Something in me pulsated. It became faster and a tingling feeling pulled over my new found body, mapping and giving feeling for the first time. I gasped and started breathing hard, everything was so new and raw. I could feel extensions of my body and as the sensations flooded through me thoughts crammed their way into my brain. I couldn't pin down any of them except for one that made me want to run. To throw my limbs in every which direction, and get away. I knew one thing, I wasn't supposed to be here.
But I didn't even know where I was. Another limb wrapped around me and squeezed along with the one that lifted me up. more noises accompanied the tight feeling. Heat pounded against me and I wasn't cold anymore. The pulsing inside me calmed a little and thoughts weren't rushing anymore. I felt smaller limbs lift something on the top of my body. Suddenly I could see, it was bright and blinding; I writhed and didn't know how to react, my own limbs acted on their own and pushed away the unknown limbs from my body. Cold rushed me again, but thoughts were on nothing but movement. Buzzing in each part of me pushed me forward. Something tall stepped in front of me and grabbed me harshly. Something big and breathy built up in me and escaped making a very loud high pitched noise, scaring both me and the thing squeezing me. The thing's hold on me became gentle and softer deeper noises came from it, but it refused to let go.
My body started to slow before I could escape the creature's grasp. Another creature appeared holding something flat and flimsy in front of it. The creature wrapped it around me, the other one kept me pinned but made it possible for the flat thing to trap me completely. The flat thing was soft and warm, my body instantly began relaxing but thoughts of escape never left me as I tried to escape but my body refused. The creature patted the flat thing and repeated one sound over and over.
"Blanket." The creature repeated as I tried to escape the other creature's hold. The creature in front of me continued making strange noises that seemed to hold some meaning as it pointed at features on its body and continued to try and communicate.
"Lips." more and more noises I didn't understand.
"Nose." Confused and scared I stared at the creatures failed ability to calm me. I didn't know what to think, these creatures were strange, this whole place was strange. I stood holding the strange flat thing to my new body. I decided not to run because the creatures would capture me again if I did that. The creature in front stopped making the strange noises for a moment then directed the sounds to the creature behind me. After they finished whatever they had been doing one of them took me by one of my limbs and pulled me out of the room where my memories begin.
They lead me into a separate room with more objects inside than the other and it wasn't as bright as the other room. The set me on a rectangular object that was low to the ground and very soft. They started making more noises and continued to try and calm me, making soft sounds and a low rumbling that had a rhythm. They succeeded and after awhile I felt my body collapse from the exhaustion of being new and I fell asleep.
I woke to the feeling of a limb rubbing my side. I looked over to see a new creature, one I haven't seen yet.
"Your awake." Sounds coherent enough to understand filled the room and I stiffened from the sudden change.
"Don't be afraid, you can understand me from the gift that me and you both hold. Its called telepathy." The creature continued rubbing my side in a soothing action calming me down once again. I relaxed and waited for the creature to continue so that at some point I could understand.
"Me and you are very different from the creatures here called humans although we look the same. We are what they call 'perfect humans' made by their own hands to right the wrongs they have done. They sent me to educate you because it took far to long when they taught me, with my help you will learn as much as I know now in half the time." I was slowly catching on to how he was speaking to me, what I thought to be noises was actually thoughts pouring into my mind through this human's. It was confusing but I was ready to try communicating back.
"And what are the humans? Who are you? Who am I?" I questioned.
"You are Eve, and I am Adam. We were both created by the humans who are beings of intelligence but seeing as they have made many errors and are beginning to see the end of their existence they created us to save it. Now, I am going to teach you some things important to your survival as a human. Such as; speaking, simple names for things, and how you should act around other humans."
So over the course of a couple hours Adam had taught me simple words and how to decipher and learn others. I learned the names of certain objects, what I had fallen asleep on was called a bed, and the thing they poked me with was an injection to put me to sleep. Now that I understood I moved out of the small room and decided to learn as much as possible about my surroundings so I could figure out my next move.
