"Are you awake?"
I opened my eyes to see Loki leaning over me.
I yawned. I was comfortable in the warm sleeping bag, my mind was slow from exhaustion.
Loki looked me over. "How was your sleep? Were you comfortable?"
"Yes, thank you." I replied. I blushed as I remembered him sleeping with me.
Loki set his hand on my cheek, gently caressing it, he gave a look of concern. "Are you sure you're not getting a fever? Jumping into the river was really extreme. You could of died." He finished mournfully.
My heart pounded, making my face even hotter. Loki was extremely gorgeous...the way his smooth voice chilled me...the way his green eyes burned into mine. Why did I have these feelings towards someone I've just met? Oh and didn't be say he was a king?!
I started to stammer, "S...sorry! I HAD to get away from those wolves!" I gulped " Don't worry about me. I'm not getting a fever...at least I don't think I am...I'm just exhausted..."
I didn't know what to say next, when Loki shushed me. I store up at him with eyes wondering what was going on. He stared back in consideration...started to move his head towards mine but then stopped, emotional pain flashed in his eyes. "You mustn't wear yourself out with all this talking, you are still pretty weak." He got up and moved over to a pot by the fire, "I made breakfast, I will feed you again." He opened the pot and grabbed a bowl.
"Oh! I think I can eat by myself fine..." I said. I moved my stiff arms to bring me up, making my body tremble in pain, "A king shouldn't have to do this for a stranger." I sat up, struggling to keep from clasping again.
Loki came to my side with the bowl of warm food and stared deep into my eyes, making me catch my breath. "A bad king would of let you died in the freezing river." He handed me the bowl and spoon, and positioned himself like the last time, this time putting his hands on my arms to help me feed myself.
I enjoyed the warm oat-mealy type breakfast that had a sweetness to it that instantly made me feel relaxed.
I paused "Why are you...helping me? I mean, why did you even save me in the first place? We don't know each other..."
Loki stiffened. "I felt your presence." He shifted uncomfortably. "I couldn't believe it at first, so I ignored it, but the hours passed by and I couldn't ignore it any further. I teleported, and when I saw you drowning in the freezing water, I HAD to go help you." Loki tightened his grip on my arms, like a frightened child holding onto his mothers arms for comfort. "I couldn't bare to see you die!" he whispered ferociously.
Was I missing something? Loki seemed to act like he knows me, but we have just only now met. Yet, it feels like I have met him before. I pushed the silly thought away.
"Thank you for helping me" I said politely. "Those wolves really were persistent, I thought I was a goner."
"Hmm yes... The Frost Wolves have been more aggressive lately...assaulting Jotunheim giants for little reason. They are usually more sophisticated than this... Something must be going on in their territories." Loki said reasonably.
I ate in silence, Loki deep in thought. I had finished the bowl as a realized "but what am I doing here? I don't understand... I was talking to my sister when a bright colorful light crashed down on me and I found myself here."
"Heimdall..." I heard Loki murmur. "He must of had a purpose for teleporting you here...something wrong is going on." Loki rested his arms around my waist. "We must travel to my palace after you have healed enough to fully move around."
"Why not go now?" I asked "I mean, you could set me on a bed or something, because you can teleport right?"
"Yes but..." Loki trailed off "I have to do some business with the frost wolves first. I don't know where their camp is at so it's only appropriate if I go find it first. Other wise I would be teleporting to no where. Plus you shouldn't move around so much. You need to heal.Besides...there isn't really any pressing matters going on right now."
I nodded in understanding. "I thank you again your Majesty"
Loki chuckled "Please... just call me Loki, my dear."