Short Horror Stories.......

By Darkened_Abyss

1.2K 121 39

Made this cuz I was bored af and I hope y'all enjoy. More

This New Old House....
There's No Reason To Be Afraid.....
The Perfect Plan.....
Warrior of God......
The Accident.....
Next Time You'll Know Better.........
After Death.........
First Words.....
Ghost Bro.........
Don't Take Brexiprozalene.........
This Is Maria......
911 Calling.......
My Favorite Support Group.........
The Twist At The End.....
A Message from your Personal Demons..............
The Shoe In The Riverbed.......
True Story.....
Darkness In The Rearview Mirror..........
Instant Messaging.......
Kids In The Dark........
The Oneirophage........
It Started As A Leak..........
Name Calling and Heavy Breathing..............
My Great Grandmother's House...........
There's Something Terrorizing My Family........
Message From MysticWolfDragon16........
True Story 2........

Another Life.......

30 4 0
By Darkened_Abyss

       I've been having vivid dreams lately. Not the ones that felt like I'm flying or being chased by a monster or anything. It felt like I was living someone's life. At first, it lasted only a few seconds. Then it progressed into hours, days. Soon enough it turned into years. There were times I woke up screaming, confusing people around me because I thought I was the person in the dream. Each one was different than the last — one time I'm a regular old dad with two kids, another I was a drunk living in a dump of an apartment. I talked to a therapist about it, he thought it was short-term memory loss or me reliving a past life or that kind of shit. But I know it's not a past life, and I know the people in my dreams are real. I tried to look up the people in my dreams, tried to find out who they were. I only found obituaries.

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