Supposedly me and Adam were supposed to fill the world with more perfect humans and fix societies impurities. This seemed to be a mission to big for myself so I decided to figure out how I would go about making it my size. I walked down a hall and into a very large room were a smaller, thinner human, walked in front of me. Its chest stuck out more and it's hair was longer and styled.
"Name." I demanded from the human, hopefully I would be able to understand whatever it says. The human's mouth grew longer and turned up in the corners.
"Amanda, Eve right? I'm supposed to show you around." Eve was my name, I was glad the human got it correct.
"Speak slower." I said slowly remembering the things Adam had taught me.
"Oh, uh. I said I'm supposed to show you around. You know more rooms to show." Amanda did say them slower, I went over the words in my head till I understood. I nodded.
"You are different." I said looking Amanda up and down, its figure was built much different from the other three humans I had encountered. Amanda made a loud joyful sound and nodded.
"Yes I guess Adam hadn't told you about genders huh? I'm a girl, the other humans you've met are guys. There are only two genders so don't worry about remembering any others." Amanda said waving her hand in the air as if swatting a fly. Amanda grabbed my arm and led me to another low object with shorter ones on either side, both were flat.
"What is this?" I asked and sat on the shorter objects like the surrounding humans were.
"This is a table, and what your sitting on is a chair. Understand? Table, chair." She said touching each object with her hand while stating its name. I nodded again, learning was a slow process. It seemed there were too many words to fit in my head. I repeated the words under my breath practicing how to make the sound properly.
"Wow you sound just like me!" Amanda said seeming alarmed.
"It is how it should sound correct?" I asked, again my speech was slow and calculative. It took time remembering each word's meaning.
"Yeah more or less.... I'll be right back. Don't. Move a. Muscle." She said slowly and left me sitting there. I observed my surroundings taking in the faces of each human and putting them in the back of my mind for later.
One of the humans who witnessed my birth walked into the room and saw me. The human walked over and sat in the chair across from me.
"Still have that blanket wrapped around you Eve?" It stated noticing how Adam had wrapped it around me.
"Name." I demanded and the human's mouth made the same movement Amanda's had.
"Cole. Nice to meet you to. Did you sleep well?" I pondered the words for a second.
"My sleep was fine." I stated simply and watched his reaction. He looked calm and joyful.
"I apologize for the rude conduct of the day before." He said and his mouth returned to its normal position.
"What is it called when you do this?" I interrupted his thought and pulled my mouth into the position his was earlier then let it fall. "You humans do it a lot to me."
"It's called a smile, it means you have momentary happiness. Interesting isn't it? A face can make other expressions as well to show emotions. Do you know what emotions are yet?" He said interested in my knowledge.
"No." Most of his words made no sense to me but I continued to grow faster at perception and was understanding little by little.
"Happiness, Anger, Sadness, Panic, Passion, these are all emotions. Ones like passion and sadness you do not have, because they are not needed for a perfect human."
"Explain what they are." I demanded, I needed to know what they were so I could further inspect the other humans. He grunted and leaned back in his chair.
"Your very demanding, but I don't mind teaching you things. At least you're nice to look at."
"Nice to look at?" I repeated no matter how many times I repeated I couldn't understand.
"It means you're pretty, what all did Adam teach you?"
"He called it 'all the simple things' but perception is not a simple thing. You humans are hard to understand." His mouth turned down in the corners.
"You are human as well you know."
"Adam said I was perfect, isn't that why I was made?"
"Yes it is. Do you want to go back to learning about emotions or continue with nonsense?" His expression seemed tired, I looked away from it so it would clear my head.
"Yes go back to emotions." Just then Amanda came back and was holding two objects that carried aromas of something I couldn't identify.
"Oh hello Cole, meet Eve now?" She smiled and set one of the objects in front of me.
