Emma's P.O.V
I set the bags of groceries onto the counter.
"Hey, Aria! They only had Diet Mountain Dew. Are you okay with that?"
I noticed a note taped to the fridge door. The paper was black and the words were red.
Who does that?
I took it from the fridge and read it in my mind.
We have Aria.
It took me a minute to process what that note meant.
When I left, it was just Aria and Aria's father.
Mr. Smith...
Either he works for the organization, or he's the 'boss'.
I placed the note on the counter and called Ian.
"Pick up...pick up..."
"Ian, Aria's gone!"
"What do you mean?"
"She was kidnapped by the organization!"
"...Shit. I'm coming over."
He hung up.
I shoved my phone in my pocket, and sat down on the couch, waiting.
A lot of questions were running through my head...
What are they doing with her?
Where is she?
Is she okay?
Are they torturing her?
Are they going to kill her?
I took deep breaths.
"Stay positive...we'll find her." I said. "Hopefully."
Aria's P.O.V
"Dad, what the hell is going on?" I asked, frantically. "Untie me!"
"Aria, you've always been ignorant." He said. "It's time for that to change."
"What do you mean...?" I questioned.
"I want you to be the next me."
I laughed, hysterically. "In your dreams, asshole."
He frowned. "I've tolerated you for too long, Aria. It's time you show your old man some respect."
"Is that what all this is?!" I questioned once more. "You created this entire organization just because I don't respect you?! My entire childhood you and mom tried creating me into something I didn't want to be! Every day I was told of how much of a disappointment I was. That's why I don't respect you."
"No, you've got it all wrong." My dad said, irritated. "I created this organization to create humanity into something more...in the name of science!"
"The injections..." I said. "That's what you're going to use. Dad, you know there's a remedy to stop the effects, right?"
"I do." He said. "We've been using Smosh as our test subjects. Every injection was a test. To see which one was perfect to use on everyone else. When we're finished, there will be no cure."
"You're insane!" I shouted. "All this is going to make everything worse! Don't you see?"
Then, my father pulled out a gun from his pocket. He aimed it at me.
"This is for the better, Aria. I want you to run the organization. Don't make me punish you again!"
I thought for a second. Then, tears started welling up. "You killed mom."
"Well...technically, he did." My father said, pointing to a figure I couldn't make out in the dark.
When he came closer into the light, I knew exactly who he was.
Shayne's P.O.V
"Whoa, Damien...what's wrong?" I asked, standing up from my bed.
"It's Aria." He said. "Aria's been kidnapped by the organization."
No. This isn't happening.
I didn't answer. I couldn't. This was my worst nightmare.
"Shayne, come on. We're all going to Emma and Aria's apartment."
I nodded slowly, and followed him out to his car.
Once we got there, people were freaking out.
Ian and Joven kept pacing around the living room, trying to decide what to do.
Lasercorn, Sohinki, Boze, and Olivia were yelling at people on the phone.
Courtney, Wes, Mari, and Damien kept searching through news channels for anything.
Flitz was comforting a bawling Emma.
And, Noah and Keith were comforting each other by kissing and holding hands.
Wait, what?
I went to Ian. "Ian...?"
"Shayne! I'm so glad you're here. The organization's captured Aria. Aria's father is part of the organization, I know it! Why else would he—"
I shook Ian. "Ian, deep breaths. What should we do now?"
"We have to call the cops." Ian said.
I looked over at Flitz.
"Don't worry about me, Shayne. At this point, calling the cops is the right thing to do. I just hope my family's okay." Flitz said.
"Already done." Olivia announced. "We informed what's been going on, and they've just started a search party. For now, they told us all to stay in one secure location."
"This place seems pretty secure." Wes said. "Is that okay with you, Emma?"
"Y-Yeah..." Emma said, wiping her eyes with a tissue.
"Officers are coming here to protect us until they find Aria." Boze said, still on the phone. "Also, we can't leave."
"I'm gonna call my family to come stay with us. Is that okay, Emma?" Flitz asked.
"YES!" Emma shouted.
The room was silent.
"I'm sorry, guys. A lot's going on at once." Emma said, sobbing.
"We understand, Emma." Damien said.
We heard knocks on the door.
"Well, that was quick." Mari said, opening the door.
Three officers came in and explained what's going to happen next.
