ShadeClan Roleplay | Volume O...

By shad_geek

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This is a roleplay from a chat on another site. I talked with a lot of people and they agreed that I would be... More

Name Key
ShadeClan Roster
BrightClan Roster
MossClan Roster
LightningClan Roster
Outside Cats Roster
Dead Cats Roster
Other Creatures Roster
Quick Summary
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126
Part 127
Part 128
Part 129
Part 130
Part 131
Part 132
Part 133
Part 134
Part 135
Part 136
Part 137
Part 138
Part 139
Part 140

Part 58

3 1 0
By shad_geek

"You to" she stands up and walks out of the camp to get some prey.

"I know." She smiled puffing out her chest.

'I'll head down to the springs to grab some water. Then I'll get a mouse, and head back to that hollow tree,' Shadowfang thought, plotting how her little walk would go.

"Goes with your fiery personality. Those two mix rather well," Ash smiled.

"Why thank you." She purred "And I'm so totally not the most clumsy cat in the universe." She laughed

'Maybe I should get some water,then hunt' She thought.

"Nah!" Ash laughed along with her, "Splash is more clumsy."

"I broke my jaw tripping on a rock." She laughed "That was fun."

Shadowfang heard the lapping of water on a small shore. She descended the pebble hill that lead to the water. She managed to stop before she fell face-first into the water.

"Splash fell out of a tree because he didn't look to see if the branch was ending. Sprained his paw really bad." Ash meowed.

"That sounds funny." She smiled. The pale yellow she cat stood up and stretched he forelegs strecthing infront of her

"Wasn't funny for him. That's for sure. Crying all the way back to the stump," Ash smiled.

~After she got a drink she went to get a crow that was making a horrible noise~

"Aw poor little thing." Duckwing laughed before sitting he short tail flicking

Shadowfang drew herself back up. She steadied herself before bending over and lapping up the water.

"Heh, he got over it. Now I won't leave him alone about it. 'Hey, Splash! When we climb this tree, I want you to climb it with your eyes wide open. See if you can see the tree better!'"

~She tried to get it,but it flyed away~

The aftertaste of the water wasn't the best. It was an odd taste, like sour, but it wasn't out of the ordinary. She straightened up, water dripping from her muzzle.

Duckwing laughed "Is it almost sun-high?" She asked after her laughter died down

~she saw a cooko bird, she new that she had one chance~

Shadowfang turned around and made her way back up the bank. The pebbles were slick, so every other step her paw slipped.

Ash looked up at the sky, "almost."

"Cool." Duckwing smiled excitedly

Ash couldn't help but feeling excited too.

~She crouched and just catches it~

"We're going to catch so much prey!" She meowed

Shadowfang made it up to the top of the slope. Now that she had water, she needed to catch something. She tasted the air, but the tang of the water was still in her mouth.

~she catches a mouse, heading back to camp with a mouse and a cooko bird and drops it into the fresh kill pile~

Ash nodded happily. "Wanna head out now?"

"Definitely!" She smiled standing up in an instant

Twotail padded in, his green eyes scanning the clan

Blazeheart chuckled, a smile coming to her face at the sight of her friend. "Hi," she greeted back, sitting beside the tom with a wince of pain. Her amber eyes gleamed. Had he heard yet? "Not the best, obviously," she admitted. "I had a run-in with an ex-Clanmate on the territory," she explained briefly, her gaze darkening as she thought of that afternoon and her defeat. "How are you doing?"

Redbreeze frowned, whiskers twitching anxiously. "By the looks of it, you didn't win, huh?" He shifted his paws, thinking about his day, "I suppose I'm alright, I outa be some use and start hunting and not be a burden. Don't want another mouth to feed here, do we?" He put on a playful smile and raised a leg to scratch at a tick behind his ear. "Do anything new lately? Besides skirmishing with.. an ex clanmate?" Redbreeze asked.

