Part 12
Beyoncé was in the booth laying down some vocals while Michelle and Kelly were by the boards listening.
"How was that?" Beyoncé asked.
"Look at my arm. The hair standing up." Kelly said.
Michelle and Kelly heard the door open and in came Messiah.
"Missed me?" He said hugging them.
"Yeah we missed your bad ass." Kelly said.
Messiah looked around and saw his mom in the both looking down like she was writing something.
"Mama!" He yelled and she didn't hear him.
"Press the button." Michelle said.
He pressed the button.
Beyoncé looked up from her paper.
"Baby!" She yelled getting up.
They ran meeting each other halfway. They ended up knocking each other over. Beyoncé kept kissing him.
"Awe, you miss me?" Beyoncé asked.
"Yes, you miss me?" He asked hugging her.
"Yes." She said kissing him.
"Only you two." Kelly said watching them on the floor.
"Oh, you wait till Ty gets older." Beyoncé said.
They got up and went to sit down on the couch. Messiah told Beyoncé everything he did with Jeulz in New Orleans and Beyoncé wanted to hear it all.
Shawn walked in the studio with Sydney.
"Thanks for picking him up." Beyoncé said to him.
"No problem, y'all finish the track?" He asked.
"Yep." She said.
"Mama, Syd got a bike. Can I get one?" He asked.
"Been here 30 minutes and want something." Beyoncé said. "How much was the bike?"
"I don't know." Shawn said. "Ty Ty, how much was that bike?"
"Four." He said.
"Four dollars?" Messiah said. "I want a couple then."
Beyoncé mushed his head.
"You spent four hundred dollars on a bike?" Shawn said then saw Sydney walking slowly out the door. "Syd!"
"Huh?" She asked turning around.
"Four hundred?"
"It could've been higher." She said.
Shawn just shook his head glad that the money didn't come out his pocket.
Messiah looked at Beyoncé.
"Two hundred is the highest I'm going." She said.
"Okay." He said happily and left out the studio with Sydney.
Beyoncé shook her head.
"I just realized something." Beyoncé said. "We don't have a manager."
"Damn, we don't." Michelle said.
"What about Nicki?" Kelly asked.
"I could ask her. She might be down." Beyoncé said.
They nodded. Syd and Messiah sat in the lounge looking up bikes on her laptop.
"I want the bike like you got." He said.
"Nah, she said she only going up to two. You better look on and get you a Mongoose." She said.
Messiah smacked his teeth and his phone went off. Syd peeked over.
"Damn, I see you got Kik lit." She said laughing.
"Chill." He said laughing.
"You got the girls." She said laughing.
Messiah waved her off and went back to checking his messages.
Later that night at Beyoncé's house.
"Messiah, come here!" Beyoncé yelled from the kitchen.
She waited for him to come down and when finally came down he sat at the island.
"What's up."
Beyoncé wiped her hands because she was eating.
"Okay, so." She started. "Shawn asked to be my boyfriend."
"Okay." He said getting up.
"Wait, I'm not done."
Messiah sat back down.
"Okay, I wanted to make sure it was okay with you."
"You happy right? Like he makes you happy?" He asked.
"Yes he does."
"Aight then, I'm cool with it." He said.
"Aight then." Beyoncé said and they dapped up.
Messiah went back upstairs and Beyoncé went back to eating. That was easier then she thought it was gonna be.
The Next Day
"No, we watching Goodfellas next." Beyoncé said.
"You said we could watch Harlem Nights." Shawn said.
"I meant after Goodfellas." She said laughing.
Beyoncé and Shawn chose to spend their morning and early afternoon together before going to the studio.
"You want some popcorn?" Beyoncé asked.
"Yeah." He said.
"I'll be back." She said as she left the movie room to go downstairs.
"Hey ma." Messiah said racing up the stairs past her.
"Boy, don't run in my house!"
"I have to go!"
Beyoncé went downstairs to get some popcorn. She sat it in the microwave and waited. The doorbell went off. She went towards the door and saw Messiah coming down.
"I got the door." Messiah said. "Go back to your food."
"I'm already standing here." Beyoncé said.
Messiah went back upstairs. Beyoncé opened the door and saw some man standing with a girl.
"Hi Ms. Knowles, you are Messiah's mother right?" He asked.
"Yes I am."
"I came home early and found your son in my daughters room with her."
"My son?"
"Yes, your son." He said.
"One moment." Beyoncé said and closed the door a bit. "Messiah!"
Messiah came downstairs with the most innocent face. Like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Beyoncé grabbed him by the back of the neck and opened the door.
"This him?" Beyoncé asked.
"Yes, when I came in they were kissing and if I didn't come home early I don't know what would have happened." He said.
Beyonce's grip on Messiah neck got tighter and tighter as the man talked.
"Well I assure you Messiah will not be outside or around your daughter anymore and I expect the same manor from your daughter."
"Oh, you will I just wanted to let you know what happened." He said.
"Well thank you so much." Beyoncé said smiling. "And this will never happen again."
He nodded and Beyoncé closed the door. She looked at Messiah and couldn't get out what she wanted to say because she was so mad and embarrassed.
"Ma, can you let go?" Messiah said squirming under her grip.
That just made her squeeze harder.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked.
"Ahhhh." Was all he could get out.
"What? I can't hear you?"
"I don't know, I don't know." He said trying to get out of her grip.
She finally let go and he grabbed the back of his neck messaging where she had to tight grip.
"Why were you in the girls room?" Beyoncé asked.
"She invited me."
Beyoncé looked at him.
"You think it's funny?" She said. "Okay."
She grabbed him and pushed him towards the stairs.
"You better move your feet and get up them steps cause if I push you I'm not taking you to the hospital." She said.
They went upstairs and into her room.
