This was requested by @Shannon1300. I hope you like it!!
*Shannon's POV*
I sat by Shawn's side, worrying a bit. He was lying on a hospital bed next to me.
There was an accident when Shawn was on stage for his last show. He had tripped and fallen off the side of the stage during the last song. Turns out, he broke his right arm pretty badly and got a concussion. He had been in a lot of pain. Hurting so badly that it had made him sick a couple times. The doctors had put his arm in a sling and given him pain killers, but I could tell he was still feeling terrible.
"Mum," Shawn called to Karen who was sitting by the opposite side of the bed along with Aaliyah and Manny. He whimpered, "Can't they give me more for the pain?"
"Not with how sick you keep getting," she said, "They've almost given you the highest dosage anyways, love." She rubbed his cheek and then his shoulder through his white t-shirt.
"Just breathe, baby," I cooed, "The pain will stop eventually."
Shawn looked over at me and I saw there were tears in his eyes. "It's so bad, Shannon," he cried, "My arm and my head just ache."
I reached over to gently wipe the tears from his cheeks. "I would take the pain away if I could, Shawn, but I can't. You just have to wait for it to go away. Okay?"
"Okay." (Tfios reference because I'm obsessed with it rn!) A second later Shawn grimaced as he was hit with another wave of pain.
It hurt me to see him hurt. I held his hand, hoping it wouldn't hurt his broken arm. It must have not because he didn't tell me to stop.
His eyes were closed and his cheeks were wet. "It hurts my head to cry, but I can't stop," Shawn sobbed.
"It's okay, Shawny," I tried to cheer him up, "Just think of all the muffins we'll make you when you can go home. And all the hugs and cuddles I can give you."
He smiled slightly at that and his tears stopped. "I guess I do have a bit to look forward to," he said.
Aaliyah stood up. "I found Leo the lion in your room and brought him for you," she placed the stuffed animal on his non-injured shoulder.
Shawn snauggled his face into the soft plush against the bed. "Thanks, Liyah," he spoke.
"No problem," she smiled and sat back down.
Behind me two nurses came into the room, one man and one woman. They came over to Shawn and checked a few things on the clipboard. The man looked up. "We're going to need to give him an IV so he can stay hydrated and we can put in more medicine through that," he explained.
"That might be a problem," Manny said.
"Why?" I asked and I'm sure the nurses were wondering the same thing.
Shawn's dad looked to me, "I guess Shawn hasn't told you, but he has a pretty big fear of needles."
Shawn hadn't told me. I looked over at him and his eyes were wide looking straight in front of him. He looked really scared.
"Shawn, it's okay," I faced him, "It isn't that bad. And you need it."
He shook his head and clutched his free arm where the IV would be put to his chest. "No, I'm not doing it," he cried, "I don't do needles!"
"It will only be a slight prick," the female nurse told, "Nothing to be scared of."
Shawn just kept shaking his head with tears falling down his pale cheeks once more.
"Can we have a minute?" I asked the nurses, "Just with you guys standing outside?"
They nodded and left, shutting the door behind them.
"Shawn, you really have to do it," I was trying to tell him the truth, "You're not going to get better unless you let them do this, baby."
He glanced at me, still crying a little, "I'm seriously scared, Shannon. Every time where I had to get a shot or anything like that is a bad memory."
"I'll be right here next to you," I reminded, "I'll hold your hand and you can squeeze it when things get bad." I placed my hand on the side of his face and stroked his cheek with my thumb.
The nurses came back in with all the supplies needed for an IV.
"Will you do it, Shawn?" I asked him. All eyes were on him.
He nodded.
I smiled and took his hand as the nurses came around to the other side of the bed. They started to clean his arm where they would put it in.
I noticed Shawn's nervous glances at me and at his arm while he bit his lip. "Everything is going to be okay," I repeated, "Everything is going to be fine."
"It will just take a second," the nurses spoke, getting the needle ready.
Shawn closed his eyes tightly and turned his head away from the nurses. His hand squeezed mine tight as the IV went in and I held his steady.
"And where done," one nurse said, "We'll get more medicine coming in soon. It will most likely make you pretty tired, so you should probably stay the night."
"That will be fine," Karen said, "I'm sure Shannon will have no problem with staying with Shawn tonight."
"Of course," I smiled. I wasn't planning on leaving him anyways.
Shawn's family stood up, gathering their things to go home for the night. "You really are great to him," Karen praised just as they were leaving, "I can see why he loves you so much."
"Thank you," I grinned, "I'll see you tomorrow." They said goodbye and left out the door.
I came back to Shawn's side, "How are you feeling now, sweetie?"
His eyes fluttered open, "Pretty tired. A lot of the pain has gone away." The medicine must have been kicking in because he looked like he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. His hazel eyes were only barely visible.
"Good," I smiled, "You should try and get some sleep. I'll be here with you all night." I gestured to a pretty comfy chair.
Shawn nodded ever so slightly. "Thanks for everything, today," he whispered.
I got closer to him and kissed him quickly on the cheek. He was already slowly dozing off, his cute smile fading.
I loved writing this wow. I hope you liked it!!!
Still working on requests so sorry if it is taking a little bit.