"This is food Eve, you use this thing here called a fork to pick up the food and put it in your mouth. Can you do that?"
"Show me." I stated simply, I took up the fork and studied the contents inside the object.
"Alright." Amanda said and stabbed the contents with the fork, spinned it, then raised it to her mouth where she placed it inside and pulled the fork out clean. I tried to copy Amanda doing every move to the best of my ability. Cole made that loud joyful noise that Amanda had.
"What is that called?" I demanded wanting to know what it was.
"It's called laughing." Cole said wiping something wet from his eyes.
"Its another product from momentary happiness like a smile is." He said.
"Why are you laughing?" I said testing the word on my mouth.
"Because it's funny seeing you try to eat." Cole said another smile appearing on his face.
"I don't know what funny means." I said curious.
"You'll find out sooner or later." Cole said. Amanda looked at Cole suspiciously and I wondered if I should as well. I didn't know what he meant by sooner or later.
"I need to learn." I said referring to the food but he obviously took it another way.
"Talk to Adam, he's your teacher. You should get to know him anyway. You'll be spending the rest of your life with him when we send you two off on your mission."
"The mission to fix the earth. What training will we go under?" Cole started laughing again.
"Don't worry about the training till later, right now lets concentrate on your education.Not to mention the training has nothing to do with me, I created you nothing more, I know nothing about it." He seemed happy with this information.
"You are my creator?" I asked.
"Yes me and my partner created you and Adam both under the orders of the government."
"Name." I demanded
"My partner's name is James. He was in the room when we woke you for the first time."
"I have questions."
"Of course you do. The perfect human was supposed to have a thirst for knowledge. I'm glad I didn't fail." I looked at the table.
"Do not be so sure of your success." I said feeling a burn in my chest. Amanda stood.
"Eve, if you're not going to eat I need to show you around the compound. Cole you can come if you want. Just don't distract Eve from the things I teach her." She smiled and pulled me out of the seat. I squirmed at the contact, I found I did not enjoy being touched.
"What?" Amanda asked sounding offended.
"I don't enjoy contact." I said and Cole's face grew serious.
"That isn't what I programmed."
"Then what did you?" I asked feeling the burn in my chest again, my face grew hot as well, and I grew the urge to slap him.
"For you to need the constant need to be near someone, hopefully Adam. That is why I sat with you when I saw you alone. I had programmed you to become anxious when alone. Soon all females will be this way." He said his face an expression I didn't care for at all. Neither was Amanda's.
"That's disgusting, why would you do that? Is it another order from the government?" she asked her voice lower than usual.
"Yes actually. They wanted women to depend more on men. I see that Eve cast of that attribute when I gave it to her."
"Maybe that is imperfect." I said. I looked myself over, my shape was smaller than Amanda's, but we both had the same general build. I was a girl, I hadn't realized it before, I hadn't even thought to look at myself before now. Cole shrugged and Amanda made an unpleasant sound and lead me out of the great room.
"Oh and by the way, the room we just left was called a Cafeteria." Amanda said when we left, we were walking down the hall in the opposite direction of where I came originally.
"You going to show her Every room?" Cole said Amanda looked at him strangely.
"Yes. That's what my superiors told me to do. Adam's not the only one who was ordered to take care of her. I thought you knew that." Amanda said Cole raised one of his eyebrows.
"What are you saying Amanda?" He said in a tone I did not recognize.
"Why are you following us Cole?" She said with a similar tone. I stopped walking and observed them as they quarreled. I heard my name pop up a couple times, but otherwise they're speech was incomprehensible.
"This must be anger." I said and they both stopped and looked at me.
"Tell me Cole, is this one of the emotions I posses?"
"Yes, it is needed for sudden bursts of strength. Although when misused can lead to an even worse situation than when you started out with."Cole said forgetting his conflict with Amanda.
"Then I believe it is imperfect. If what I just witnessed was anger, it very easily becomes something uncontrollable. How do I discard it?" Amanda and Cole glanced at each other and began laughing again.
