We Different

By Mkay_674

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Lets have a little talk


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By Mkay_674

DD Pov


I shut off my alarm and sat up in my bed. The sound of cars honking and people yelling was a regular for me. But I was dreading school. I dread school all day everyday. Only because I get bullied by Ddot. He's like the schools "bad boy" but yeah.

He started picking on me after my little brother Notti died. He was like the big brother tho.

Then there's Ddot's girlfriend, the skank- I mean her name's Harmony. She's the class hoe. Definitely ran through. Ddot is latest victim.

"DD hora de levantarse amor," my mom said from behind my door

Translation: DD time to get up love

I groaned and got out of bed. Jesus I need to clean my room. On my desk, I seen my homework that I finished yesterday before class was over. That's another reason why I get picked on by Ddot.

The smart kid is me 🌚

I took a quick shower and then changed into a red sweatshirt and matching sweat pants. Then I looked in the mirror and my hair was messy. So I put it in a low ponytail.

I walked downstairs to where my mom was getting ready for work.

"I'll be home late son," She said

"Okay," I said

"You catching the bus or is Jasmine taking you?" My mom asked

"Jas is picking me up," I said

"Ok sweetie. I'm gonna be late. I'll see you later," my mom said

She kissed my cheek and then ran out the house. A few minutes Jasmine pulled up at my house.

"Heyyy DD," she said walking in

"Hey," I said

Jasmine is probably the only friend I have. She's like a sister to me. She also stands up for me when Ddot and his friends get on me.

"Tell me why I seen Harmony with Jstar today. That girl is a hoe," Jasmine said

"I don't even feel bad for Ddot," I lied

"Me either. Hey let's go," Jasmine said

I put my forces on and then got backpack together. We left and headed to the hell hole called school.

Pulling up, I seen Ddot from a mile away. I got out the car and walked cautiously with Jasmine. But Ddot stopped me.

"Damn DD looking more moon than usual," Ddot laughed

I looked at my clothes. I thought I looked fine today.

"Fuck off idiot," Jasmine said

"What bitch?" Harmony asked

"You heard me," Jasmine replied

"Let's just go," I said

"Yeah run you little bitch," Ddot said

"Fuck you," Jasmine said

"I can't believe him sometimes," Jasmine said

"Yeah," I said


Jasmine walked off to class and I seen Ddot down the hall.

Oh lord.

I sped walked but Ddot caught up with me. He pushed very HARD into the locker.

"Where you going Reyes?" Ddot asked

"Cl-class," I said

"I didn't like how your friend was talking to me this morning," Ddot said

"Talk to her not me," I said

"Excuse me?" Ddot asked getting angry

"Nothing!" I said tearing up

Great now I'm now crying.

That's my biggest problem.

I cry A LOT



"Fucking crybaby," Ddot said flicking my head

I flinched hard as hell. He laughed at me and then walked away. It didn't that we had the same class together. When I walked in he was with Harmony and his friends, Jay, Dudeylo, and Jstar.

I sat in my seat and tried to focus on my teacher.

"He's such a crybaby," Dudeylo said

I heard their whole conversation.

Yeah just let me graduate now cause I can't do this anymore.

"Ddot and Dd please go to the office. The principal wants to see you guys," the teacher said


I'm innocent 😇

Oh Jesus.

Ddot rolled his eyes and we both walked out.

"You snitched?" Ddot asked

"No. I swear!" I said

"I'm gonna fuck you up so bad," Ddot said

We walked in the principals office and she gave us a smile.

"I seen you guys little incident in the hallway. Now you know we don't tolerate bullying and Ddot you're on your last straw here. I can just suspend you but I have an alternative," she said

"What is it?" Ddot asked

"DD here tutors you. He's a straight A student. You're failing most of your classes and I think with a little help from you will be ok," she said

"Hell no! I'm not letting his gay ass tutor me," Ddot said

"I can just suspend you," She said

Ddot gave me a stare before nodding his head.

"Good. You're dismissed," she said

I walked awkwardly back to class.


"Shut up! Just shut up," Ddot said

"You're mad? Why?" I asked

"Because I don't like you. I never did and never will," Ddot said

I stayed quiet.

He was really scaring me right now.

Ddot Pov

Great now I gotta be with him today and the rest of the quarter.

"What happened?" Dudeylo asked

"He's my fucking tutor," I said

"That fag is your tutor," Harmony said

Hey! I may hate him but I'll never disrespect him like that.

Hearing Harmony say it made me feel some type of way. I didn't like it. Ahhhh fuck Ddot!!!

I looked at DD who was doing his work unlike me.

"Don't be disrespectful," I said

"Fuck him," Harmony said

After class

DD walked a different direction than me.

"You into him?" Jay asked amused

Hell no


Not in a million years



"No," I mugged him

"It's okay to have a crush-"

"I'm not gay. My girlfriend is right there," I said

"Bruh." Jay said

"I'm not gay," I said

We headed to our next class but I decided to skip with Harmony. Me and her were outside smoking. I had my arm around her waist as she took pictures.

I smelled a different scent on her. It wasn't the weed either.

"Who you been with?" I asked

"No one Dot," Harmony said mugging me

I ain't that stupid.

"Bro you getting me tight-"

"Boy I been with you," Harmony said

I rolled my eyes and stepped away from her. She was making it a big deal now. I could hear the bell ring. I saw through the window and spotted DD.

He was with Jasmine. Wait why am I looking at him?

Fuck no!

"I'll text you later," I said walking away

I walked back in school. It was lunch time right now for me. I skipped lunch and hung out in the bathroom.

DD walked in and I cornered him in the handicap stall.

"I'm sorry. I didn't do anything-"

I cut him off by kissing him.



"What!" I said

I looked around and saw that me and DD were in the stall but we were just standing there.

We didn't kiss?

Thank God.

Why did I think about kissing him?

"Why did you bring me in here?" DD asked hugging himself

He looked kinda cute here

Ummmmm stop being gay Ddot

"Meet me at my house today. Come over by 5," I said

"Oh o-okay," DD said

"Stop stuttering. That shit is annoying as hell," I said

"I'm so-sorry.  Wait-"

"Let me go before I punch you,"'I said leaving

Actually I left because I was gonna kiss him.

Wait WHAT????

Thoughts 💭

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