1216 words
(sorry it's backwards, yappy reader x listener clémmie. kinda boring i wouldn't be shocked if yall don't read it lol)
"Klüver-Bucy Syndrome"
brain rot,
"Diogenes Disorder"
"Joubert syndrome"
genetic malfunction,
"Munchausen by Proxy"
"Huntington Disease"
"Okay which one do you wanna know about first?" You ask Clémmie, looking at her with excitement shining in your eyes. You handed her a list of mental disorders you were well educated about you enjoyed talking about, some you had just learned about.
"Hm.. what's "Kluver–Bucy Syndrome?" She asks, essentially setting a bomb off. You give her a smile, one she knows a little too well. The smile you give as a pre "thank you" before you explode.
"Kluver-Bucy syndrome is characterized by hyperorality, hypersexuality, bulimia, placidity, visual agnosia, and amnesia." You begin. You had even memorized some cool/fancy words just to sound more educated and impress your best friend.
"In simplified words: obsession with putting things that don't belong in one's mouth there, oversexualizing one's self to the point of risking one's own health, eating mass amounts of food only to regurgitate it back up later, lack of emotion, apathy, lacking one's ability to properly see objects; not like blindness, bad eyesight or disease, lack of ability to remember things ranging from simple tasks to trivial marking points. " You say, she nods in understanding. She was a bit of a simple minded creature so fancy words didn't entirely compute in her very small noodle.
"Kluver bucy syndrome is a very rare neuropsychiatric (nervous system) disorder caused by damaged tissue harming or ruining the bilateral temporal lobes (disease control in your brain), more specifically generally the hippocampus and amygdala." You finish, your anatomy studying finally doing you good.
"In simplicity, it ruins your ability to feel fear; and can be developed or acquired during birth from head trauma, tumors or a brain infection caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or very rarely protozoa (eukaryotic cell group, form of parasite) or parasites. the viruses can vary from HIV, syphilis, west nile virus and borrelia burgdorferi (cause of lyme disease)" You finish off, panting by the time your done with your yapping since you only took like two breaths to talk your head off.
"I'm not sure what anything you just said makes sense but cool." She says, smiling awkwardly. "Got anything else to get out?" She asks giggling, you nod, ready to vomit out more information.
"Let it out, Fiddlestick." She says, opening yet another pandora's box on you.
"Diogenes disorder is named after the Greek philosopher Diogenes the cynic, not only being one of the most important men in Greek history and psychological history, but the sweetest, most kind hearted men." You begin, ready to elaborate as Clémmie just mindlessly stares at you.
"Diogenes was a very simple man who wanted to find an honest man and was very minimalistic." You say, Clémmie now paying attention as you speak.
"Main symptoms of the disorder, both cynicism and fear lead the mind when it takes over someone. Some symptoms of it include mass self neglect, self harm, domestic squalor (lack of care for one's living situation), social withdrawal, apathy, and a lack of shame, often paired with catatonia, a form of schizophrenia." You yap out, taking a breath as Clémmie giggles at your lack of rememberance to breathe.
"So.. why's a hoarding disorder named after a guy who was a clean freak?" Clémmie asks, sending you back into a spiral of yapping.
"Because he had a lack of shame; lived solely in a bathtub and had a contempt for social organization; similar to the symptoms of diogenes disorder." You finish, sighing in relief as you get it all out.
"Ahh.. okay. Makes more sense." She comments, patiently waiting for you to start yapping again as you take your time to.. compose.
Currently taking the fattest shit of my life once more haven't updated yall in a while abt my shit situations doubt yall missed it
"Okay okay Joubert Syndrome is much easier to explain, it's similar to Huntington Syndrome."
You start off, clémmie nods, wondering what Huntington Syndrome is.
"Joubert syndrome is a rare autosomal (any chromosome that isn't a sex one)" You begin, warning her from making any sex jokes. (... gender related not naughty things that's in your hypothalamus and temporal lobes. it essentially says what kinks ur into and yes, kinks r also recessive like this disorder)
"Recessive (get it from your parent(s) genetic disorder that affects the cerebellum, an area of the brain that controls balance and coordination. Essentially, it makes kids really ugly and stupid."
Clémmie bursts out laughing at your blatant disregard for the children who have it, cackling her ass off as you talk anyways.
"I wanna say it's similar to down syndrome, which in a way I guess it is because they both affect the face and mentality and chromosomes but.. it isn't the same. I dunno, kids with Joubert Syndrome have gigantic foreheads, arched eyebrows. ptosis (droopy eyelids), bug eyes, (widely apart), mutant ass ears, and a triangular mouth." You describe, clémmie laughing even harder at your description to the point where she's sobbing from laughter.
(guys i'm not ableist i'm a sarcastic hater there's a difference 🙅)
"Okay since you won't hush your face i'm gonna continue yapping so Munchausen by Proxy in simple terms is crazy person ruins another persons life by making up things abt their health. In more specific terms." You begin, Clémmie shutting up when you speak, coughing a bit from how hard she laughed.
"Munchausen by Proxy is commonly known for being the star of the case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard y'know the girl who had her own show, movie and recently got out of jail? Yeah, it's commonly known for that." You compare, winding up to vomit out more information.
"MSBP is caused by abuse early on in said abusers childhood, causing them to become reliant on certain ways to gain attention. Mainly through faking sickness. Generally, abused or ignored children pretend to be sick to get attention so they tend to latch onto the notion they only love through sickness so the abuser will turn to hurting the victim. Generally a weak or young loved one. By getting them sick and repeatedly injured then saved, it can begin causing intense trauma and unnecessary suffering on the victim, or in more severe cases the abuser during early childhood may be severely neglected and denied medical treatment, causing them to turn to other sick people to harm and injure them then deny them medical treatment; seeing as how they were either hurt or ignored by medical professionals." You get out, panting as once again you forgot to breathe during any of that.
"Jesus Christ." Clémmie mutters, taken a bit aback by the rather traumatic disorder you had just babbled your head off about.
"Did you know your face is bigger than your skull and whale sharks have teeth on their eyes." You randomly say, including other random facts of things you enjoy as Clémmie stares at you as if you called her an alien.
"No.. where did that come from?" She asks as you shrug.