"Sir, the funeral's on Monday," said the bad news over the telephone.
"And, umm," Cyril swept his hair to the other side of his face with his left while his right held his cell, "where?"
"Verity, the village of truth," he said.
"Umm, okay, thank you. Thank you, I know this wasn't an easy call to make," Cyril said, resuming his face-in-hand position.
He ended the call.
His Grandma, dead...
How terrible.
All dressed in black, Cyril drove towards Verity. The only problem with Verity, the village of truths, was that it shared a crossroad with Falsity, the village of lies.
He reached the crossroad and saw two bouncers standing there. There weren't any signs to indicate which way was Falsity and which way Verity.
He got out the car, and asked the two bouncers, " Umm, which way is Verity"
"You may ask each of us a question, "They said in unison, "One of us lies, one of tells the truth. You may ask one question to find your way to Verity."
Which question must he ask?
Creds @Zuriponsforevz