Grand Line High School

By JoshuaHyuuga

172K 3.3K 1.2K

Hey guys! This is My first Onepiece fanfic. Well, I've been thinking of this fic for a long time and I think... More

First Day Of School
New Friends And New Enemies
A Girl Friend Or A Girlfriend
The Conspiracy
I Will Never Forgive You
Big News
The Halloween Party
Party Night
That New Girl
It's Christmas
To Alabasta Okoku
Finally There
The Mighty Twist
The Thriller Bark
The Concert At Sabaody Dome
Time To Go Home
Back To School
He's Back
Baroque Works V.S. Mugiwara No Ichimi
Not A Chapter
Painful Memories
Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?
The Sports Day : Part One
The Sports Day : Part Two
Celebration At Yuba Beach House
It's The Best Weekend Ever
How's The Weather There?
Will You Forgive Me?
Not A Chapter
The Final Exam
The Fifteen Lucky Stars
The Heaven City - Skypiea
The City Of Water - Water 7
Special Chapter - My Birthday
They Are Gone
The Battle Has Begun
Not A Chapter
Fight Against The CP9 : Part One
Fight Against The CP9 : Part Two
Fight Against The CP9 : Part Three
The Dawn Of Victory
Before We Go
Special Chapter : First Anniversary On Wattpad
See You In Two Years
Special Chapter : Chinese Valentine's Day
Extra Chapter : Mugiwara No Ichimi's Separation Serial
Special Chapter: Thank You for 100k Views!!!
Author's Note
Special Chapter: Regarding Recent Developments in the Manga...

From Water Seven To Enies Lobby

1K 22 3
By JoshuaHyuuga

I'm back~~~
Sorry for the late updating~
I had to study for the final monthly exam, and my new Tokyo ghoul story...
Here's chapter No. 38~
Please enjoy :D~~~

Forty minutes ago, Sanji--

"Weird.... the wind's getting stronger and stronger.... looks like there really is a tsunami coming." Muttered Sanji. He was hiding at a place near the sea train station, waiting for the intruders to arrive. After ten minutes or so, they did.
"What the hell?? Lucci???" He thought, shocked, and saw Usopp and Franky were dragged by them. They threw them into a carriage, and boarded the sea train.
"Usopp??? Franky??? What in the world is happening right now???" He mumbled, and followed them.
"I should leave a message, or Nami-san and the others wouldn't know where I go." Sanji mumbled. He quickly scribbled down a note and ran in the carriage where Usopp and Franky were.

Still forty minutes ago, Iceburg--

"Urgh......." Iceburg woke up.
"Iceburg-san!!!!!" Shouted Paulie.
"Iceburg-san's awake!!! Everyone!!! Iceburg-san has regained consciousness!!!!!" Shouted Paulie, and everyone cheered.
"Where are those kids....." Asked Iceburg weakly, sitting up.
"No, Iceburg-san, stay still." Said Paulie, pushing him back to the ground gently.
"I must help them.... take me to the shore." Said Iceburg, standing up.
"The shore? Why?" Asked Paulie.
"I have to fix their ship. That's the only thing I can do now." Said Iceburg.
"But why? Iceburg-san! She's already dead! There's no point fixing her!" Said Paulie. Iceburg shook his head.
"No, Paulie, listen carefully now, that ship has a spirit living in her." Said Iceburg, and they saw Tom rushing toward them.
"Iceburg! I heard the explosion! What happened?" Asked Tom. 
"Tom-san, there's no time to explain now! Let's go to the shore!" Said Iceburg, and he ran toward the shore. Paulie and some ship carpenters followed him.
"Is it Klabautermann?" Asked Tom, running beside Iceburg. He nodded.
"Okay, then we must fix her." Said Tom. After about ten minutes later they arrived at the shore.
"Oh god, they'd torn her apart." Said Iceburg. Going Merry was cracked in half, and the sheep head was broken, laying on the ground, and the mast was cracked too.
"Please fix me." They heard a voice.
"Please! Just put me back into one piece, and then I can go out to sea." Said the voice.
"We will. Guys!! Let's get started!!" Shouted Paulie, and they started to fix her. Thirty minutes later Merry was back into a piece.
"Thank you!!" Said the voice, and suddenly, a gigantic wave appeared and swallowed her. Merry disappeared.
"So this is fate, isn't it?" Said Iceburg.
"She is a very fortunate ship." Said Tom.
"Okay! Iceburg-san! Tom-san! I'm going! Please be save!!" Shouted Paulie.
"We're going too!!!" Shouted Peeply Lulu, one of the five strongest ship carpenters.
"OHHHHAAAA!!!!! YEAH!!!! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THE INTRUDERS!!!!" Shouted Tilestone, another one of the five strongest ship carpenters.
"Alright!! Let's go!!" Shouted Paulie, and the three ran to the sea train station.