Rubbleclaw drew a tongue over his paw, and dragged it over his ear. His grey eyes wandered the camp, then focused back onto his raised paw.

Blazeheart nodded, lowering her muzzle slightly. Her pride had taken stab, but that didn't keep her irritation at bay. "No. She kept running away, and wouldn't just stop and fight me. I had her . . . then she hid in her home like a frightened rabbit." She stopped her little ramble, and attempted to smooth her hackles that had instinctively raised.

The she-cat mumbled an apology, then listened to him speak. "I suppose so." The statement about being a burden was a bit more true than Redbreeze possibly thought. Add not doing his fair share on top of the doubts that some of ShadeClan held that he was a spy, it wouldn't end well. She returned his smile, shaking off her doubts.

"New?" she echoed, then curled her tail as something came to her. "Actually, there is something 'new' I saw, in a sense. I wanted to show you it, if that's alright."

The thick-furred tom nodded, turning into a loaf and tucking his paws under him. He wrapped his tail around himself, boredom absorbing his amber eyes. At least he wasn't sitting alone at the elm tree- that would've been relaxing, but still a bit unexciting.

"Yeah, I've got no problem with that," Redbreeze perked up his ears, raising his eyes to gaze upon Blazeheart, "Where is it?" He asked, getting to his paws. Finally, something exciting he got to do with her. It had been a while anyway. The former MossClan warrior got to his paws, a bit dizzy as he began to walk towards the entrance to camp. Redbreeze stopped, and looked over his shoulder to check if Blazeheart was following him.

Blazeheart raised herself to her paws, a bit too quickly as she forgot her wounds. With a grimace, she waved her tail for balance, and padded after Redbreeze. "It's at the edge of our border with no Clans." She left it at that, deciding to hold the air of mystery until they arrived. Tail now swaying, the ginger she-cat ducked out of camp, her muscles relaxing as a cool breeze brushed by.

Redbreeze, still unfamiliar with the territory, decided he'd follow Blazeheart. "Is it far?" He asked, tail dragging on the ground carefully.

Destiny hunts a mouse. On shade clan territory. She pounces. She kills it swiftly, and lays down and eats it right there

Blazeheart shrugged, maneuvering slowly around an especially thick root. "It's not terribly far away, but not necessarily close." She huffed with relief once they settled on a somewhat clear walking path, where she didn't have to take care of watching the herbs plastered to her fur quite as much. To break the silence, she blinked over her shoulder at Redbreeze. "Did you leave any family behind in MossClan?" her inquiry was softer toned, aware she could be treading on a path that he didn't want to discuss.

Rubbleclaw stood up, and stretched luxuriously. With a wide yawn, he glanced from the fresh kill pile to the entrance. He could do some hunting. With that decision made, the tom strolled out of camp.

Redbreeze let his eyes settle on the ground in front of his as he made his way through the forest, closely behind Blazeheart. "As long as it's not terribly far away," He meowed quietly, half to himself.

The tom's whiskers twitched at her question, and he looked up, "My mother is an elder and my father is no longer living, I grew up with no littermates, but I wasn't close to them. So, I'd say I didn't leave family there." He paused and licked his chops, "How about you? Where are your parents now?"

Lep hears cats and ducks down but breaks a twig 'oh no'

Blazeheart directed her amber gaze back to the path, but her ears were angled behind her as she listened. "I see . . ."

She waited a moment before responding, her tail tip twitching. "I'm not Clanborn. I was found in the forest as a kit with who they presumed to be my mother dead beside me, due to a fox attack. ShadeClan rescued me and brought me in." The she-cat paused to inhale, but kept her voice steady. "I was brought up by a foster mother, and she died of greencough early on in my apprenticeship. My one foster sibling died soon after we became warriors. My mentor, though, is like a father to me, and he's an elder now." A ghost of a smile flitted over her muzzle as she thought of the grump.

