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By Vimboxx

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You ever looked at someone and thought you were probably in a dream? That they couldn't possibly exist in you... More

10-Part 1
10-Part 2
10-Part 3
10- Part 4
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271 21 0
By Vimboxx

A/N Short Chapter Ahead!

Kris' POV

I couldn't believe what was before my eyes. At first I thought I was having a nightmare but then I realized even my nightmares were not this bad. Right outside my Chemistry lecture hall stood, in all his revolting glory, Dave Hunts. He was smiling at me, in the same arrogant way he always smiled at me since the very day we met. You would think that considering he actually needs something from me he would bother to fake a humble demeanor. I regret the fact that Alex is working at the City hospital today so he isn't anywhere around, at the same time I appreciate it, how would I explain Dave to him? I decide to walk past him, pretending not to have noticed him but I guess it is kind of too late now. I feel my breath quickening and all the strength leaving my body. One would think I am heavily attracted to this guy but only I know how Not true that is. I pray I don't faint because that is the last thing I would want right now.

"Aren't you going to give your brother a welcoming hug Kris?" He says just as I walk past him. My body immediately tenses up at his voice and more at the pain that shoots straight to my heart when he says those words. Brother? I feel fury slowly replacing the pain in my body and where I was going to walk away I turn around and slap him...hard. The arrogant smile is wiped off his face, replaced with shock.
"Don't you ever call yourself my brother again." I hiss at him. People are now looking at us and not wanting to cause more of a scene I turn around to walk away.

"One of your many boyfriends Kris? Does Alex know about him or should I enlighten him?" I hear a familiar voice say to my right. I look over to see Rose, hands clasped together with a smirk on her face. I shake my head and continue walking, I don't need this right now. Behind me I hear Rose introducing herself to Dave, if only she knew. Walking to my car I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see Kate running towards me.

"Hie." She says with an awkward smile.

"Hey." I say impatiently. I don't have a problem with Kate, in fact I like her, but right now is not the time for me to deal with her shy girl character. As much as I don't like drinking during weekdays, vodka is all I can think of right now.

"Uhm, I just wanted to make sure you are okay." She says playing around with a strand of her hair.

"I am," I nod with a forced smile. "Kinda have to go though," I say gesturing to my car. She nods and then gives me a small wave before walking away to a group of some girls who are either waiting for her or trying to catch some gossip. To the side of those girls stands Rose and Dave talking about who knows what and close to them stands Brooke, looking at me with an expression I can't quite decipher. I get into my car and I head home.

When I get into the house Sylvia comes into the hallway before I head upstairs. She has on a worried expression and I know she has seen Dave.

"I'm fine." I tell her before she can say anything. She gives me a nod and reluctantly retreats to wherever she was before I came in. I love Sylvia because she understands when to leave me alone. I owe her my freedom, although she didn't know the exact reason why I didn't want to stay at home she still agreed to uproot her life and move here with me. I was sixteen, I needed a legal guardian and she is the only reason my father agreed to let me go. Kind of makes me think he didn't really want me there with him but who cares anyway? I was granted permission to leave that sorry excuse of a home to live here on my own. I realise I don't really want to drink so I head back out of the door to my car. I don't really know where I want to go so I just drive aimlessly. Twenty minutes later I find myself in the parking area of Alex's building. I turn off my engine and turn on the radio. A song I recognize as Sam Smiths, Stay with me is halfway through its play.

I don't get out of the car. I have been dating Alex for over a month now and already I feel like I need him. I try not to spend too much time with him, or show my growing feelings just in case he decides otherwise and leaves me. I know I couldn't handle that, I am falling for him and hard. Even subconsciously, I had a rough day and something brought me here. I do want to get out of the car, I know he will make me feel better with his kind words and lovely smile. He can be cocky, actually almost always is, but I see a soft side of him now. He makes me feel wanted. I don't get out because I don't know how to explain Dave to Alex. I don't know how to explain Dave to anyone. The only time I ever explained Dave was to my grandfather and brother, but both times it didn't turn out well so I don't ever see myself explaining Dave to anyone.

Secrets. I have a lot of those, not really bad evil things I have done in my past or anything like that but things I don't talk about, can't talk about from my past. Alex is well aware of this and he doesn't push me but I am not stupid enough to think he will be okay with not knowing forever. If our roles were reversed I wouldn't be okay with it either. I want to tell him everything about me like he has told me things about himself but I cannot. Main reason being that I fear he will pack his bags and leave as swiftly as he entered my life. Therefore I know that by not telling him I am guaranteed more time with him.

I sigh and look at the clock. I have been here for about thirty minutes lost in my thoughts. A song I do not know is now playing and I turn the ignition on my car, ready to drive back home. I have never felt more alone In my life and a huge part of me is well aware I need to lay to bed some things that have been haunting me since I left my fathers house four years ago, the only problem is it isn't that easy to dig up deeply buried things.

Kind of a filler. Please remember to vote and comment. Love you all guys for your support:)

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