On the sea train Puffing Tom--

"Usopp!! Franky!! Are you alright??" Sanji whisper-shouted. Franky and Usopp were tied up, and their mouths were sealed by tape.
"I'm gonna rip them off! Hold still!" He ripped the tape off, and Usopp whimpered.
"That super hurts!!!" Franky whisper-shouted.
"Merry!!!" Usopp wailed, anguished, crying.
"Keep down!!" The two hissed.
"They wracked her!! They wracked her!! They wracked her!! They wracked her!! They--" Franky and Sanji punched him at the same time, and he felt backward. 
"Usopp!! We're all on the same boat now!! Stop wailing and take action!! Robin-chan's in the first carriage!! If we fight all the way there, we can save her!!" Shouted Sanji. Usopp stopped crying.
"I was thinking about that, when we were stuck at that island. Sanji, do you remember when Merry was badly damaged?" Asked Usopp.
"You mean that temple island? Yeah, what about that?" Said Sanji.
"I think, I saw Merry's spirit." Said Usopp.
"Eh? What? No time for you to babble now, let's go!" Said Sanji. Franky shook his head.
"It was Klabautermann. I wish I had the pleasure to meet her. That spirit only appears to those who love their ship. It'll warn the crew when danger is coming. And it wears a raincoat and have a hammer in its hand when it shows itself. Is that what you saw?" Said Franky. Usopp sniffed and nodded. "Okay, then she will surely appear when we need her. Now, let's go save Robin!" Said Franky. Usopp looked down.
"No.... I'm leaving...." Said Usopp.
"Eh?? Don't tell me you're too afraid to fight those jackasses and want to flee??" Said Sanji, grabbing his collar.
"Yes!! I'm too afraid to fight!! I'm not strong!! Not like monsters like you!! I'm no longer your friends!! So I don't care if she lives or dies!!" Shouted Usopp. He stood up, and went to the door.
"I really hope she's fine, but there's nothing I can do now, please understand." Said Usopp. He opened the door and disappeared in the storm.
"USOPP!!!" Shouted the two. Franky punched the wall and Sanji kicked a luggage. They sighed.
"Looks like he left us completely." Said Sanji.
"Yeah, let's go." Said Franky. They moved to the door on the other side of the carriage, and suddenly, a voice came for behind.
"Wait a moment! You two!" They turned back, and saw a guy wearing a yellow carnival mask and a red cape.
"Oh, Usopp, you're back." Said Sanji.
"No! The Usopp you're talking about is a friend of mine! He begged me to come and assist you! I'm the Sogeking! From the Soge Island!" Said Sogeking, and he started to sing(that Sogeking song).
"Ok ok, we get it! Shut up." Said Sanji. He opened the door, and hopped to the carriage in front of them. And he opened the door. Everyone inside all turned and stared at him.
"Hey, how's it going, mate?" Said Sanji.
"Intruders!!" Shouted a man. And he jump-kicked.
"See ya." Said Sanji as the man flew out of the carriage, and Franky and Sogeking hopped in.
"Can we go through??" The three asked in unison.
"Attack!! And tell Lucci-san!!" Shouted another man.  They started to fight, and within seconds, they were all defeated.
"Nice and fast. Let's go." Said Sanji, they moved on, and unlocked the chain between the carriages. And went to another carriage, and unlock another one, and went to the next one, and the next, the next, and it was two carriages too the first one now.
"Franky, you go from the roof, and Sogeking, use your gears to find a way to get there without being noticed, and I'll go from here." Sanji said, and the two nodded. He opened the door and Franky climbed to the roof and Sogeking took out a pair of shoes and climbed away.
"Yo, Lucci." Said Sanji.
"Hn, I knew someone was missing." Said Lucci, and Blueno stood up.
"What? You aren't even gonna fight me?" Said Sanji, lighting up his cigarette.
"You don't worth me to do that." Said Lucci coldly.
"Tsk! Bastard! Before I wrack this place, tell me why Robin-chan left us and followed you." Said Sanji.
"You want to know? Fine, I'll tell you why." Said Lucci.