"I don't see reason for you to be laughing." I stated and crossed my arms.
"There is no way for you to Discard an emotion Eve. It's part of you, and as a human it is needed to survive." Cole said
"If this is so, then why do I not have what you called, passion and sadness. If you posses these things to survive why do I not need them?"
"Because they are imperfect and not needed for survival. Passion was what non perfect humans made when they made life to simple for themselves and needed something to fill their time."
"Is that what you think about it?" Amanda said, her tone grew more dark and throaty.
"Not what I think Amanda. It's scientific fact. Also is what needed to be discarded for the perfect human to be real." Flustered I looked away from them both, they obviously had forgotten their mission to show me around. I needn't mind them I had my own mission anyway. They can quarrel all they want. I walked away, down the hallway in the direction we were headed. I heard a voice join in from behind us.
"What are you two doing?" It was Adam, he must have gotten suspicious of my whereabouts.
"Why aren't you watching Eve Amanda? Cole you're supposed to be setting up testing for Eve's progress." He came over to me and put his arm around my shoulders.
"Eve, I want you to accompany me elsewhere. I expect you two to fill out reports on what you've been doing. Amanda, Eve will join you on the tour later. I expect everything to be taken care of Cole." He lead me away from them, down the hall again. He didn't say anything else.
He brought me back to my quarters and sat me down on my bed.
"What is going on Adam?" I asked tensing as he continued to force me to do things without speaking. He shoved some sort of cloth at me.
"Those are clothes, you need to put them on, you can't go to see the superiors wearing a blanket."
"You haven't answered my question Adam." I said observing the clothes and how it would fit onto my body. He pulled the blanket off me.
"Your meeting the superiors tonight. We're going to discuss our mission to the public for the first time, its a very big deal." I lifted the clothes above my head and put my arms in the supposed place. It fell over my upper body and hit the bed. I stood and let it fall the rest of the way.
"Who are the superiors?" Adam smiled and picked up something slim and long, wrapped it around my waist and clipped the ends together tightly.
"No one you should be concerned with at the moment. turn around." I did and I heard a small laugh escape him.
"I need to fix your hair." He said taking my hand and pulling me out of the room again.
"You don't need to pull me around Adam." I said as he pulled me down the hall.
"I'll follow you. It is part of my mission to be by your side." He turned to look at me.
"Know your place Eve." He said and held to my hand tighter.
"Me and you are not to be that way. You see Eve, we are merely tools to bring about the reform of the entire human race. There is a very high almost certain possibility that you will die before me, you were created to be with me until then so just do so."
"This fact is known Adam. That is why I will not leave you. Does this reasoning evade you?" My vocabulary was growing on it's own, I didn't even know what most of the words I was saying meant. My words seemed to calm Adam down, whatever emotion he was feeling currently, was not something I had. Me and Adam, are completely different creatures. Humans but not humans. What should I feel? Why would my artificially made partner feels something I do not? Didn't Cole say that the reason I didn't have those emotions was because they were imperfect? I feel nothing, if someday I will die before Adam then that is fate, and both me and Adam should let it come to pass.
"Are you feeling passion Adam?" I asked as he continued to pull me down the hall. He stopped and looked at me angrily.
"Eve, these things are not for your knowledge."
"You are wanting me to stay quiet." I said and he nodded.
"I am a perfect human Adam, and so are you. You should know I will figure this out. Emotion is strange and I need to figure it out if I can clear out this mission."
"The perfect humans are made to evolve." He said in defeat. He turned and we continued down the hall. Didn't notice he hadn't answered me until it was long after the conversation ended.
Ok I know this book had a lot of errors in both and grammar and structure so starting with this chapter I'm going through it and fixing anything I see. If any of you readers see something I missed it would be very helpful if you would point it out for me. Hope you like the edited version better than the old stuff!