Jason's P.O.V
Aria glared at me. "But you got injured badly by Damien when he got injected."
"That was to put me off the radar." I said. "I always get the job done."
"Even when you kissed me?" Aria questioned. "You pretended to love me?"
I really hoped she wouldn't ask that.
I couldn't let boss think I was going to save her.
"Yes, I pretended to love you."
Aria stared at me. "Fuck you, then."
Aria's P.O.V
"Language." My father said.
"So, people call you 'boss'?" I asked.
"They do. Soon, they'll be calling you boss." My father said, smiling.
"Are you going to put the gun down, yet?"
He laid it on the ground.
"You're like the bad guy in the movie." I said. "The one that's too blind to see the difference between right and wrong."
"Nice preference." He said. "Did you get that from your boyfriend, Shayne?"
I panicked. "Me and Shayne are only friends."
"Me and you both know that's not true." He said, bending down in front of me. "Here's the deal. If you don't take this position and go through with our plans, you won't be able to see Shayne Topp again. If you do take this position, I'll let him live."
"You're so fucked up!" I yelled, starting to tear up again.
"It's your choice, Aria!" My father snapped, hitting me in the face.
I winced at the stinging feeling in my cheek. "Can't you see what you're doing is wrong?! You've hurt so many people! You've hurt me over and over again."
"SHUT UP!" My father yelled. "Remember, one false move. Then he's dead."
I sighed, feeling guilt take over me.
"Fine." My father said, taking out his gun once more. "You don't think I could do it?"
He turned around and searched through the crowd of men and women.
He aimed his gun at a man, and I watched as the bullet entered his body.
I screamed. "I'll do it!"
Shayne's P.O.V
I couldn't sleep.
All my thoughts were full of Aria.
The woman I planned on spending the rest of my life with, is gone.
Wait, not gone.
Have hope, Shayne.
I turned back and forth in my sleeping bag, trying to get the negative thoughts out of my head so I could rest.
Then, I felt someone's arms embrace me from behind.
I tried sitting up, but they held me down.
"Rest, Shayne. We'll find her."
It was Joven.
The next morning, I was the last one to wake up.
I opened my eyes, sitting up straight as soon as someone touched my shoulder.
"Oh, damn. You alright?"
"Sorry, Keith." I said as he helped me up. "Nightmares."
Keith gave me a look of sympathy, and hugged me. "I know you love her. This must be so hard for you."
"Yeah." I said. "It is."
"Here, Damien's making pancakes."
As we walked to the kitchen, I saw Joven sitting on the couch. Was he watching me sleep?
He winked at me.
Emma's P.O.V
I got off the phone, feeling so happy that I wanted to cry.
I rushed to the kitchen, where everyone sat.
"GUYS!" I yelled, getting everyone's attention.
"What's up?" Courtney asked.
"They're close to finding Aria's location!"
Everyone cheered.
There was hope.
Shayne's P.O.V
Damien was the best at cooking, but I couldn't eat.
Once Emma told us the news, my hope rises even more.
But, I couldn't wait here in a small apartment to get Aria back. I couldn't.
So, I started thinking of a plan to escape.
Aria's P.O.V
I woke up, remembering all the events from yesterday as soon as I saw the gray wall of the room I was in.
My new room.
I turned to my bedside table, seeing a handgun.
A note laid on the gun, and I read.
Take this with you. You'll kill anyone that gets in your way.
I let out a groan. Was this really how things were going to be for now on?
"No." I said to myself.
I have to stop this.
I stared at the ceiling, remembering all the good times I had with Shayne.
I recapped the months I'd known him, until the most memorable one.
Our kiss.
"Get out of bed, already."
I turned my body around to see Jason at my door.
I quickly sat up, picked up the gun, and pointed it at him.
He put his hands up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Do you even know how to use that thing?"
"Why don't you teach me, guy that always gets the job done?"
He did.
We walked back to the main room, where everyone was waiting.
I had my gun in my hand, feeling anxiety just from the thought of it being there.
"There you are." My father said. "Good morning."
"Shut up." I said. "I want to see the lab."
"Or, wherever you create serums to inject people with."
[Hey, guys. Sorry if this story is getting too dark, I can change what happens in the future to make it a little lighter, if you want. If you have any suggestions, comment! I'm really trying ❤️]
See you in the next chapter!