Drew Barrymore- Bryce Vine
"So, how long am I going to be held hostage?" Leon asks and I lay down a five on the stack of cards and go through mine, before looking over the edge of the cards at all of them.
"I didn't think hostages were allowed to talk." Jinx grumbles making me smile as she lays down an ace.
"Yes!" Finn shouts and picks up the card about to put three aces down.
"Woah, woah, woah." Minnie says as we all look to her. "It's my turn mister. Put that card back right now." Finn freezes staring at Minnie as she stares back. Finn looked broken, he looked upset.
"Please let me have this. You all have like three down and I have nothing." Finn begs but Minnie points to the stack.
"Be nice and maybe I'll return the favor." She says. Jinx's eyes meet mine and we both smile before trying to hide it with our hair. Minnie? Being nice? That was as funny as Trump being president.
"Please." He begs before he slowly places the card in the stack but doesn't let it go. Minnie sits up straight.
"Let it go." Finn gives her a look before letting the card slip from his finger tips. He slowly brings his hand back and then shakes his head. He can't let it go. His hand comes after the card but Minnie quickly swipes it from his grasp and then lays down an ace, king, queen, jack, ten, and a nine. She then looked up at Finn. Jinx and I groan leaning back in our chairs as Finn stares down at his empty side of the table. He was so close. Yet so far away. I feel his pain.
"You brought this upon all of us." Minnie says. A chuckle comes from someone not in our group and we all look to Leon.
"If you don't want to me to talk or laugh, maybe you should gag me again." He says shrugging. I look to Jinx as she looks to me.
"Should he go into time out?" I ask and she raises an eyebrow.
"I don't know. He was there for a pretty long time. Should he really go back? Already?" I bite my bottom lip and we both look to Leon again as he looks between us carefully.
"Please tell me you're not thinking of locking me in your trunk again." He complains. Jinx let's an evil smirk form on her face and I glance back at Minnie.
"What do you think?" I ask her.
"Well," She starts. "- he does keep interrupting our game."
"I'll shut up I swear. Please just don't lock me in there again. It smells like moldy pizza and sweat." He complains. Jinx and I look at each other again before we laugh. "What? What now?"
"I though you threw that pizza away." I say with a big smile on my face.
"I forgot it even existed." She shrugs. "God, that was the worst pizza I've ever tried." I nod on agreement along with Finn and Minnie but then I hesitate.
"How long has it been in there?" I ask and she shrugs again.
"Maybe about five months." A smirk forms as I look to Finn. As if reading my mind he smiles and shakes his head.
"Okay. I'll do it only if you do it."
"Ew." Minnie says scrunching up her nose. "You two are so gross. That is so disgusting." She smiles and leans forward. "Do it." Finn and I look to Jinx for approval and maybe looking to see if she'd tell us not to.
"It's your lives. If you guys want to die, go ahead and be my guest." Finn nods and looks to me.
"We finally get to fulfill our life long dream of dying together!" He exclaims and I shake my head.
"Nah, if I wanted to die with someone it would not be you." I say and then look around the table. "It'd be Minnie." I nod and she smiles nodding back.
"Yes, girl, yes." She claps and I look back to Finn to see his mouth dropped.
"Sorry. Maybe when Minnie claims she hates tomatoes." I shrug.
"But-" Minnie starts and I send her a look as she looks down.
"Who are you?" I ask shaking my head in disappointment.
"Blame my parents." She says. "I'm sorry." I look to Jinx.
"I guess I have to die with you then." I sigh and Finn slams his hand on the table.
"Oh, come on!" Finn exclaims.
"Sorry, but I already have a dying buddy." Jinx shrugs and I narrow my eyes as her eyes flick to Minnie.
"You didn't tell me this." I say in a hurt voice looking between her and Minnie.
"See? Doesn't feel too good does it?" Finn asks and I shoot him a look.
"Fine." I say standing up. "Let's go die." I flip my hair over my shoulder and walk over to the trunk of her car with Finn following and Jinx and Minnie coming behind.
"What about me?" Leon asks.
"You're not apart of this." Jinx says before opening her trunk and backing up. I lean in and shuffle through all her stuff before I find the pizza box and pull it out. Staring down at it, I glance at Finn and then slowly open it up. The pizza was moldy and it smelt awful and looked disgusting.
"Ladies first." I say motioning for Finn to get it over with. He sighs.
"Leon get over here." Finn calls and I laugh.
"That works." I nod.
"What? No. I think I'm good over here." Leon says shaking his head. I smirk and look back at Jinx as she nods.
"Let's do it." We head over to him as he shakes his head and starts trying to crawl away.
"No! Go away! Leave me alone!" I roll my eyes grabbing his arm as Jinx grabs his other one and we start dragging him toward the trunk of her car.
"Oh stop being a baby." Minnie whines. "It's annoying and so unattractive.
"I beg you." Leon says hooking his tied feet onto a tree root and making us stop. "Please don't."