Meanwhile at the roof--

"Find ya." Said a man.
"Hey, I know you, you're that Nero guy in the same class as Lucci!" Shouted Franky.
"Yeah, and I know you well, non-back-protected-cyborg Franky!" Said Nero, and he disappeared.
"Fuck! He knows my weak spot--" His back got hit. He fell forward.
"How disappointing, Franky." Nero smirked. Franky got up and lay down.
"Aw!! Now I'm back-protected!! Franky Invincible!!" He shouted. Nero looked speechless.
".....Aw, I can't attack either..." Franky jumped up.
"Weapon Left!!" He shouted, and Nero dodged all the bullets.
"Too slow, Franky." He jumped behind h and pulled out two guns.
"Damn it!!" Franky jumped away, and the bullets flew by within centimeters.
"Aw, looks like the time has come for me to use my special technique! Franky--" His legs parted vertically and slid forward.
"--Kentauros!!" He shouted. Nero looked even more speechless than before.
"Wrong way!! You idiot!!" Shouted Nero. He used Soru and disappeared.
"Heh! That again? Tell you what, I've already seen through that technique!" He jumped backward.
"Gotcha!" Franky grabbed hold of him with his legs.
"You're aiming for my back, that's too obvious. Now, it's my turn now! Strong Hammer!!" He punched him, and the roof shattered, and the two fell into the carriage.
"Whhaa!! Franky!!" Shouted Sanji. Nero fell to the floor, face covered with blood.
"Ah! Lucci-san!! I can defeat him, just five more minutes, I'm sorry!" Shouted Nero. Lucci glared at him, and his finger pierced through Nero's neck, and he fell to the floor again, dead.
"That's why she follows us, Sanji." Said Lucci, finishing the sentence which was interrupted by Franky and Nero.
"God damn you fucking assholes!! Even if it really is like that, you still can't just do that to her!!" Shouted Sanji, and suddenly, the door from behind bursted open.
"Let go of me!! Usopp!! Right now!!" Shouted Robin.
"Sanji!!! I got her!! Let's go!!" Shouted Sogeking, carrying her. Everyone stared at him. He looked at Sanji, who had veins popping out of his neck and forehead, and at Lucci, who was glaring at him, blood still dripping down from his finger. He nodded and bowed and returned to the room.
"Get the hell out of there!! You dumbass!!" Shouted Sanji and Franky. The door bursted opened again and Sogeking dashed out and went behind Sanji.
"Touch down! We're out of here!!" Shouted Sanji, and the three ran away.
"You really think I'll let this happen?" Half of Blueno's body appeared in midair, and punched Sogeking. Robin and him fell to the ground.
"What the hell..."
"Air door." Said Blueno. He walked out of it and Sanji kicked him.
"Holy damn! Why're you so stif??" Shouted Sanji. Blueno grabbed his leg and tossed him to the floor.
"Strong Right!!" Franky punched him and grabbed his face.
"Drop dead! Asshole!" Shouted Franky, but Blueno hit him and he fell to the floor.
"Come back, Nico Robin." Said Blueno, grabbing her.
"Let go! I can walk by myself!" Said Robin. She got up and Blueno dragged the unconscious Franky and kicked the two to the carriage behind, and he unlocked the chain.
"We, Cipher Pol Number 9, are doing this for us, for mankind. Stop sticking your nose into our business. Hope we never meet again." Said Lucci, and the train went away, leaving the carriage with Sanji and Sogeking inside in the middle of the ocean.
"We're pretty much fucked up." Said Sogeking.
"Wait! I have my walkie-talkie!" Said Sanji, taking a walkie-talkie out out his pocket.
"Then we're not pretty much fucked up yet." Said Sogeking.

