You wake up and your head was hurting like hell you take some Tylenol and get in the shower you change into this 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
You walk down stairs and you here a knock so you open the door it was giovanny
Y/n; hey gio come in
Gio; thx
Gio; are you ok
Y/n; yeah my head hurts hella bad
Gio; so you going to tell me what the problem is with you and Alex
Y/n; problem
Gio; yes
Y/n; I really don't remember anything from yesterday I was drunk
Gio; ok well tell me what you remember
Everything started to come back to you
you started to cry 😭
Gio; are you ok
He hugs you and you hug back
Gio; tell me what happened
Y/n; ok
Y/n; yesterday when I was at the party I drank to much so I was drunk
Gio; I know
Y/n; yesterday I was getting a drink and I wanted to go to jacuzzi and I went and changed into my swimsuit I walked outside and got in and at that time Chris was drunk to so he came over to me and grabbed my waist and said I was good looking so I got in the jacuzzi and he sat next to me
Gio; oh no this doesn't sound like it is going to end well
Y/n started to cry again
Y/n; I got out and asked if Alex was coming he said yes and was going to change into his swimsuit I got back in and Alex sat next to me in the jacuzzi and I sat on his lap then he said he had to go to the bathroom so I got up and he went to the bathroom
Y/n started to ball her eyes out
Gio hugs you again
Y/n; then I get up to get me another drink so I did then walking back Chris walks up to me and kissed me he took me to some room then I gave him head
Gio; oh y/n
Y/n lays on gio's shoulder then gio kisses you an the fourhead
Gio; are you ok
Y/n; no
You get up and go and grabbed your phone
Hey guys if you made it to this point than thank you I know this isn't very good but...please vote and if you want to follow 😁