Log Date:1557. Yesterday I wrote my informative to the committee. So far, no answer. Not that I'm expecting one of course. I successfully got all Subjects chipped and Serilaized thanks to the help of Subject 1. I really hope this isn't a repeat of 2-3, because if it is, I'm only going to be disappointed. Remember the rules....don't get attatched to Subjects. Along with the successful chip implant, I reviewed the audio of yesterday and heard what is most likely the most epic and unnecessary burn ever recorded. I've already starred the file. After an investigation of Subject 3, it appears the tear I left him is infected. I've already dropped supplies. It's up to them to figure out how to use them.
Fan's P.O.V:
Me and Paintbrush are talking, when we hear a box hit the floor. Lightbulb just stays quiet, in her own little pocket of mind. Now both me and Paintbrush have given up hope. I don't think Paintbrush has forgiven her for her "incident" yet. I walk over to the box, which had come through the food shoot, and pick up the note on it. "To Subject 3: This is a medical kit to help you heal your injury. I've given you all your necessary tools. Your task is to figure out how to use them. Good Luck! —Tt." I read aloud. Paintbrush groans. "You mean we have to do this ourselves?" Test Tube's voice popped back over the intercom for the first time in awhile. "Yes. I think it's a good first task. After all, if you fail or make a mistake, someone will die because of it" Wait What?! "You mean this might kill me?!" I pointed to my tear. The only thing it's done so far is ruin my depth perception and turn yellowy green. "It's infected. If it's remains untreated, it'll kill you. Good luck figuring things out. In the package I've also included some unnecessary tools. Happy Hunting" She chirped before turning off the intercom. I sighed, and opened the box. Extra paper, Thread, A needle, some jars of stuff I can't pronounce, a packet of gauze, syringes of stuff I've never seen before, and A bottle. I'm not quite sure what's in it, because it's solid black.
Lightbulb's P.O.V:
I peak over Fan's shoulder, noticing the materials. I had heard what Test Tube said. I know how to fix things like that. I want to help....but I doubt he'll trust me. I've already noticed what's useful and what isn't. But the Black Bottle interests me. I wonder what's in it. I tap Fan on the shoulder quietly. Of course he flinched, but sighed when he saw me. "Oh it's just you. Do you need something?" He asked skeptically. "I know how to fix your tear properly. You needed to know first aid to lead a team, you know." I replied quietly. Fan was about to speak, but Paintbrush fake coughed. "Um Fan, one word please?" "Sure" He replied slowly and walked off with them. Unknown to them, this room is small enough so I can still hear them. "She's the woman who purposely murdered and ate someone. Can you really trust her?" Paintbrush whispered. There it is, the stab of guilt and regret. My stomach lurches just thinking about it. "Oh course I can! Your being too harsh. She was out of a good state of mind, and she's my friend. I don't care what you think, I'm not dying today or tomorrow." Good to know Fan is still on my side. That doesn't take away the hurt though. I don't think anything can. He walked back over to me, but Paintbrush still glared at me. "So, what we need to do?" He asked. "Well, do you want to be awake or asleep for this?" I asked in return. "Any difference?" He questioned. "One you'll feel a lot more pain" "Asleep it is then" He said, laying flat on his back. I went over to the box, picked up the syringe. Anesthesia, but I don't think he knows that. I press it into his arm, causing him to flinch, then knock out.
I grab the needle, thread, gauze, and disinfectant Bottle. I look up at the viewing window, where Test Tube is studying me. "I don't need the extra paper, that was just a waste." I said to her. She just smirked and nodded. Typical. I get myself to work. First wipe the wound clean, add disinfectant, now sew it together. I look down at my work. Not the neatest, but it's life saving. Fan will most likely never see out of his right eye again, considering I just stitched it closed and together. At least he'll live.
Paintbrush's P.O.V:
Apparently Lightbulb can preform minor surgery. Never knew that. I honestly thought this way some kind of murder attempt, but she's actually pretty good at this. I'm still not over Apple thought. Part of me wants to move on and forgive her, knowing she's trying to keep herself together the best she can, but the other wants to just yell and slap her. But if I did that, I'd certainly catch fire. Then Fan would be lit ablaze, and she'd have new taunting material. Why does she even do that? One minute she's smiling and cheery, the next she's physcotic, then furious, then depressed and dull, then back to cheery.(A/N:Welcome to my life Paintbrush) It's like she can't compute her new surroundings, so she makes up her own. Well, now we have medical supplies so if any of us get hurt, we can attempt to heal. What I do know for sure is that I'm not touching that Black Bottle. It's....alarming. When I see Lightbulb grinning at her handiwork, I just roll my eyes. Back to cheerful. I'm not sure what to think.
(A/N: Sorry that this chapter is a little shorter than usual, I've got a huge lead chapter and Plot Point to write and Plan. Thanks to @CloverThe3rd for helping me write this chapter! I appreciate all the help)