A Girl in a Forgetful World

By parkiepwrites

1.2K 85 48

This is a collection of all the poetry I have written. Some sadness, some happiness, and a concotion of both... More

When I Saw You
Forgive My Guilt
The Meadow
Please Don't Abandon Me
This Side of My Skin
When Love Is Not Returned
What Changed?
Love Above
The Song of a Broken Heart
Letting Go
What Is Beauty?
Night Sky
Why Does No One Care?
In My Dreams
Beautifully Out of Place
Dear Self
I Love You
Do You Actually Love Me?
It Never Happened
Beautiful Eyes
Tiny Cracks
Empty Chairs
Found Poems
You Left Your Mark
Save Me
I Wish
I Will Never
Once Upon A Time
Peace is...
What I Could Have Known
Glass Bones
I Pretend
Let Me Go
Someone I Will Never Forgive
I Hope (For Us)
I Can't
The Father You Were Supposed to Be
The Way You Look At Me
Beginning of Forever
Was It All Pretend?
I Remember
You're My Poison
My Everything
Easily Hard
Maybe You'll Come Back to Me
Forgetting Us
Lovely Dream
Does Your Mind Ever Wander?
Playing With Fire
My Love, I Forgive You
Happiest Person in the World
Dear Best Friend
One in a Million Girl
4 a.m.
Dancing to Aerosmith
I'm Not Her
The Worst Part
Like A Goddess
Not Strong Enough
Good For You
To My Friends (I Love You)
Take Back My Heart
Have You Ever...?
Falling in Love Again (Goodbye)
All the Things They've Said to Me
I Don't Want To Forget
Crazy Beautiful
Staring Through My Window
Under the Oak Tree
Waiting Out There Somewhere
I Will Fight
We Miss You
Fight For Me
The Sting of Neverland
You Don't Love Me, Do You?
How I Used to Love You
What You Did to Me
Remember to Breathe
A Year Ago
The World Has Been Unkind to Me
Crying in Secret
I Miss You, Dad
I Know He Doesn't
Break Our Hearts
"I'm Just Tired"

Stories of my Childhood

14 1 0
By parkiepwrites

Sweet and innocent days live here,

When smiles hid no pain

And everyone was pure.

Stories of my childhood

Are not like anyone else's.

Mine were filled with confusion,

Some sadness,

Some anger,

Some tears,

And eventually I grew up.

It's a funny thing that pain can do,

Twist you so hard

And hit you so fast

That everything changes in an instant.

I don't like growing up.

Everyday gets harder

And friends drift further apart.

I sometimes look back on the stories of my childhood

If only to relish in that perfect world for just a few measly seconds.

But still,

Those seconds give me hope

That not all of the world is bad.

Not all hatred will stay.

The stories of my childhood made me what I am today.

I am strong.

I am brave.

I am loving.

I am pain.

The stories of my childhood

Always are filled with laughter.

Bright, innocent, happy-go-lucky laughter.

Laughter makes the world go round

And smiles keep it from burning down.

The stories of my childhood are sadly in the past,

But looking into the future

I see clouds of white,

Bright light,

And love at every corner.

Pain is still there,

But I know how to fight it now.

The stories of my childhood always fill my mind.

I no longer live through them,

And there are some missing characters from a few,

Missing characters that left me for other stories.

But now I am making the stories of my future,

While remembering the stories of my past.

The stories of my future will be built upon trust

And love

And hope

And peace.

Thank you, stories of my childhood

For the memories.

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