"This is my rule." I state looking down at him. "If a guy causes trouble," I shrug. "Kill him."
"That really is her rule." Finn says.
"Yeah, she's almost killed Finn about a hundred times." I narrow my eyes and push out my lips, thinking.
"Only a hundred?" I ask before shaking my head. I look up to Jinx. "Is this man causing trouble?" She smirks and glances down at him as he shakes his head with wide eyes.
"Yes." She nods and I nod reaching back and putting my hand on the hilt of my gun, pulling it out.
"You won't kill me. I'm Felix's brother. He'll kill you." I hesitate but shake my head, keeping my face blank, emotionless.
"He's already trying to." I shrug. "Nothing really changes."
"He'll never forgive you. He'll put a kill order on you. He'll put one on everyone you care about. Even Nadia." I narrow my eyes and point my gun at his head.
"What do you know of Nadia?"
"That's she's only three and she doesn't deserve to die. That she's your younger sister." I almost sigh in relief but I keep it in and lower my gun.
"What do you think about all this?" I ask Jinx.
"Don't shoot his face. That's all I ask." Finn says and I roll my eyes.
"Don't shoot me anywhere!" Leon exclaims making me smirk.
"Oh, God, do something to make him shut up." Minnie groans. I look to Jinx.
"Jinx? Is he causing trouble?"
"I'm tied up! There's not much I can do!" Leon exclaims again.
"Yes." Jinx says again. "But I don't think he should die. Eating the molded pizza is good enough for me." His eyes widen as I nod and we begin dragging him toward the trunk again.
"What? No! Shoot me! Kill me! Anything but that! Please!"
"Shouldn't have followed me." Jinx shrugs.
"Please don't!" He pleads. "I'll do anything but that!"
"Again. You really shouldn't have followed me." She chuckles.
"I'm sorry I find you attractive!" Leon exclaims making Jinx hesitate and her smile fade before she keeps walking with me.
"Oh no. Don't let this guy sweet talk you." I shake my head and she rolls her eyes turning away just before I saw a slight blush coming on her cheeks.
"Now this is a great love story waiting to unfold." Finn says and claps his hands. Minnie shakes her head as Finn spreads his arms as if confused. "What?"
"Shut up, Finn." Jinx hisses. "I'd never be with anyone related to Felix..." this time I hesitate before shaking my head and we reach her car again placing him in front of us and making him kneel.
"Please, please, I'm begging you. Don't make me do this." Leon pleads.
"Don't you want a second chance?" Jinx asks.
"Oh, Jinx and I are big on second chances." I nod. "If you do this of course." Leon shakes his head as I let go of him and stand beside him grabbing a piece of the cold moldy pizza holding it in my hands.
"Open up." Jinx says but Leon keeps his worried eyes wide, his mouth shut and shakes his head.
"It cant be that bad." I shrug as Leon gives me a look saying he knew I was lying. I sigh and smell the pizza before quickly bringing it away and gagging. "Oh it's bad. It's really really bad."
"Oh this is just sad." Finn says taking the pizza from my hand and taking a bite out of it. All of us stare at him as he chews... and chews... and chews. Suddenly his face scrunches up and he is pushing me away throwing up in Jinx's trunk.
"Eww." Minnie, Jinx and I all complain. Finn steps back and wipes his mouth and we lean forward and look at his puke. He threw up all over the pizza.
"Now eat the pizza." Minnie says and I look to Jinx as we actually consider it. "No, guys I was joking. Too far. Way too far." She shakes her head and goes back to the table with all of the cards. A phone starts ringing and we look to Leon before I send a look to Jinx.
"You didn't take his phone?" I ask.
"I had more important things to worry about than a phone." Jinx whines.
"Well, I guess we all know who's a terrible kidnapper." Finn says backing away from us. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah cause that's gonna make a difference." I mutter.
"Uh oh." I mutter.
"That's Felix." He sighs.
"How do you know?" Jinx asks.
"Because I gave different ring tones on everyone. This one is Felix's." Leon explains before looking to me. "You know Felix which is why you know I have to answer. He won't stop unless he knows I'm fine. He'll come looking for you. It will make the mess between you and him one hundred times worse." I knew it. I didn't need him to explain it to me, but I also couldn't help the evil smile that formed on my face. Maybe he needs to have some fun. Maybe that's why he's cranky. Oh he is so much more than cranky.
I take the phone from Leon's back pocket and look at it. He was right. It was Felix. I look at Jinx's worried eyes and then at Finn's confused ones before looking down at Leon as he shakes his head. "You don't want to-" I answer and put the phone to my ear as Leon curses in Russian under his breath.
"Leon? Where are you?" Felix's deep voice says through the phone. I had almost forgotten what it sounded like. "Leon?" I open my mouth to say something smart, but all sarcastic things leave my head and I narrow my eyes closing my mouth. Finn suddenly trips falling backward causing Jinx and Minnie to laugh as Leon continues shaking his head.
