Ok, this should be a fucking LAW in the world of literature. NEVER use abbreviations such as LOL or OMG if it's a character talking to another character or someone in your book thinking. Only use these if characters are texting each other and NOTHING else. I can't tell you how many fucking times I've come across this on Wattpad and it annoys the living shit of out me every time I see abbreviations not being used properly. USE THEM ONLY WHEN YOUR TEXTING SOMEONE NOT IN YOUR FUCKING SPEECH!!!!!!
This is how you properly use abbreviations.
Bridget picked up her phone and saw that Sean had finally texted her after many hours.
Sean: Heyy
Bridget: Tf? Why didn't you text me sooner?!
Sean: Sry I was busy dealing with my parents
Bridget: Nice to know. Well ttyl I need to sleep
Sean: k tty 2mrw
How to not use abbreviations
"OMG Stacy! I found these amazing matching pairs of cat earrings" said Mary
"Really?! I need to totes see them!" Replied Stacy.
See where I'm coming from? Using abbreviations in someone's speech makes the person using them sound like a sorority girl and a stereotypical high school cheerleader. Unless your actually making it your goal to make your character a stereotypical cheerleader or sorority girl, don't use abbreviations in speech. Only use it for text.
Edit: 11/20/17 Just doing maintenance.