Their ANGEL(og) (Discontinued)

By SavageFandomGod

317 14 1

Based around Toby Fox's Undertale all credit goes to him. In this Frisk is your best friend and Asriel was no... More

The Next Human
The Plan/Training
Freeing Them
Painful Aftermath

Helping Them

16 1 0
By SavageFandomGod

I gasp, bolting up. I wipe away the tears. I look around. I see a little kid standing over a pile of ash. It strokes it's blood covered knife. It continues walking forward.


I walk into Grillby's and sigh. I pull up my hood and stuff my hands in my pockets. I sit at the bar counter. Grillby looks at me. I sigh.

"Got any honey?" I ask. He walks into some back room and comes back. He sets a dusty bottle of honey in front of me. I pick it up and take a sip. I hear the door ring, signaling another customer. I take another sip. I hear the creak of a chair next to me.

"Hey, Grillbz. Ketchup, please?" A deep voice asks the bartender. I take another sip of my honey. I hear the sliding of a bottle. "Thanks." I sigh, finishing my bottle. I look up at the bartender.

"Got any more?" I ask. He walks into the back room again. He comes back and slides me another dusty bottle. A skeletal hand reaches over and grabs the bottle before I can. I sigh and look over at the stubby skeleton. "Can I help you?"

"Honey, huh? Never had it." The skeleton states. He slides me my drink. I take a sip. The skeleton stares at me.

"Do you need something?" I ask, looking at the skeleton.

"Nah." He answers. I glare at him, though he can't see it. "There is no need to glare at me." I take another sip of my honey.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I can't figure out what you are." He answers. I sigh and take another sip.

"I'm not technically a monster or a human." I state.

"Okay, help me ketchup." He jokes. I smile a little.

"I am a hybrid." I explain. He looks at me. I sigh and push down my hood. He touches my face, sending shivers down my spine. I pull up my hood. "A skeleton hybrid."

"I think I pieced it together." He explains. I sigh and take another drink. "Why honey?"

"I like sweet stuff." I answer. I look at him. "My turn to ask a question."

"Shoot." He state. I take another drink. I wipe my face.

"What number is this reset?" I ask. His eye sockets widen.

"H-how.. d-did you?" He stutters. I take another drink.

"Answer the question." I push. He sighs.

"I don't know. I lost count at thirty." He answers. I take another sip. "What is your name?" I sigh and decide to use my font for the answer.

"____." I state. I take a drink, finishing the bottle.

"The name's Sans." He states, extending his hand. I place my hand in his. He shakes it. "Why is your hand so soft?" I shrug.

"Maybe, it has to do with the hybrid part of me." I think aloud.

"Maybe." He agrees.

"Let me be the judge of the kid this time around." I order. Sans looks at me, eye sockets wide. "I feel like I can get through to them."

"How do I know you won't join up with them?" Sans asks. I sigh.

"You don't." I answer. Sans leans on the counter, drinking his ketchup. "But, maybe this will help."

"What?" He asks.

"Fate has been cruel,
And order unkind
How can I have sent you away
The blame was my own
The punishment yours." I sing. Sans gasps. I look at him.

"Ok. You can take my place. If they reset, I will resume my place." Sans states. I nod.

"Of course. See you later." I agree. I leave 10g on the counter. "Drinks on me." I exit the building. I teleport to the Judgement Hall. I hear the kid outside, saving. I sigh and stand up straighter. The kid walks in and looks at me. They start laughing.

"Where is Sans?" The kid asks. I smirk, pushing down my hood. I shrug, pulling my hands out of my pockets.

"You know..." I start. They look at me confused. My smirk grows. "It's a horrific day outside. Monsters are dying, kids are killing. On days like this, people like you..."

"That's not how it goes." They state. I ignore them.

"S h o u l d  b e  w i s h i n g  f o r        h e a v e n!" I growl. I raise my hands above my head, crossing my wrists. They shrug, rushing to attack. I smile and drop my arms. They look at me, confused. Though, they don't stop. They get into slicing distance. "Green!" They stop mid air and can't move. I send bones flying toward them. They block three of the ten.

"W-what? H-how?! I killed Undyne already!" They yell. I smile at them, sadistically. They shake.

"Well, as you know. They are not truly dead. You can bring them all back at any time you want. You believe you are above consequences. Ha ha. That is hilarious." I start. "I am quite powerful. I can use all of my friends magic. I know all of your attacks. I hold all the information up here." I point to my head.

"Who the hell are you?!?" A demonic voice yells from the human's body. My sadistic smiles grows.

"You are very cute, I'll give you that. But, killing my friends is not cool. Our bond is so strong, and the training from them.... I can use my friends' magic. Prepare for the fight of your life!" I state, smiling. They're soul turns red again. They run at me, nearly hitting me. I thrust my hand in the air, punching them in the gut. They fly upwards. Hitting the ceiling, now blue. I slam them into some bones on the ground. They die. They reach their save point.

"It's a horrific day outside. Monsters are dying, kids are killing. On days like this, people like you... should be wishing for heaven." I greet, shrugging. The kid runs at me angrily. I summon a bone. My eye flashes between orange and cyan. I swing the bone. The kid gets hit every time. "You should know, you are very easy to kill."

"How are you not tired?! How am already to one hp!?" They ask. I smirk.

"Sans did not get regenerated after every time you died, I do. You have to kill me before you die. Or its back to the beginning." I answer. I laugh. They run at me. I thrust my fist into the air. Bones slam into the kid's body. They respawn. "Wow, you are weak."

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