b i o

By -jay-k

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By -jay-k

first of all, take a deep breath and get ready because you're now going to read a really really sucky yet amazing bio

so im troy here writing jay's bio. ok basically she's a soon to be stripper and ye that's what we both will be doing ya know switzerland pays really well to strippers so yay us

she's crazy af and funny, pretty sure she got the sense of humour from me though hah. she's also very cute and straightforward but ye more cute

she's also a very good dancer *winkwink* I get personal shows so I know *winkwinkagain* and she also sings very well and I love her voice

her photo edits are asdfghjkl and she secretly works as a clown who dances on jb songs, baby being her favourite

I don't know what else to say, she is really good to cheering people up and she loves me and my hair and I love her too and she's obsessed with 5sos and me ofc bc rad af

ok im done now, I wrote enough shit for everyone to be like 'wtf is this e.e' by now but whatever

[ this bio was brought to you by @fxcktroy ]

[ I'd love nothing in the world so well as you. im sorry to push you away, maybe forever its cause i can't keep acting normal alright?alright about how it was/is. because i miss #joyy not what we're. i did not give up, no never would i.ever. its because of a reason i had to do that alright, i can't be what i was with you, i tried okay? i tried alot but i keep falling for you again, and you don't, again. our not talking may not make me feel good bout it, it makes me miss you but i need to. i can not keep running back to you. and you dont even need me lets be real ok? I'll always be there for you , always, yes even after 6months if you message me at 4am, yes. i am not able to fight for anything be it feelings or all the stuff going on with me right now , idk if you'll ever read it, ever but i hope you understand.- wendy ]

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