"The slaughters of my tribe are all I've known. LeafWings were killed in front of our eyes. By slashing our trees, Wasp built her empire upon the bones of our homes."
Following the event of Scroll Two, Silver and Vivian are now targeted by the dragons of the undercity. As the LeafWings begin to join the fight, tension continues to grow in both cities, and sides are unsure of the danger that is coming. With the mesmers nearing completion, Wasp unleashes her wrath upon Hymeno in hope of weakening the brewing rebellion. Deep below, SilkWing rebels release their augments and drown the undercity, forging an army of savages to counter the attack from above. War is drawing closer and closer in Scroll Three.
Scroll Two begins with the next three chapters. Read now!
Scroll Two Contents
• Chapter Seven — Monsters Without Leashes
• Chapter Eight — Believe In The Fight
• Chapter Nine — Unfortunate Setbacks We Face Along The Way