Fire and Shadows (Jayden Shib...

By lifeisbeautiful6541

2.4K 41 12

"Why?" I look at Jayden unsure how to respond to that question. He looks at me waiting for my response but n... More

Before you read this!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

91 0 0
By lifeisbeautiful6541

Cass had just finished drinking a purple substance that is to help her with her pains. Her father had sent it to her making it to the Shiba house early in the morning. Once she drank the potion it felt like as if the pain was never there. Happy with the result of this drink she quickly texts her dad to send more of it. It was working great. Her dad response back promising her that he will pay the guardians to make more. Cass smirks to herself. Perks of having a rich father.

Cass quickly throws the small glass jar in the garbage and takes her pj's off to put her training gear on and puts her brown hair up in a ponytail. Walking outside she finds Mike practicing his elemental symbol, Kevin and Emily sparring, and Jayden and Mia fighting alone.

All of a sudden she sees Kevin and Emily stop fighting. She looks at Kevin saying something to her making Emily get confused in return. Then she hears Mike cheering.

"YES! I FINALLY DID IT!" Mike shouts out making a fist bump in the air.

" You sure did!" Emily yells back at him.

Kevin goes towards him and says the exact same " if you have problems come to me "as he did previously with the yellow ranger and that freaked Mike out.

"Ok?" Mike hesitantly said back. As soon as Kevin turned around to talk to Mia he ran straight to Cass, Jayden, and Mentor Ji. She laughed at the way he ran towards them.

"Ok is it just me or does anyone want to know what is up with Kevin?" Mike questions them. Unfortunately all of them were just clueless as he was.

" Well what did he say to you?" Cass asks

"That I did a great job and if I needed help that I can always come to him for anything." Mike answers basically wrapping it up in a nutshell.

"Hmmm" Cass says looking at Kevin in a curious way.

"Ji your thoughts on this?" She says her eyes lingering on Kevin's figure for a little bit longer before turning her head to look at the Shiba guardian.

"He has been like this since yesterday little one." Ji replies back with a stern look on his face. All three of them look at Kevin suspicious of his behavior right now.

"Alright enough of the staring. The more we do it the more we may lose our eyes. We need them to fight. Jayden spar with me?" She asks him.

"It will be my honor princess." Jayden says bowing down playfully looking at her with a smirk in his eyes as he does it.

Cass stops breathing for a moment. The way his golden brown hair falls in front of his face. The piercing of his gaze when his eyes made contact with her. Even though his eyes were not as blue as hers it was like seeing waves colliding with ice. Cass has silvery blue eyes. But the word princess. She doesn't hear it often from Jay but something felt weird when he said that. Like as if it belonged to her for him to say that and no else. Remembering where she is at right now she composes herself and nods to him emotionless walking on the opposite direction to spar.

Jayden sees her flustered and smiles to himself proud of making her that way. He knew how to make her malfunction in any situation that's unpredictable. As they are sparing Mike and Ji see this and both look at each other placing a bet on who would confess first.

" 50 bucks says Cass will confess." Mike whispers.

" I have faith that Jayden will say it first and you will pay me double." Ji whispers back.

" Your on" Mike says and the two shakes hands to seal the deal.

It ended with Cass bokken on Jayden neck and him kneeling in front of her.

" Any last words?" Cass dramatically says smirking and raising one eyebrow at him.

" Your beautiful." Jayden flirts making Cass kind of blush so she turns her head away removing the stick off of his neck.

" Shut up" Cass mumbles which makes Jayden laugh real hard putting his arm around her neck.

Ji looks at his watch and tells everyone that lunch will be ready soon.

As Cass goes into her room not wanting any more "compliments" from the red ranger she lay's on her back of the bed thinking about what just happened. Did Jayden like her? Or was he just doing it for fun? They have fake flirted before but something felt different when he said it. Shaking her head to get those thoughts out she takes a shower and puts on her black ac/dc shirt which shows a little bit of her belly with ripped jeans. She puts on converse and some light makeup to complete it.

