The Chase! (Louis Tomlinson F...

By Mollie_Tomlinson07

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The Chase! (Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1: The Change
Chapter 2: Hiding secrets
Chapter 3: A note?
Chapter 4: The Truth Finally Comes Out
Chapter 5: The Day
Chapter 6: A School Trip to London
Chatper 7: Time to Face Them Agian
Chapter 8: Niall and Kate ♥♡♥
Chapter 9: The Rant!
Chapter 10: To Let You Know
Chapter 11: The E-mail
Chapter 12: The Reveal
Chapter 13: Now They Know
Chapter 14: Feelings?
Chapter 15: Wrong thinking and Flashback
Chapter 16: A Plan
Chapter 17: A Day Out!
Chapter 18: Toy Story 3 and a Kiss
Chapter 19: Truth or Dare!
Authors Note
Chapter 20: Dare or die
Authors note
Chapter 21: Im Coming
Chapter 22: The Call
Chapter 23: Taken
Chapter 24: Shes really gone
Chapter 25: Day 1
Chapter 26: Day 2
Chapter 27: The plans
Chapter 28: The worst its ever been
Chapter 29: Search #1
Chapter 30: Search #2
Chapter 31: Search #3
Chapter 32: Search #4
Chapter 33: The Rescue
Chapter 34: The Hostpial
Chapter 35: Mom?
Chapter 36: A Coma
Chapter 37: A promise
Chapter 38: A surpise date
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 39: What if?
Chapter 40: A meeting with Simon
Chapter 41: The Interview (part 1)
Chapter 42: The Interview part 2
Chapter 43: The ride there
Chapter 44: The Release Day
Chapter 45: Whats going on?!
Chapter 46: is it possible?
Chapter 47: You dont remember?
Chapter 48: I may not remember
Chapter 49: Their Leaving
Chapter 50: Going Home
Chapter 51: A Day To Remeber
Chapter 52: A Talk With The Girls
Chapter 53 What the Hell?!
Chapter 54: Prove It Then
Chapter 55: Awkward
Chapter 56: What the hell is your problem?!
Chapter 57: The Bartender
Chapter 58: I'm Sorry
Chapter 59: The Step 8 Plan
Chapter 60: Yes
Im Sorry!!!
Chapter 62: Court Day Pt. 1
Chapter 63: Court Day Part 2

Chapter 61: Nerves

113 3 1
By Mollie_Tomlinson07

Mollie Pov:

It's the day before court day... and I am flipping out... Anyone would be if they had to see the man who tried to kill them and almost succeeded. I don't know if I'll be able to go through with it all. When my dad walks into the room, I'll most likely leave the room. What if he talks to me? What if-

"Love, your burning a hole through the floor." My boyfriend said as he walked into the room.

"What? Oh, sorry.." I mumbled and looked down at my feet.

"Mollie? What's wrong?" Louis asked, lifting my chin up so I had to look at him. "Is it about tomorrow?"

I nodded a yes to his question.

"I don't think I can do it.. he hurt me so badly... Louis.. I can't.."

"I know it'll be hard, but I will be there ever step of the way. So will Liam, Lauren, Zayn, Perrie, Niall, Kate, and Harry. I promise. You will not be alone during this. And I know you have some of our fans on your side." He told me.

"I do..?" I asked confused.

"You do. Look." He said as he took out his phone and went onto twitter. "Some have even made fan accounts for you."

I took his phone from him and sat down on the bed. I noticed he followed some of the accounts. As I looked through some, I noticed how many of their fans supported me.

"I can't believe this..." I said.

"I know and so many of those fans support us," He smiled.

I smiled small back. "I'm still nervous though."

"I know.. Hey, how about we get ready for bed and have a Disney movie marathon. Well at least as many as we can through and to keep your mind off things." He looked down at me.

"I'll get the movies, you get the snakcs. We'll change then begin." I smiled and walked over to our cabinet of moives.

And that is how our night went, until two a.m. that is. Louis fell asleep around that time. I put in another movie and cuddled into Louis. I was hoping sleep would come to me at some point, but I was wrong. It never came. I put in movie after movie. Everytime I tried to close my eyes, all that I saw was my dad attacking me. Nightmares hunted me the entire ngiht.

((Hey yall! So I finally updated! Sorry its been like a month. I have been so busy with school. You would not believe it. Anyways, I have some sad news. There are only two chapters left before the epilogue :'( so sad. But that means that I can start a new book!! Yay!!! Please please please, comment which boy you would like to read about next. And if you don't want to read about another boy, which im sure you do, I

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