"Finn." I shake my head. "Sei un idiota maldestro." You're a clumsy idiot. Leon closed his eyes and tilts his head back.
"Blake?" Felix asks through the phone making me freeze. I sigh.
"Ora sono l'idiota maldestro." Now I'm the clumsy idiot. I mumble putting a fist to my forehead. I felt something taken from my hand and I open my eyes to see Finn messing around with my gun. "Careful with that it's not a toy." I warn.
"Blake. Where is my brother?" Felix asks. His voice sounded emotionless now. It sounded cold. Dead.
"I'm sorry, Felix." I look down at Leon. "You're little brother can't come to the phone right now. He's busy-" I search my head for an excuse. "Eating moldy pizza." Leon gives me a look. "What? It's not technically a lie." I mutter. "Finn just had to throw up on it." I send Finn a glare as he narrows his eyes.
"What? It was really gross! I'm sorry I couldn't keep it down."
"Did you say moldy pizza?" Felix asks. His voice still emotionless.
"Hey. You. Shush." I say to the phone then look to Finn. "Well that's why we were going to have Leon you idiota. Then he would have been the one to throw up and you wouldn't have had to experience such grief." I roll my eyes as Finn throws his arms apart.
"I'm sorry I'm-" the gun goes off making everyone freeze and go silent. I look to Finn and then around the group.
"What was the sound and why did it sound like a gun shot?" Felix asks.
"Because it was a gun shot." I mumble trying to keep the shock from my voice.
"Is everyone okay?" Minnie asks standing but staring at each of us. I send Finn a glare as he slowly hands over the gun.
"I'm fine." Jinx says.
"I'm good." Finn says as I yank the gun from his hands.
"Non posso credere quanto sei stupido." I can not believe how stupid you are. I growl. "I told you it wasn't a toy and here you go swinging it around. You idiota, stupido, mentale-" idiot, stupid, mental-
"Guys." Jinx says slowly making us all look to her. My eyes go down to Leon as he laid on the ground.
"Merda santa." Holy shit. "Finn." I shake my head. "Leon?" I shake my head and glare at Finn. "Finn." I growl angrily dropping the phone and going to Leon. I turn him over not seeing a wound or anything but it looked like he wasn't breathing.
"Why does it look like he's not breathing?" Jinx asks worriedly.
"Because I don't think he is." I say in shock as I hear Finn move.
"Hey the phone is still on and a man is cursing in- is that Russian?" Finn asks and I look at him. "He's calling your name really angrily."
"Idiota. Hang up the phone!" I command and he jumps doing as I say before I turn back to Leon. Jinx puts her ear over his lips and she listens before her eyes meet mine and she shakes her head turning and looking down at him.
"I can't hear any-" His eyes suddenly open and he leans up pressing his lips against Jinx's shocking all of us. Jinx was froze in shock before she recovers before any of us do and she pushes him away slapping him.
"You jackass." She mumbles shaking her head and walking away. I stand shaking my head also as Finn joins Minnie and Jinx at the table.
"Not cool Leon. Not cool at all." He shrugs with a smirk on his face.
"I learned from the best." He says and a memory pops into my head. It was a memory where Felix pulled something like that. God, I was mad at him for at least a week after that. No, actually it was like an hour but I pretended to be mad for at least a week. I walk over to the others going at the table. "Hey. What are you just going to leave me here?" He asks and we all look at each other. I guess the same idea was passing through all of our heads. I smirk and we all turn to look at him.
"Now, that you mention it..." I glance at Jinx looking for the okay and she nods.
"It's okay with me."
"Any of you guys want a shake?"
"At four in the morning? Sure, why not." Minnie says and I look to Finn before shaking my head.
"Except you. You go home and think about what you've done." He pouts.
"Okay mom." We each head to our cars for rides. Leaving Leon.
"Wait. You can't just leave me here!" He shouts. He's right. I quickly run over to him and he sighs. "Thank you-" Picking up his phone I unlock it and click on Felix's name and sending him our location.
"Everyone run!" I shout. "Now!" I start to but I go back smirking and gagging him again as he shouts at me but it was muffled. Jinx drives around him as I go to my bike jumping on and starting it up. I watch Jinx drive away and then Minnie after her. Finn was next as he let his tires screech when he sped off. I shake my head but couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. My friends, those people, they're the only things that keep me going. I don't know what I'd do with out them. I'd probably die of boredom.
I need to leave before the big bad wolf shows up. I shove on my helmet and speed off as quickly as I can. Finn hung up before Felix heard Leon was messing with us. He probably doesn't know what to expect which means he's angry. I don't want to deal with him when he's angry. He's a nightmare.
Should I stop with theses? Honestly the only reason I do it is to make the chapters seem longer. Anyway, what was with the moldy pizza in the trunk of Jinx's car? Was it really there for four months? Why did they all leave Leon there alone? Why did Blake text Felix from Leon's phone? Wa sit so he would come and get him? Will Felix be back? Will Leon? 10-12-18