!"
Y/N: Shut up
Lee Hoseok: Ha ha
Y/N: good thing they're here, I can see them from a distance, talk to you later hoe
"You're gonna bump into a pole if you keep looking down on your phone like that." Minhyuk says. "We're gonna see Y/N soon, so don't make a bad impression." He added on brightly, increasing his walking speed.
"What, you got something on her?" Kihyun said, elbowing Minhyuk. Minhyuk's cheeks tint a very light pink. "Change the subject please, love makes me sick." I put my phone in my pocket and walk ahead of them.
"Dang, just because Katie-" Kihyun stops himself and we all continue on in silence.
Y/N and Changkyun were starting to become more clear as we got closer. Minhyuk smiles at Y/N brightly. "Y/N!!"
They both run to each other, smiling. They embrace in a short hug.
"Y'all both acted like you've known each other for years." Changkyun scoffed. Minhyuk and Y/N still laugh. "I'm just really excited to see her."
"Aww that's so sweet of you!" Y/N rubs his arm for a few seconds. A new feeling emerged inside of me. It was mixed with anger and sadness.
Shoot I can't be jealous. Y/N looks at me and I decide to take action. I smirk at her and go beside her. "I'm hungry, let's go inside." I set a hand on her shoulder and we enter.