Him and I: A Supergirl Fanfic...

By supergirlfan124

81.5K 1.4K 193

He left her standing in the field as she watched him being jetted off to space. She had not even gotten to t... More

On My Thoughts
Lunch With Lena
I'm Sorry...
Half Way
Three Months In
You Broke My Heart
He's Beautiful
A Straight Line
She's Dead
Back to the Future.
Back in Time
What are Friends for?
Earth 1
The Pain I have Caused
A/N Part 2
Goodbye, Mon El
Will You Marry Me?
Happy Birthday Girls!
The Wedding
Hawai'i Baby!

update, sequel published

1.3K 20 2
By supergirlfan124

sequel is published with a really long first chapter. Link to Our Family below.


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