Rubbleclaw, once within the forest, paused to listen to his surroundings. With a sniff, he sauntered through a patch of ferns. A twig snapping caused him to pause again. "Hello?" he called, his voice echoing due to the tree trunks.

Lep stands up..."heeeey..."

Rubbleclaw stiffened as a reply came back. Opening his jaws, the tom began trotting to the source. Thankfully his sharp sense of smell allowed him to nose through the undergrowth and locate the feline, seeing a flash of patterned fur.

Dreamsage was walking through the forest. Since he was a loner, he could be anywhere he wanted.

She stands tall. The muscular female introduces herself. "I'm Leapord, nice to meet you"

He started to hear voices and looks around.

Rubbleclaw padded forward to sniff her, then pulled back. Swiping his tongue over his jaws, he narrowed his eyes at her. "If these were different circumstances, I'd say it was nice to meet you too. What's a kittypet like you doing on ShadeClan territory?"

He gets closer to tne voices and hides in a bush, he looks to see two cats that he has never seen before talking.

She puffs out her chest. "I have abandoned my twolegs to live with a clan"

Rubbleclaw scanned the she-cat, then shrugged. Some of his tension melted away, and he offered a quick smile. "I guess I should take you to Darkstar. Be glad that you didn't wander into MossClan territory. They would have ripped fur, asked questions later." Without looking away from her, he called out with whiskers twitching, "You can come out now!"

Dreamsage gets out and saw him* Who are you?"he said

"Rubbleclaw, if you must know." He tilted his muzzle up slightly. "But who are you, and what are you doing here?" Two non Clan cats within not even a minute. Since when did ShadeClan territory become overrun with outsiders?

My name is dreamsage. And i should ask you the same thing"Dreamsage said

"You already did, bud. The first part at least." Rubbleclaw leaned forward to sniff him, then pulled back. "This is ShadeClan territory, and if you aren't here to speak with Darkstar, then I'll have to ask you to leave." To prove his point, he unsheathed his claws.

Whats a clan?"he said

"A Clan is . . . Let's see. It's a group of cats who live together. We have a code to live by, and the strong help the weak, if that makes any sense. We hunt and patrol- and mark our borders, which you /should/ have smelled at some point while coming here." The last statement came out as a growl.

I didnt smell any borders"he said

Rubbleclaw blinked slowly, staring at the tom. "Yes, you did," he drawled slowly, almost like how he would explain something to a kit. "They were refreshed this morning in dawn patrol, and most likely a couple days before that. I would know, because I went on it." A miracle they had been getting done, without a deputy. The last thought was held in check. "That's besides the point. Either you leave now, or come with me."

I will come with you then"he said

She stays close to rubbleclaw. Nearly brushing pelts

Rubbleclaw shot a sideways glance to the she-cat close beside him. A light smirk made way to his features. After a brief moment of silence, the tom brushed his tail against her flank, then he jumped away. "So sorry about that," he meowed, his eyes stretching innocently.

Shadowfang flicked her tail. She was back at the tree. Today felt like any other day. She would get up, get some water, and catch some food. But today, she wasn't in the mood for food

Blazeheart directed her amber gaze back to the path, but her ears were angled behind her as she listened. "I see . . ."

The stocky she-cat waited a moment before responding, her tail tip twitching. "I'm not Clanborn. I was found in the forest as a kit with who they presumed to be my mother dead beside me, due to a fox attack. ShadeClan rescued me and brought me in." She paused her speaking to inhale, then kept her voice steady. "I was brought up by a foster mother, and she died of greencough early on in my apprenticeship. My one foster sibling died soon after we became warriors. My mentor, though, is like a father to me, and he's an elder now." A ghost of a smile flitted over her muzzle as she thought of the grump back at camp.

Leapord smiles

Shadowfang crept back out of the tree, her paws making the duff crunch underneath them. She froze for a second, wary of the noise that she was making.

