I was on a walk because I needed fresh air because i had just had a fight, with my boyfriend of one year. I'll tell the story now ;(
I had just got to Ethan and grayson's apparent from school I was late at getting there because I had an extra class in the afternoon and when I got there Ethan was pasting back and forth, "hey what's up Ethan" I said "where have you been" he asked me .
No hello just where have you been.
"At school in an extra class I had today I told you in the morning that I had it" I said, "well I'm pretty sure it's as long as the rest of the classes which means you still have an hour to explain to me where have you been" he said.
"I was at school, and then there was traffic to get here and I had to stop at the library to get some text books and then came straight here Ethan" I said.
"I don't believe you y/n" he said, "fine if you don't believe me maybe we should have a break because there needs to be trust in a relationship not just something that doesn't exist" I said and walked out the door to where I am now.!!
I was walking to my friends house that was a couple of blocks away but I was telling the truth to him. I said in my head,
"Hey girl you okay" y/bff/n "yeah peachy" I said sarcasticly after I got to her house my phone kept going off I checked it and had 20 missed calls from Ethan 18 texts and 12 missed calls from Grayson.
Grayson started calling again and I answered him "where are you y/n we've been looking eveywhere"He said.
Ethan's POV
"Bro what have I done" I asked gray,
And then it clicked the one place y/n goes when we have a fight is her friends place.
I went and walked there and knocked on the door. Y/n opened the door "y/n please listen to me I do trust you I really do I love you with all my heart please forgive me I don't wanna have a break" I said.
Y/n 's POV
I knew I couldn't give up what we had so I gave in I love him to much to ever let go" of course I will forgive you I always will but just know that what I was telling you was the truth. "I know y/n I know it was I was just worried" he said "worried about what" I said "just you finding someone better" he said "I could never find someone better then you you're an original person I love so much now words can explain baby" I said "I love you y/n to" he said and then we left y/bff/n house and walked back to the apartment holding hands.
(A/n this was kinda cringy tbh not lying any way love ya bye peace:) )