Authors Note: this is a sad chapter get ready to grab the tissues. It shows you true love.
Jacob POV
"Jacob Green?"
I stood up straight away, and ran to the doctor that called my name. The waiting room at the hospital was very uncomfortable, not many people were here but still. I was so scared for Annie, when they took her in they said I couldn't follow. Even though I know she would want me too.
"Yes sir? Is she ok?"
He looked at me, then gestured for me to follow him down the hall. Talking as we went. My nerves were tingling, I was really nervous.
"I'm Dr.Cross, I've been treating Annie tonight."
I nodded.
"She has been having nightmares?"
I was frozen thinking about her but I still answered after a small hesitation.
"Sorry, yes sir she has."
He wrote it down on his clip board.
"Quiet frequently, actually."
I wanted to give him all the information I could. I want Annie in my arms. Now, right now. I want to keep her safe.
"Ok, thank-you Mr.Jacob."
We walked up a few more rooms then stopped outside the closed curtains.
"Is she in here?"
He wasn't letting me in yet though, some how I knew there was more to it. I looked at him, but he was reading through his notes. Probably preparing himself.
"Mr.Jacobs, Annie has been diagnosed with two diseases. Sleep terrors and nocturnal seizures."
My head was starting to hurt, and I felt like I was going to faint but I held on. For Annie.
"What does this mean?"
The doctor put his board down and looked at me.
"This means that she has nightmares that she doesn't normally wake up to or remember, and this most recent one holds a chance that she won't wake up to it."
The doctor picked his board back up and held it by his side.
"You can go in to see her now, she won't wake up when you go in. You can stay their for the night, doctors and nurses will check on her through the night, I will be back in the morning."
I was about to let him go, but I had to ask.
"Wait, Dr.Cross. Do patients normally survive this... Disease."
He looked at me and I saw the sorrow across his face.
"No I'm sorry Mr.Jacobs, they don't normally."
I walked into the room closing the door behind me, I looked up at Annie and my heart plummeted out. Tears swelled in my eyes as I saw her laying there, motionless. She was on the machines and had cords all over her, to keep her alive.
I let the tears fall, then soon I was sitting by the bed holding her hand in full tears. As I whispered to her pleading that she would wake up.
"I can't lose you Annie, you are the best thing that's ever happen to me."
I placed a small kiss on her hand and rest my head down on bed, next to her stomach.
"Please wake up."
Was the last thing I remember saying before I cried myself into a light sleep.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I looked up and rubbed at my dry, itchy eyes. The crying had swelled my eyes up. I glanced over at Annie, my beautiful Annie. She was still asleep, and as the doctors say 'urging herself to death'.
"Hello, Mr.Jacob."
I looked up as a nice young nurse came in. She had a trolley with her.
"I'm nurse Holloway, you can call me Stacy. I checked on Annie last night, you were asleep. I'm just here to change her bags and make sure she's ok. Do you want to head out for fresh air, maybe a coffee?"
I tried to smile at her but I think I failed at that.
"No I'm right, I don't want to leave her side."
"Your so sweet."
I watched Stacy as she undid the water bags and changed them around, also changing the food bag incase she woke up. I moved my gaze back to Annie.
"You know I believe in her."
It took me by surprise, my head shot up to catch Stacy's glance.
"I believe that Annie will make it through this, most patients with this don't last as long as Annie has. Maybe 4 hours top. Your Annie, she has made it through the night."
I didn't know what to say, though I was glad someone had hope in her. Besides just me.
"She's one tough cookie."
Stacy said smiling. She wheeled the trolley to the door, then turned around to face me.
"Jacob? May I call you that?"
I nodded, so she continued.
"Jacob, would you like me to bring you breakfast? I'm doing rounds for patients. Seeing as Annie can't eat, you can help her by keeping yourself strong too."
"Ok, thank-you Stacy."
Stacy wheeled the trolley out the door and down the hall making her next stops. My eyes flickered back to Annie, where they stayed for a while. I was worried sick for her so I decided I would talk to her.
"So I miss you right now, and I just want you to remember I love you."
The tears broke down my face again, but I let them fall.
"You know, the first time I saw you I knew you were something special, as soon as you came to my school I was jealous. Ryan really likes you, like a lot. I caught him staring at your bits. Only I can do that."
I wiped my tears away. Then held one of her hands, while I continued.
"When my mum said she wanted you tested for pregnancy I was so pissed off, I wanted to slap her for saying that. I wanted to protect you. And when we started talking about kids, having our own. I saw how that lit up your face, how much you wanted one, even seen how much trouble they can be. I want to call my daughter Jamie Annabelle, after you. Because I'm sure she's going to be just as tough and strong as her kind hearted mother. And if it's a boy, I'd call him Thomas. You could pick the second name, honestly he will be your child too."
I kissed her hand as all my thoughts ran free, things I wouldn't normally say. But now that I feared losing Annie permanently I needed her to know these things. Like telling her was going to bring her back.
I continued to talk to her for hours and hours on end, even had breakfast and lunch and told her how it looked and tasted. What the air smelt like, what the bed felt like.
I didn't want her to miss a single thing, never.