Rubbleclaw smothered a grin, and kept on padding along. "It's not too far now. Have you ever hunted before?" he asked, his tail now swaying.

Shadowfang crept forward, her whole body is the sunlight. She wished she could have stayed a bit more in the soothing shade that the tree created.

She nods. "I'm waaaay better at fighting and running tho. I'm really fast. I'm surprised my name isn't cheetah"

Shadowfang walked across the usual trail to the springs. The only noises she reads were the birds singing and the soft thuds of her paws against the forest floor. It was peaceful.

Rubbleclaw answered with a snort of doubt. "You're a kittypet. Were. I'm afraid you'll be in for a rude awakening in the next moon." He turned to meet her gaze, grey eyes serious. "We had a battle with a bordering Clan a couple of moons ago. Many Clanmates were killed." He looked back at the path, lashing his long tail.

Shadowfang reached the top of the bank. By the day, she was growing more used to going down it. She had a feeling that she wouldn't fall that time. The familiar scent of minerals rose from the water below.

She catches him by surprise and loops her paw around his. She drags them from underneath him swiftly, then she jumps onto his exposed stomach. Claws sheathed

Shadowfang's paws slipped on a rock, but she caught herself. Panting slightly from the adrenaline rush, she eased her way down more slowly than normal.

Before he knew what had happened, Rubbleclaw was staring at the canopy. With a grunt, he battered her off with his hind legs, and leapt to his paws. He gave Leopard a cuff on the ear. "Nice one. But I'm not who you have to prove yourself to." He began walking again, ignoring the dirt clinging to his dark grey pelt.

Shadowfang made it to the bottom of the bank. The smell from the springs was stronger. She bent over and lapped up the water, the sour taste filling her mouth.

Shadowfang stayed by the water's edge to look at her reflection. Nothing changed much, the only difference she saw was the ripples from the water.

Sandpaw was sunning herself on a rock in camp

Shadowfang turned and climbed back up the bank. By now, her paws were begging to get used to be slippery pebbles. She slipped once or twice, but not as bad as usual.

"This is the life" she murmured dozing off

Shadowfang shook her pelt once she reached the top. She straightened up and looked around to see if anyone was nearby. Even though she wasn't too hungry, Shadowfang thought she'd catch something. She felt like she would need it.

She got up and shook her fur and padded out of camp

Shadowfang sighed and padded away from the springs to find something to eat. It was easier just to sustain herself rather than a Clan. Darkstar was doing a great job without her. Shadowfang tasted the air for any prey.

She smelled a mouse and dropped into a hunters crouch

She walked forth, believing that the noise she made on the pebbles would've scared away any nearby prey. Shadowfang looked around just in case if her nose missed anything.

She stalked to mouse and pounced swiftly killing it the barring it

Shadowfang caught scent of a bird. The thrush swooped down from a branch to peck at something on the forest floor. Flicking her tail, Shadowfang slowly approached it.

She sniffed smelling snadowfangs scent

Shadowfang crouched and snuck through the ferns. The bird came closer and closer as she approached it. She swished her tail and leapt on top of the thrush. She quickly bent down and bit its neck.

She fallowed the scent then smelled the thrush and dropped in a crouch and stalked the bird

Then noticed that the bird was killed the saw shadowfang and jumped on her

Shadowfang lifted her head, its limp form dangling in her jaws. She then opened her mouth in shock and the bird dropped to the ground with a thump.

She snarled then noticed who it was and jumped off "Sorry shadowfang" she mutterd

Shadowfang got to her paws, shaking from the sudden adrenaline rush. Another cat had spotted her. She would have been okay if it were Snowair or Appleleaf or even Kayla. Shadowfang stayed silent for a moment.

She shook her fur

".... you're hunting... I see." Shadowfang meowed, her tone quiet. She flicked her tail apprehensively.