Half an hour ago, Rocket Man--

"WHHHOOOOAAAAA!!!!! YOU SHAMELESS WOMAN!!!!" Shouted Paulie with a bleeding nose. Peeply Lulu, Tilestone and Zambai also had a bleeding nose.
"Shameless indeed!! But it's awesome!!!" Shouted the three.
"Perverts." Said Nami.
"You're the pervert!! Changing clothes in a carriage full of men!!!" Shouted the four.
"Hey Nami, you have your weapon updated, haven't you?" Asked Zoro. Nami nodded and took out her new weapon, Perfect Clima-Tact.
"Yeah, Usopp updated it. It's his....." Her and Luffy's face dimmed down.
"....Last piece of work...." Said Nami.
"Quit giving me that look!!!" Shouted Zoro.
"I hope he's fine. Don't know where he is right now...." Muttered Chopper.
"He'll be fine, I'm certain about that." Said Luffy.
"Hey, Lulu, Tilestone, do you know who the intruders are?" Asked Paulie.
"Yeah, we do." Said Lulu.
"When you face Lucci and Kaku, don't consider them as children like when we first met them. They're our enemies now." Said Paulie. The two paused for about three seconds, and their jaws dropped to the floor and shouted.
"I THOUGHT YOU KNEW WHO THEY WERE!!!!!!" Shouted Paulie.
"We thought they're Michael and Hoichael!!!" Shouted Lulu.
"Who the hell are they!!!" Shouted Paulie. All of a sudden, two gigantic arrow stabbed in and attached to the carriage.
"HOLY SHIT WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!?" Shouted Luffy.
"Ah, they finally caught up! The King Bulls, my gang!" Shouted Zambai. Kokoro's voice came out from the speaker.
"Hikakakaka, kids *burp*, we have a situation here *burp*. In front of us is the tsunami, Aqua Laguna*burp*, and we're gonna get hit in a few *burp* minutes, any idea?" They could hear Chimney and Gonbe screaming.
"Waaaaaaayyyaaaa!!!! That again?!?!?!?!" Shouted Chopper as he poked his head out of the window. A one hundred feet tall wave was coming toward them, and it was the biggest they'd seen so far.
"Hm....a little bit troublesome. How do you think? Zoro." Asked Luffy.
"Go straight ahead." Said Zoro.
"Yeah!! We don't even have turning-backs!! Dumbass!!" Shouted Nami. Chopper was screaming.
"Yep, so let's do this!" Shouted Luffy. Zoro nodded and the two climbed to the locomotive.
"Kids! What're you planning??!!" Shouted Kokoro.
"Smash the wave." Said the two in unison.
"Hey Zoro, how much is 108 plus 108?"
"Too troublesome, let's just make it 300."
"Alright." The tsunami was right in front of them, and everyone was screaming, and the two took a deep breath.
"GOMU GOMU NO SANBYAKU POUND CANNON!!!!!" The two shouted, and hit the tsunami at the same time. A gigantic hole appeared.
"WHHHOOOOAAAAA!!!!!!" Everyone inside shouted.
"Hey Zoro!! Luffy!! There's still a lot of obstacles in front of us!!" Nami shouted. Five or more carriages were in front of them, blocking their way.
"Leave it to me." Said Zoro.

Inside the carriages--

"Hey, listen." A man said.
"I think I heard steam whistle." He said. Another man opened the door, and his eyeballs flew out of his eyeholes.
"TRAIN!!!!" Shouted the man.
"Let me handle this." A man looked like a skeleton jumped out of the carriage.
"Wait! T-Bone-san!!" Shouted the other man, but he'd already ran away.