Feeling satisfied she walks out of her room and meets everyone in the living room. By the time she got there ready to eat the sensor buzzed. Groaning at the fact that she can't eat and have to wait till later all of them run outside to jump into Jayden's car. Because they did not have enough time to see the map Mentor sends Jayden's the coordinates on his phone.

"Where is it at?" Cass asked him. She sat in the passenger seat as Jayden was the driver cause its his car.

"City park." Jayden replies back. He has one hand on the steering wheel and the other with his phone.

"Ok hopefully we can make it there on time. This time." Cass says jokingly.

"We will. Relax." Jayden assures her holding his best friends hand. The rest of the team pretend to gag in the back.

Once they got there they see a nighlok with a little boy.

" You can really do that?" They hear the boy say. They morph silently that way they can do a surprise attack on the nighlok named doubletone.

" Well, of course! Monsters can do anything."

"Promise?" The boy asked having hope that the monster can bring something back double than his dream. Or someone.

"I promise." The monster promises back.

"Pinky finger swear?"

That set Cassandra right off the edge. She nods to them that now is the time to start attacking before the nighlok can seal the deal with the little boy. Jayden gets there first.

"HEY!" Jayden calls out making Doubletone turn around and block Jayden's swing from his sword. Then the rest of the boys fight him. Cass and the girls go the boy checking and making sure that the nighlok didn't harm him.

" Are you ok?" Mia asks him worried.

" I'm ok." The boy quietly says back shocked at what just happened.

" Nighlok what kind of games are you up to right now with this kid?" Jayden asked skeptical.

" Nothing. We're friends right?"

The nighlok turns to look at the boy but he is stunned at the moment. No words could come out of his mouth. The girls send words of comfort to the child while the guys charge at Doubletone again.

"Run away as fast as you can ok?" Emily tells him

He listens to her and runs.

"Now that the boy is gone lets go help our boys." Cass says with her sword on her shoulder. Emily and Mia agrees and they join in the fight.

"STAY OUT OF MY BUISINESS!" The nighlok screeches as he pushed the green ranger out of his way and kicks Kevin in the stomach.

" Oh yeah?" Cass yells back. She slides towards the monster and takes both of her legs to swipe one of Doubletone's legs and he falls down. Unfortunately it did nothing but make him furious as he punched and swat all the boys down. All that was left was the girls.

"Your turn girls." Doubletone taunts

In anger Em and Mia runs towards him. However the two ended up on the ground just like the rest. The monster laughs and knowing that it succeeded one thing it was already enough for him to go back to the Netherworld.

"Remember rangers. The fun has just begun." Doubletone says before entering the gap.

All the rangers stare at where he once was taking in the information that he just said. Slowly all of them look at each other silently agreeing on one thing: Find the kid and get him to talk.

"He's planning something that is not good." Mike said shaking his head

"No duh gamer boy." Cass said.

" I'm worried about that kid. We need to find him!" Mia exclaims.

"Ok ok let's all devise a plan. Mia and Kevin I'm going to put the two of you in charge on talking to the kid. Find ways to get to feel like he's safe to tell you. The rest and I will go home. I am counting on you guys." Cass orders them.

"Of course Cass!" Mia says happily.

"I won't let you down." Kevin declares.

"I know you won't. Just try your best that's all I ask." Cass reassures them softly.

All of them agree with this plan. Mike, Emily, her, and Jayden all head back to his car to go home.

Its been a long time since Kevin and Mia stayed in the area where they found the boy's name to be Ryan. Cass is humming to her favorite Straykids song until a knock interrupted her. Removing her headphones she sits up from her bed and rests them on her neck to see that Jayden had knocked on the door. Poking his head in he puts his finger on his mouth to tell her to be quiet and motions his hands for her to come and see what was happening in the kitchen.

Still confused as to why she needed to she follows him anyway to see. Her head pokes through the kitchen door first then Jayden's. Silently watching Mia doing the cooking Cass tilts her head in surprise. Then out of nowhere Mike and Emily poke their head's above Jayden's. All stare in disgust and amusement of Mia in the kitchen. The stench made Cass want to vomit. No offense of course.

"What do you think she's doing?" Jayden asks puzzled at what and why Mia is cooking.

"She told us that she was making a home cooked dinner to take to Kevin." Mike says disturbed.