"Go pick out a belt." She said.
"She invited me up there." He cried.
"She invited you on to her bed and your tongue in her mouth too?"
"Yeah." He said like it made the best sense in the world.
"You are twelve years old. Too damn young to be doing anything you were doing." She said. "First I told you not to go into anybody house and I told you to stay away from them fast ass girls so look where you at now."
Messiah just stood there. He was on the verge of tears. He never made his mom this mad before.
"Get in there and get a belt Messiah." She said pointing towards her closet.
He walked in the closet and looked for the lease likely belt that she would pick. He came out with a small belt and gave it to her and she looked at him.
"What is this a garden snake?" She asked and then pushed him aside and went in her closet.
She came back with a YSL belt.
"Gimmie your glasses." She said.
"I can't see."
"You won't need to see anything far away when I'm done with you." She said.
He took off he glasses and gave it to her frowning.
"What? You upset? You did it to yourself." She said. "You don't know how to listen so I bet you'll listen now. Lay your ass down and keep your hands to the side. You block and I'll hit you longer. You understand?"
He nodded and went towards the bed.
"Uh, drop those jeans. I'm not stupid." She said.
Messiah sighed and did what she said and laid on the bed.
Meanwhile in the movie room Shawn was on his phone and was wondering where Beyoncé went. He got up to go in the kitchen. He walked in the hallway and heard yelling and crying. He felt it wasn't his business so he went to the kitchen. He looked in the microwave and the popcorn was finished. He put it in a bowl and went back to the movie room.
"Messiah, you keep crying and I'm gonna give you something to cry about!" Beyoncé yelled from her closet.
She came out and he was wiping his face and pulling up his jeans. Beyoncé gave him his glasses back.
"Now go to your room and stay there until we leave. Don't touch nothing in there either. Better yet, go in the guest room downstairs."
He wiped his face and followed her directions going downstairs to the guest room and laying down.
Beyoncé went back towards the movie room with Shawn. She sat down and he was eating the popcorn.
"You took too long so I went down and got the popcorn." He said.
"That's cool." She said.
"What's wrong? Wanna talk?" He asked.
Beyoncé sighed and told him everything that happened.
"Like, is it my fault?"
"Bey, no it's not your fault." Shawn said. "He going off purely hormones."
"But he's too young to even be thinking about that." She said. "It seems like it's out of the blue. I knew girls hung around him or whatever but I was not thinking this."
"You want me to talk to him?" Shawn asked.
"Please, I don't know what to say to him but don't do it today. He's not gonna talk to anyone today."
"He's mad." She said. "I've never whooped him before. I honestly never thought I would really have to."
"You feel bad about it?" Shawn asked.
"Honestly no. He did wrong big time. My stern looks and calm voice wouldn't cut it this time." She said.
"Well I'll take him to a baseball game or something and we'll talk."
"Okay, thank you." Beyoncé said and kissed him.
She leaned her head on his chest to watch the rest of the movie.
A Few Days Later
"Thanks Shawn for bringing me to the game." Messiah said.
They were in the car driving back from the baseball game. Shawn was going to talk to him at the game but it was too much stuff going on.
"No problem man." Shawn said. "But what's going on with you?"
"You talking about what happened the other day?"
"I wasn't gonna do nothing. I was just kissing her."
"But what if it went further. Do you even know what to do?" Shawn said.
"Yeah." He said and Shawn glanced at him. "Slightly."
Shawn shook his head laughing.
"Man, you gotta watch out for those girls. You not a regular boy out here. Your mom is Beyoncé girls wanna be your friend just off of that. You don't want those girls, you want the girls that like you."
"Okay but I can't help that they always in my face."
Shawn laughed.
"All you need to be worried about is school honestly. You too young for all that other stuff."
"How old were you when you-"
"I was older than twelve I tell you that." Shawn said. "And you do know you capable of getting somebody pregnant right? What you gonna do with a baby."
"I'm not having no baby."
"Good, keep that mind set and you don't know if some girls dirty and they can give you diseases and stuff." Shawn said.
Messiah looked disgusted.
"Yeah, it's a lot that goes into this." Shawn said. "Right now just stick to school and if you need me I'm always here to talk but don't talk to me after the fact cause there's no point."
"Okay." Messiah said nodding.
They drove to the studio and got out. They walked in to go find Beyoncé.
"Ms. Nicki." Messiah said when he saw her sitting with his mom and aunts.
He went hug her.
"What up play boy."
"Please don't call him that." Beyoncé said.
"Bey, let it go and stop being mad at the boy." Nicki said laughing.
"I'm not mad." She said.
"Aight then." Nicki said. "Messiah go hug your moms."
Messiah looked at Nicki and his mom.
"Oh come here." Beyoncé said pulling him over.
Messiah laughed because she had him in his lap hugging and kissing on him.
"I'm sorry ma." He said.
"I know just don't ever do that again."
"Go it." He said and sat up. "What y'all talking about?"
"When we go to New York." Beyoncé said.
"I'm going right?" He asked.
"No Messiah, I'm gonna put you in a ditch for the week. I'll leave you enough food though." Beyoncé said.
Messiah just looked at her.
"You not funny." He said getting up and the girls laughed.
"So Nicki, did you make a decision?" Kelly asked.
"Well since my main client is taking a break." She said looking towards Beyoncé. "I would love to be Destiny's Child Manager."
All the girls clapped and smile.
"Now all we gotta do is sell this music to Columbia." Nicki said. "Beyoncé sold them on the idea now it's time to bring the music."
"Cool." They said.
"Next stop New York." Michelle said.
Comment & Vote
Do you like Bey and Messiah's relationship?
Did Bey do too much or was she just right?
Do you like Shawn and Messiah's relationship?
How you think the girls are gonna do in New York?