Back to Rocket Man--

"Oho? Enemy." Said Zoro, smirking.
"I'm T-Bone! And I hate curved swords!! Chokkaku Hicho: Bone Odori!!" He slashed and created a beam-like cut at Zoro.
"Sanjuroku Pound Ho!!" Zoro slashed and created a flying slash as well. The two attacks met and T-Bone's attack was shattered and Zoro's flew toward him and slashed him.
"What? My technique..."
"Too weak! Go back to train from the beginning. Nitoryu Iai: Rashomon!!!" He jumped down and slashed him and slashed and carriages blocking them as well. The people in the carriages were all horrified and shocked.
"Nice." Zoro smirked and jumped back up to the train.
"Zoro!!!!!" Shouted Chopper, hugging him.
"You are so god damn cool!!!" He shouted.
"Haha, thanks." Said Zoro. And they heard Sanji's voice.
"Nami-san? Luffy? Anyone? Do you copy?" Nami took out a walkie-talkie.
"Hey, where did you get that from?" Asked Luffy.
"Sanji said he borrowed it from a shop on his way to the station, he said it'll come in handy, and it really does! I gotta reward him after this's all over." Said Nami, and they heard Sanji's voice again.
"Copy, Sanji-kun." Said Nami.
"Great! We're in a carriage ahead of you, and the train's already visible. We'll find a way to meet you guys. Just make sure you don't crash into us." Said Sanji from the other side of the walkie-talkie.
"Okay, find a chance and jump. Luffy will catch you, and Zoro will clear the carriage off." Said Nami.
"Roger that!" His voice faded.
"Oh! There!!" Shouted Chopper, pointing at a carriage not far away from them. The two were standing on top of the carriage.
"Hey Sogeking, let's jump." Said Sanji, Sogeking nodded and the two jumped off the top of the carriage. Luffy stretched his arms and grabbed the two and Zoro slashed the carriage.
"Nice catch, Luffy. And I'm sorry, guys, Robin-chan and Franky got taken away." Said Sanji.
"It's okay, Sanji-kun. We will fight and rescue them!" Said Nami firmly.
"Hey, where's Usopp?" Asked Luffy and Chopper. Sogeking walked to them and patted their shoulder.
"He's away now, but he'll be back. I'm his friend, Sogeking!" Said Sogeking.
"Whoa~ cool!! You're a hero!!" Shouted Luffy.
"How can you tell??" Asked Chopper.
"Chopper, always remember, a hero always wears a cape!! And he wears one, so he's a hero!!" Shouted Luffy, eyes turning into stars, and Chopper's turned into stars too.
"Yes, I'm the hero from the Soge Island, Sogeking!" Said Sogeking.
"Where's that island??" Asked Luffy.
"It's.... here, in your heart!" Said Sogeking, pointing at the two's heart.
"Cool~~~~" Said Luffy and Chopper, eyes twinkling.
"It's Usopp." Thought Zoro.
"It's Usopp, thank god he's fine." Thought Nami.
"It's Aniki's friend." Thought Zambai.
"I want your autograph!!" Shouted Luffy and Chopper. Everyone sweat dropped.
"Kids, we're almost *burp* there!" Said Kokoro through the speaker.
"Fuya-Jima, The Never-Night Island, Enies Lobby!" Said Nami.
"How do we get in?" Asked Chopper.
"I got it!" Luffy jumped to the locomotive again.
"Gomu Gomu no Bazuka!!" He hit the gate and it bent to a perfect angel, like a jump board.
"Okay! I know what *burp* you want to do now, *burp* hold on tight, cuz the way we get in will be quite bumpy. Hikakakaka!! *burp*" The train turned and went straight for the gate. And Rocket Man flew up to the sky. People down at the ground were screaming, and people in Rocket Man were screaming as well. And finally, it landed roughly, and everyone got out of it.
"I'M STILL ALIVE!!!!!" Shouted Nami.
"FRANKY!!!!! ROBIN!!!! WAIT FOR US!!!!!!" Shouted Luffy, and all of them started to fight.

It's finished!!! And the semester is also finished!!!!!!
So~~~~~~happy now!!!!!

And I'm writing a new fiction! It's a Tokyo Ghoul fiction, and it's a Touken story, go check it out if you love Touken!!!

Any follower??

Thanks for reading!!!!

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