Best friends✈️💕(G.D E.D)

By DolanXLovers_

326 8 0

It started with two strangers a text message & now being best friends; what could this mean ?♥️ Do you ever f... More

The mystery boy😏❓
First time talking??
The best friends ???
Thinking about meeting ?
Face time 💻💕
Big surprise?❓♥️
The nigth Before ❤️?
Gray&Cassie ??
Gray is nervous
One year later

The Girl 💙

83 2 0
By DolanXLovers_

My name is Cassandra👑💋 I'm from Toronto Canada Ontario I am 19 years old and this is The story how I met my best friend

It was a regular day on September 8, 2017 I woke up thinking about what I'm going to be doing today I graduate high school three years ago so I was just normal girl living my life in Canada one day me and my best friend we're on the phone talking to random stuff you know how we are this is how it went

Sam hey girl want to ft ?
Me ya sure why not
Sam okey I will call u
Me okk💕

We got on the phone and staring to talking about some stuff usual school life and boys Sam asked me hey can I ask you something I said sure she says what he think of the Dolan twins ♥️ PS IM IN LOVE WITH THE DOLAN TWINS 😍                                                                   I looked and I said who are the Dolan twins she says you must be living under a rock I gave this look like what 😮 !!!

Girl These two guys from  YouTube/Vine oh now I understand what you're saying she says do you think they're cute? I said yeah but they probably have girlfriends plus I'm too old for them 

girl no you're not You are gorgeous and trust me I think you make an amazing girlfriend to them  yeah yeah I said. We talked for couple more hours until I said good night to her

I was just about to go to sleep when unknown number texted me it said here's what the text

Unknown number :
Hey Ethan put your phone away

Me: umm I think you have the wrong number

Unknown number:
Omg I'm sorry to disturb you

Me: it okey don't worry

Unknown number: goodnight

Me: night

The next morning I woke up and I realized who was that person that texted me at 12:08am
I just ignored it and I went downstairs to go get some  breakfast but before I do that I went into 

the bathroom to do the usual brush my teeth brush my hair fixed myself up a little bit for my hair up in a messy bun then it went down stairs to get some food a girl needs to eat. 

Hey guys I hope you enjoy the story is my very first one let me know if you want me to do more in the future authors note

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