Mick: hi
Sid: you're a hypocrite
Mick: yeah I kno
Sid: why u textin me
Sid: I'm right heeerrreee
Mick: I wanna ask u somethin
Sid: ask me face to face
Mick: I can't
Sid: why
Mick: I'm too scared
Sid: omg Mick are you pregnant!?!?!
Mick: wth no!!!!!!
Sid: ok good I was worried for a second XD
Sid: anyway wut do u wanna ask meh?
Mick: ...
Mick: I'm scared
Sid: don't be
Sid: it's just me
Sid: your bestie
Sid: cuz y'know, we're just friends
Sid: and we'll never be anything more
Sid: becaz I'm just me
Sid: and I'm obnoxious
Sid and you're polly not askin' what I want you to ask
Mick: Sid.
Sid: yeah Mick?
Mick: will you go out with me?
Sid: :O
Sid: dneenwbdndnxocndnenficickcmd
Sid: omg omg omg omg
Sid: *hyperventalating*
Mick: ...
Mick: soooo will you?
Sid looks up from his phone to stare at Mick, a wide smile stretched across his features as he says-
"Of course I will."