She looked down

"Er.." Shadowfang didn't know what to say. It was okay when Snowair saw her. She had known Snowair for a long time and knew that she could be trusted. Sandpaw might tell someone in the Clan. "Uh... Tell no one I was here... okay..?"

"I wont, I a-" she stoped

Shadowfang looked sharply at her at the sudden stop. "What?"

"N-n-n-nothing" sue mewed

Shadowfang gritted her teeth. "Don't. Tell. Anyone. Understand? I don't want the Clan to know that I haven't kicked the bucket."

"Im a..."

"You're a...?" Shadowfang looked at her in a stern confused way.

" never mind"

Shadowfang narrowed her eyes at the apprentice. She flattened her ears. "You're an odd one."

Twotail padded into the camp, his face blank as always.

She walked around to the springs

Shadowfang flattened her ears. She quickly bent down to pick up her thrush and bounded away into the trees.

The looked at then

Shadowfang stopped once she was a considerable length away from the springs. Panting, she looked around for a place to eat her catch.

Her legs were sore because she wasn't used to running long distances since her fight with Hawkblaze. She sat down and took a bit of her bird.

She got her mouse and took it back to the clan

Shadowfang took another bite. She spat out a wad of feathers. Why were thrushes so feathery?

She padded back out wanting to talk to shadowfang

Shadowfang has to spit out another mouthful of feathers before finding the meat. There was not much meat to the bird, which was fine by her.

Sandpaw sat outside her den waiting for appleleaf to get her

Appleleaf Walked out Of the warriors Den yawning and Started Making her way to Sandpaw

She saw appleleaf and then rushed over to her

Rubbleclaw hummed to himself as he stretched luxuriously, his back arching. The tom was in the clearing, having just finished a meal.

Appleleaf Yawned Walking Out of the Warriors den Stretching

Rubbleclaw swiped his tongue over his jaws as his grey eyes scanned the clearing. They landed on a she-cat not far away, and he padded over to her. "Hey Appleleaf," he greeted, his tail swishing back and forth.

Appleleaf Blinked For A second Before She Greeted The Tom back "Hello Rubbleclaw. How are You?"

"I'm good. How are you?" He tilted his head to the side slightly, a paw scuffing the dirt absentmindedly.

"That Greats To hear. I'm Great, Thanks for asking" She nodded her head respectfully

Rubbleclaw nodded, smiling briefly. "I was wondering if you would like to come with me on a patrol on the BrightClan border? Blazeheart asked me earlier to remark it with at least one other cat," he asked.

Appleleaf Smiled Slightly "Of course I would I have nothing better to do Right now" She Replied Calmly

"Great. We can head out then, if you're ready." Rubbleclaw grinned, and began to pad torwards the entrance of the camp. The dark grey tom paused and glanced back to be sure she was following.

Appleleaf Followed With Swaying Her tail Back and forth

Rubbleclaw's posture was relaxed as he padded out of camp and into the newly budded forest. "So how are you liking this newleaf weather?" He broke the silence easily.

Appleleaf Looked Over at RubbleClaw "Yes, It's Very Comfortable For me. How about you, How are you liking the weather?"

Rubbleclaw nodded, his whiskers twitching. "I agree. I'm mostly glad we're out of the cold weather and in this now. Plus, the hunting is easier. "

Appleleaf Nodded in agreement "Yes and less of Us will get sick and from the cold"

Rubbleclaw nodded again and stepped over a patch of ferns. "You're right," he said happily. "Thank StarClan we were protected from greencough this leaf-bare for the most part." It was bad enough as it had been, he added silently in his mind at the thought of the battle with MossClan.

Appleleaf Nodded keeping Quiet.

As a moment of silence passed between them, they arrived even closer to the border. The sweet scent of the cherry blossom trees in BrightClan's territory drifted over, causing the tom to slightly wrinkle his nose. Rubbleclaw cleared his throat and motioned with his tail to the right. "I'll held this way, and once we're done, we can meet back here?

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