"Mia said that he's gonna stay the night outside of Ryan's house in case the nighlok comes back. I think its sweet that she's doing it for him. He has been feeling sad so she is cheering him up!" Emily says heart warmed at Mia's kindness towards Kevin's feelings.

"But doesn't Ji do the cooking?" Jayden said with attitude. Cass hits him upside the head.

"Ow! What the hell Cassie?!" Jayden says to her offended that she hit him like that. He rubs his head groaning from how hard she hit him.

"Stop being a jerk Jay! She obviously doing it for a reason and I think why. Our sweet pink ranger has a crush on our blue ranger." Cass smirks which makes all heads turn to look at her.

"Mia? A crush? On Kevin? What made you even think that?" Mike asked shocked that Cass would even come to conclusions like that.

"Well at training today I saw how Kevin and Mia would glance at each other so it shows that it's a sign of a crush developing." Cassandra explains making them all now understand the reason of Mia's actions.

They look back to see just in time Mia using her samurai sword to cut a orange squash type vegetable up.

"Ok that is not sanitary whatsoever." Cass says terrified and the rest nods eagerly agreeing.

"All right. All of you go. I'm going to help Mia make something for Kevin so I want nobody in there. So shoo! All of you!" Cass orders them. All of them leave protesting as to why they couldn't watch her and Mia. With a sigh she mentally prepares herself first then enters the kitchen.

"Hey Mia." Cass greets her startling the poor girl.

"Oh Cass I did not see you there. Coming in here to help me?" Mia asks

"You betcha but I'm going to make him some brownies and send some milk to him. I'm a killer when it comes to desserts." Cass brags making Mia laugh in return.

"Ok then I let you do what you have to do." Mia tells her as she is busying stirring the vegetables in the pot.

As they are doing there own thing in the kitchen Cassandra cannot help but feel bad that she has not spend quality time with the girl Mia. Mia is one year younger than her like Kevin. Fresh out of high school. So using this opportunity to take this time to talk and hang out with her Cass makes it a determination to develop a friendship like she did with Em.

"So what's going on with you and Kevin?" Cass asks noticing how Mia tenses for a moment and then doesn't.

"Me and Kevin? Nothing why?" Mia shrugs off.

"Listen I see the way he looks at you and you do the same thing to. Your secret is safe with me to tell me that you like him." Cass tells her casually.

"Ok just a little bit. I could say the same about you and Jayden though." Mia smirks which makes Cass stop what she is doing to turn around slowly to look at the pink ranger.

" I don't follow."

"You don't need to. I can see the way he looks at you too."

" Mia that is bull because he sees me as a friend. Nothing more.

" You know what they say about Egypt. Denial is the river to go to." Mia jokes which makes Cassandra chuckle in return.

" That was a poor one but I'll give you that."

" Thanks. But seriously what was up with you and Jayden this morning?"

" I'll be honest with you I don't know. I mean we have been attached to the hip when we were young but ever since my mom..... he has always tried to hang out with me. Sometimes without Ji knowing." Cass explains. Mia is listening to her with understanding that boy's can be confusing at times.

"Jayden?! A rebel?!" Mia gasps. Cass chuckles.

"Yeah that's Jayden for you."

Mia finishes putting the food into the container as Cass checks with how the brownies are doing in the oven.

" Cass I think that you need to allow Jayden to do this for a while to see whether or not he likes you. I know you know that assumptions is not the way but be observation of his behavior." Mia advises Cass which she takes into consideration in return.

"Thanks flower."

" Flower?"

" Yeah your like flowers that bring color's into people perspective and lives like how Em is sunshine." Cass explains.

"I like it."

Finally Cass's brownies are out of the oven and she quickly puts them inside the container so they stay warm and takes a cup container and puts milk in it.

"There its all set. Kevin should enjoy both of our cooking." Cass says happily.

"Thanks again Cassandra." Mia says grateful for the leader.

"No problem."

As Mia walk up to the door she turns around.

"Remember what I said Cass." Mia said then walks away.

" Yeah I'll remember. Thanks." Then Cass goes to clean the dishes in the sink.

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