Not so unexpected

By beca4702

381K 10K 3K

Everyone know Beca Mitchell looks like she keeps a lot of secrets. Will those secrets come to light? She mee... More

1. Never in time
2. Give in
3. Try
4. Give it a shot
5. Not a fan of new things
6. Never a fan of new things.
7. Cant believe myself.
8. That was weird.
9. I didnt see that coming.
10. I Need to find out
11. Got you staring.
12. You're a dork
13. You're weirder
14. Bad memory
15. Well shit
16. Bonding
17. Lets not bring that up.
18. Make up your mind.
19. If you never try, You never know
20. You're close to ruin it.
21. You out.
22. You'll do it just fine.
23. We're ready.
24. Things change
25. Not big deal
26. It was water
27. Lucky Charm
28. Point of no return.
29. See you later
30. Savage
31. New Plans, other life
33. useless feelings
34. i give up
35. its fine
36. I'm a gentlewoman
37. I want her back
38. So it wasnt real
39. Apologies
40. getting ready
41. L -fucking- A
42. Screw it up
43. i love you red solo cup
44. as tall as an eight year old
45. Here we go again
46. Here's to the night
47. Night is young
48. Perfect
49. The doctor
Note :)
Sequel to Not so unexpected

32. Nobody needs to know

6.3K 180 88
By beca4702

Jesse and Benji were speechless. They couldnt believe beca was leaving. THEIR beca.

"Why didnt you tell us sooner?" Benji asked in a sad tone.

Beca shrugged. "I wasnt sure What i was goig to do."

They both nodded. Stacie sat there looking at the scene in front of her.

Beca playing with the ring on her index finger on the steps of the quad and the guys looking At her with a sad look.

"You three are depressing to be around." Stacie decided it was better if she cracked a joke or something as long as it lightens the mood. "We have 5 more weeks until the hobbit leaves, i dont wanna see a single tear. Huh?"

They smiled At her and nodded.

"One more thing." Beca said. "Dont tell anybody, specially the Bellas."

"They dont know?" Benji asked.

"Chloe doesnt." Stacie replied.

Now the two boys looked At Beca in disbelief. They knew there was something more than a simple friendship between Beca and Chloe.

"What. Why she should know?" Beca asked a little bit furious.

"Because you have a crush on h-" Jesse stopped before finishing his sentence after noticing Beca's glare. "She's your bestfriend, because she is your bestfriend. Yeah."

Beca rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me, there's only one spot. IM her best friend, she's just..." Stacie said. " lets call it... A good friend."

"Nothing more." Beca added.

"I guess that now that she's hanging with Tom again you two stopped talking?" Jesse asked.

"No. She's always been a good friend." Beca stated.

The bell rang, lunch was over.

Beca walked to her locker to pick up her stuff and then headed to the cooking class.

" 'sup B?" Cynthia Rose asked.

"Hey CR." cynthia and Beca were pretty close since Beca joined the Bellas. None of them liked cardio and they both loved music.

"Please dont be so cheerful and happy around me." CR joked sarcastically.

Beca laughed a little and started to take out her notes.

"Really, what's up?" CR asked. More serious this time.

"What do you mean?" Beca said with an elastic band hanging from her lips. She was putting her hair in a pony tail.

"You dont look like yourself. You look like the 6am dead Beca, or the Beca i first met Who couldnt even say more than a one word answer." CR explained.

"You know, school, projects." The shorter brunette said while cracking two eggs. "Stuff." she murmured.

Cynthia gave her the flour. "Stuff, huh?"

Beca nodded. "Are you sure this is sugar and not salt?"

"I dont even care." they both laughed. "Taste it."

"Ha, your mom's gonna taste it." Beca then looked At the teacher, Mr. Quinn, and smiled to herself. "He'll tell us if its salt or no." and then, she dropped the white solid...thing in the bowl.

CR laughed. "Nice, B. Now tell aunt cynthia what's bothering you."

Chloe got up from the seat she shared with Aubrey and threw something on the bin. Of course CR noticed how Beca's eyes left her notepad and stared At the redhead.

"Or who's bothering you." she winked.

"Stop." beca soflty, but not very kindly said.

