Daddy George?

By unionj12

24.3K 536 116


Daddy George
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Your Choice *Not a chapter*
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45

Chapter 20

439 6 1
By unionj12

Tommy Pov

I had the Dna test and i needed to see Daisy to get the test done and send of for the results. I was meeting Holly at the hotel. I just hoped that Daisy wanted to see me today. I got all my stuff together and made my way to the hotel. 

Once i arrived at the hotel and found Hollys room after looking for the room number for 10 minutes this hotel was huge and so posh, it must be cost Holly hundred's of pounds a week to live here. I knocked on the door and heard Daisy shout 

*Mummy some ones at the door* she sounded adorable 

Within a few seconds Holly answered the door and Daisy bounced behind her and hid behind her mums legs. 

*Come in* I walked in and Daisy grabbed onto Hollys legs more. I wondered if she acted like this with everyone or if it was just me she didnt like. If she is my daughter i know it is going to take alot to get Daisy to like me and make up for all the lost time. 

*Daisy come on its Tommy, he is mummy's friend stop been silly* Holly said to Daisy as i walked into the room and took a seat by the dressing table. Daisy popped her head around Hollys leg with a small smile and i  waved at her with a huge smile. 

Holly sat down on the end of the bed and Daisy stayed close to her mum and kept looking at me every now and then. She looked adorable today she had little pig tails in, and wore a baby blue dress. 

*Daisy me and Tommy have got to talk will you go in the bathroom and go brush you teeth so we can go out later* 

*Where we  going mummy*

*I will take you to the soft play  but you have to go and brush your teeth and make sure you get them all i will check* 

*YAY* daisy shouted and quickly got of the bed and ran to the bathroom, leaving me and Holly alone.

*So have you got the test* Holly said quietly so Daisy couldnt hear 

*Yeah its in my bag*

*What do you have to do? and how long will it be till you get the results* 

*I just need swab in Daisys mouth and put it in this pot, then it takes 3-5days for the results* 

*Ok i will call Daisy in but we are going have make it into a game, i do not want to explain why to her i dont want to confuse her*

*Of course i dont want to confuse her i just want to know if im her dad*

*i know* holly said shaking her head as Daisy came running back into the room and sitting by her mum. 

*Daisy shell we play alittle game* 

*What game* Daisy asked tilting her head


*Yeah but we got no toys* Daisy said shaking her head, like her mum did moments before

*we have mummy will be the doctor and you be the poorly child*

Daisy nodded her head and lye down on the bed. It was clear that she has played doctors before. Holly pretended to take Daisy temperature, and running her hands up and down her arms, to see if there broken. Daisy was really enjoying the game and kept giggling, it was so cute if only she knew the really reason behind the game. 

Holly grabbed the swab out of my hand and told Daisy to open her mouth. Daisy did straight away and holly swapped the inside of her cheek and passed it back to me with a weak smile. I placed it stright inside the little pot that came in the kit. Holly messed about for a few more minutes pretending to be the doctor. 

*All done little Daisy it looks like you will be better in no time* Holly said lifting Daisy up. 

Holly told Daisy to get her shoes on so they could go out. As Daisy did that i said bye to Holly and waved to Daisy. 

As soon as i got outside i sealed the envelope and went straight to the post office sending everything off. This was going to be the longest 3 days of my life waiting for the results to come back. 

Holly Pov

I was happy that Daisy just thought everything was a game  and happily let me take the swab. I didnt know if i wanted Tommy to be Daisys dad he hasn't been in her life and Daisy really didnt like him. Normally she gets along with everyone she has met loads of knew people whilst we were on tour with George and had never hid behind me. 

If Tommy was Daisys dad it would be better because he would be more involved where as George has to keep going different countries because of his career but George has always been there for Daisy. 

I knew i was in the wrong not getting in contact with George, but i couldn't face him and i knew if i answered the phone he would give me abuse. If Tommy isnt the dad i will have to get in contact with him but as for now im happy keep Daisy away from both Tommy and George. 

 3updates today :) hope you all appraite   it that was alot of work :) PLEASE vote and comment and tweet about this story :)  

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