Past Tense Defence

By Farlonius

1.5K 101 14

This collection of poems is somewhat self explanatory. I held a mirror up to my soul and my reflection was vi... More

A Little Less Imagination
Goals Under God
Ode to a Regressive
Gems of Truth
Toddlers & Teenagers
Misery Driven
Weight Loss
God's Love
Waking Hours
Hurry Up Wait
Mind Games
Bathed by Light
Friendly Reminder
Heroes Lament
Gods Many Faces
Hometown Habitual
Far-out for a Night
Fluency Test
River Styx Reimagined
The Atwood Engagement
Mother May I?
Holding On
Goodwill Garden
Fisher of Men
Happy Days
Magnetic Resistance
Logic Before Leaping
Synchro Mesh Son
My God
Thinking Aloud
Twisted Logic
Operation Courage
Beast Mode
Freedom by Faith
Heavenly Hearts
Sad Man Happy Moon
Gods Photoshop
Night Light
Past Prolapse
Its Only Words
Generous Genius
Wheat or Chaff?
Hocus Pocus
Booby Traps
Photonic Remedy
Gloaming Revelation
Guiding Light
Meditation Station
Universal Eye

Casual Curmudgeon

26 2 0
By Farlonius

The nasty behaviour jumped a generation,
From mother to son in its purest connotation,
Complaining is in his DNA a negative superpower,
Transferred through ages like subatomic pollen of a flower,

It bandied about the blood of his cardiovascular system,
Infecting his heart, pumping nasty barbs to cerebral schism,
This crusty senior however has one saving grace,
He learned to work at a most furious pace,

An inheritance from a farming father with endearing sense of humour,
But smiling to this old man turns into sarcastic rumour,
My jokes no matter subject fly high above his head,
It's working one hundred hours a week that keep him in good stead,

It's hard to compete with his moral code,
His mind can't be humbled inside his humble abode,
Frugal sensibilities match well with his work ethics,
He even cuts his own hair, hell with aesthetics,

But despite all of this, underneath is a man,
Who'd give shirt of his back to the friends in his band,
He takes a hard line with his children most times,
But grandkids saw him sit patient through nursery rhymes,

Gossiping on telephone an unmanly trait for a curmudgeon,
But blowhard about his loved ones you might end up bludgeoned,
Many years of heavy work has built a body made of sinew,
And all the scrimping and saving is meant for family to continue,

Living comfortably on the right side of the poverty line,
I bet you're starting to wish I'd make this guy a friend of mine,
I don't have to though cause he's my dear old Pop
And if my heart were ever to break he'd build a new one in his shop.

~Farls Tokley

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