"Bingo, is the redhead Who never stops talking, i knew it." CR said doing a little dance that Beca couldnt help but giggle.

"Shut it. We have humans around us." Beca reminded the other girl.

"So you are gay?" CR asked.

"No. Bi. I dont know." Beca exhaled frustrated. "Im Chloesexual??"

CR laughed a little.

The girls started preparing the icing for the dessert they had to prepare for the class.

"So you like her."

"I cant deny it right now, right?" Beca asked, CR shook her head in response.

"You should go get her, she's not even into To-" Beca didnt seem to hear CR.

"It wont happen. There will never be something between us. I have other plans."

CR slammed the oven's door. "What do you mean by other plans, B?"

Beca sighed. "You cant tell anyone, ok?" CR nodded. "Im leaving school, im going to an intern ship in LA."

CR's mouth fell open. "Aint you young to go to an internship? You cant just drop high school."

"Im coursing an online class." Beca shrugged.

"That's great B, im so happy for you. Go get 'em kiddo." CR told her patting her arm with a huge smile.

Beca smiled at her friend. They chatted for a while, waiting for the cookies to finish to get cooked while they prepared the icing. Beca told her about how she got offered the internship and CR was more than pleased to listen.

"Either way" CR said taking the hot cookies out of the oven. "You must tell Chloe, she has the right to know."

"Why? She'll know the same time the Bella's will." Beca shrugged placing her elbows on the counter.

But she didnt notice there where hot cookies there, half of her arm burned.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST." She yelled grabbing her arm, all the cookies flying to the floor and some to the sink.

Mr. Quinn inmediately ran over to where Beca was. "Not cussing, Mrs. Mitchell."

Beca gave him a death stare he couldnt ignore.

"Go to the nursery and ask for something to ease the pain. Get it covered." He said talking about the burn. Beca nodded and headed outside.

Mr. Quinn saw the cookies and decided to take a bite of one of them.

It was still hot but he could manage the hoteness of the cookie.

"What is this." He asked spitting the cookie.

"It was definitely salt." CR mummbled trying not to giggle.

The bell rang and Beca was still with the nurse, Who seemed to forget how to use gauze.

"May i?" Beca asked takig the thing oit of their hands not giving the poor woman a second to answer.

Beca wrapped the gauze over the cream, around her arm and gave the gauze back to the nurse Who shyly thanked her.

As soon as she left the nursery, she headed to math.

The teacher was already talking about this second half of the year. The second he saw her, he smiled At her.

Beca handed him the "permission to get late to class" and sat down next to Benji.

"How's the arm, Beca?" The teacher and her got along pretty well, He was the only teacher she didnt dislike.

"I had it worse." she joked.

He then carried on with the lesson, Beca was taking notes as usual.

"Judging your grades, these are your new mates." The teacher started naming everybody, everybody except Beca.

Chloe was sad that she wouldnt be sharing the desk with Beca anymore, instaed, she was sharing it with Benji.

She saw how the teacher called Beca. She saw the interaction between both of them. He was explaining something, beca only nodded in response.

"Why isnt Beca with anyone?" Chloe asked Benji

Benji was the worst liar in the universe. He inmediately turn bright red and got really nervous.

"I dont- why would i know? Im not Mr. Rossi, ask him. He should know, he's the teacher. Not me. He know, unlike me, thats for sure." Benji kept rambling for a bit more. "Anywas want to see a mathematic magic trick? I know you do, Who wouldnt?"

That was weird, something was up and she wanted to know. Why was Beca hiding something from her? She thought they could trust each other. Apparently Beca didnt trust her.

"I know you are more than capable to give one exam every week, if you do all well you will have it easier online, clear?"

Since Beca was leaving the school, she needed to give a few exams of every subject. It wouldnt be easy.

"Christal." Beca nodded with a smile.

Mr. Rossi handed her a sheet so he could know What kind of exercises were harder for her.

Beca sat down next to Jessica, Who was now occuping Benji's seat.

Maybe Jessica did hear something of the conversatiln between Beca and Mr. Rossi, maybe she did looked At Beca's sheet.

Maybe she started to realize WHAT was up.


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