3rd Person POV
Thomas said to them, "We're not going back there. It's the only way."
He closed his eyes and Dr. Ava Paige called out, "Thomas!"
They heard a car horn making Mia and Thomas look at each other. They faced Dr. Ava Paige. Jorge was driving and crashed into the helicopter making it stop from leaving.
Thomas was wrapping his arm around Mia's waist bringing her down next to him as the helicopter's wings were flying to the ground.
They got up and the soldier said looking at Thomas, "Freeze! Put it down, kid!"
Thomas throws it into the circle of soldiers and pressed the button. "Run! Get down!" Thomas called out wrapping his arm around Mia's waist bringing her down next to him
The explosion happens as the smoke was surrounding them. Janson came out of the smoke and punched Mia in the face. And brought Thomas down. He puts his foot down on top of Thomas with his gun out.
"What a waste." Janson commented and Mia went behind him putting her arm around his throat along with her dagger in her other hand. She held onto him tight facing other direction.
"Brenda!" Mia shouted and a gunshot was fired into Janson. "Now!"
Mia lets go of Janson and gave a thumb's up to Brenda as Thomas got up. Mia threw the dagger and it lands on his leg. Then Thomas and Mia ran. Mia then shot soldiers who were in front of them. Once, she ran out, she tossed the gun aside.
Meanwhile, Brenda was being the back of their eyes as the sniper, "Keep going. I got you. I got you, Mia. I got you guys."
Minho said to them, "Go! Thomas, Mia, go!"
"Minho! Come on!" Mia said as she ran passing him with Thomas in front of her
"Get out of here! Go!" Minho shouted back
Mia and Thomas hid behind a box next to Newt and Frypan. "Minho! Come on!" Mia shouted
The soldier fired at Minho's chest making him turn around facing them.
"Minho!" Thomas shouted and Minho looked up at Mia and mouthed, "It's okay."
Tears were falling down Mia's eyes as she yelled shaking her head, "No! Minho!"
She started to run towards him and Thomas called out, "Mia! Come back!"
"Minho! No!" Mia yelled looking to see that the soldiers were dragging him away
Jorge told her, "Mia, get back!"
"Don't! Mia, no!" Jorge said as Mia pleaded, "Please, don't! Minho! Minho!"
Jorge was holding her back as she shouted, "Minho! No!"
Thomas held onto her as Jorge yelled out, "Mia!"
"He's my brother, damn it! He's family!" Mia told him trying to fight him off. "He's my brother, Tom! Minho's my brother!"
Thomas looks at her with shock as she called out, "Minho! Please, no! Minho!"
She started sobbing onto Thomas's chest as he wrapped his arms around her. Dr. Ava Paige, Janson, Teresa, and Minho ended up on the plane. Mia looks at them with fire in her eyes as the plane door closes. Thomas rubs her back as they all looked up at the plane being lifted away.
The Next Morning:
After Minho being taken from Wicked, Mia sat with her knees up in front of her. She puts her head on top of it as she remembered the time that meant so much to her.
Flashback: Back at the Glade
Mia looks at Minho and asked, "We're going to get out of here, right?"
Minho moves closer to her and placed his arm around her shoulder, "Of course, Mia, no one could hurt you if I'm around."
She placed her head on his shoulder and said, "What if you are not around?" She looks at the walls of the maze
"I promise, I'll always be around." Minho whispered to her
Present Day:
She wipes the tears falling down her eyes with her hoodie sleeve. "Shit." She whispered to herself
Thomas came sitting next to her in the same position and asked, "You okay?"
Mia shakes her head and said, "No, I'm not okay. And I don't think I will be anytime soon."
"You remember? That Minho is your brother?" Thomas asked her
Mia responded, "Back at that party, when I drank that liquor, something happened to me. My memories were coming back. Slowly. I think I remember. I remember most of my life. I guess the parts that mattered. The parts that hold a deep place in my heart."
She continued as she looked at him, "I remember how we fell in love and how it ended. That bitch stole everything from me. She removed my memories of you and of Minho once I got sent up to the maze. She took away what mattered to me."
Her eyes were watery wiping away some of the tears, "I should've told him, Tom. I should've told Minho. I just-I thought we had more time."
She got the item that she got from Chuck and showed it to Thomas, "I promised Chuck that I would protect him. Justice needs to be served to all of them. WICKED needs to pay for what they've done."
Thomas looks down and sighed, "You really believe that, Mia?"
"Of course I do, Tom." Mia said to him. "Don't you?"
Thomas nods his head in reply, "At least that part of you didn't change. That fire in your eyes. Your desire to fight for what's right."
He looks at her and said, "It's one of the things I love about you."
Thomas stood up as did Mia as she said, "I'm done with running from them, Thomas. We need to fight them. Fight fire with fire. WCKD declared war against humanity."
"Well, you're going alone. That's for sure." Thomas said helping Mia stand up. "We're going to do this together."
"Always." Mia said smiling at him
Frypan then asked, "Guys, what do we do now?"
"Well, we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan. We get, you kids to the safe haven." Vince said getting up and looking around. "Then we start over, I guess."
Mia puts her item in her pocket as Thomas handed her a backpack that he organized for her. Thomas grabs his putting it around his shoulder. She puts the backpack around her shoulders.
Thomas told them, "We're not going with you."
"What?" Vince asked and Mia repeated shaking her head, "The fight isn't over. Minho is my brother, Vince. I'm not leaving without him."
"We made a promise to Minho." Thomas added
Vince said, "Hey, guys, look around you. All right? WICKED just kicked our asses. You guys should think about where you're headed."
"Look, we're not asking for permission." Thomas replied and Vince commented, "Yeah, more like a death sentence."
Mia told him, "For WICKED. The death sentence is for them."
"Thomas, Mia, listen to me. I know how much Minho means to you guys. I have known him for...Well, for as long as I can remember. So, if there is any way that we could help him, trust me, I would be up there standing next to you guys. This, what you guys are talking about is impossible." Newt said.
Jorge added as he walked up to them along with Brenda, "More like suicide."
"Guys, look around you, this is all because of WICKED. Everything that they've done and will do to us is because of them." Mia told. "This isn't just us. This isn't just about Minho. It's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKED's ever taken and everyone they will take."
"Mia's right." Thomas added, "They'll never stop, so we're gonna stop them."
"We're gonna kill Ava Paige." Thomas said to them holding onto Mia's hand
"Thomas and I started this revolution. And we're gonna end with a bullet in Ava Paige's head." Mia told them
She paused and said, "Look, I don't know about you guys, but the people who've died along the way, deserves some justice, all right? It needs to be served."
Harriet replied, "I have to admit..I'd like some revenge."
"Well, that was a good speech, kids." Vince acknowledged as Thomas and Mia started to hold hands. "So, what's your plan?"
Thomas and Mia look at each other then back at all of them. Mia then said, "We fight."