A Collection of Glee Oneshots...

By timesoftrouble

8.4K 592 10

Continuing on from my first three glee oneshot books because they're full. Each chapter will be a different o... More

Famous (Quicketh)
Freaking Out (Quicketh)
Beth (Quick)
Miss It (Quicketh fam)
New Mom (Quicketh/Judy)
Bedtime (Quicketh)
Bowling (Pucketh)
Graduation (Quick)
Airplane Man (Quick)
Clothes Shopping (Quinn/Santana)
Cheaters (Quicketh)
Finn Tattoos (Rachel/Puck)
Dream (Puck/Finn/Quick)
Fighting Over Finn (Quicketh fam)
Parade (Quick)
Baby Boy (Quinn/Judy/Beth)
Pregnancy Test (Quinneth)
Ring (Quick/Santana)
A Baby (Quick)
Crash (Quicketh/ND)
Finn's Jacket (Puck/Santana)
Grandpa Russell (Quicketh)
Comfort (Quick/Sam)
Legally Married (Quicketh /Puckermans)
Addicted (Quicketh fam)
Marcus Jones (Quinn/Mercedes/Jones fam)
Spare Room (Quicketh/Mercedes)
Baby Daddy (Quicketh )
Pregnancy Prevention (Quinneth)
Fighting (Quicketh/Santana)
New York, New York (ND/Quicketh)
Wake Up (Fuck)
Location (ND)
Summer Vacation (Quinn/Biff)
Our Baby Back (Quicketh)
L.A. Roommates (Finn/Puck/Mercedes)
Hair Color (Quicketh fam)
Shitty Apartment (Quinneth/Puck)
First Names (Quicketh)
Third Birthday (Quicketh/ND)
Earplugs (Quicketh fam)
Scared Straight (Finn/Quicketh fam)
Kidney Stones (Quicketh fam)
Spring Break 2014 (Quinn/Quick)
Broadway Debut (Quicketh fam)
Broadway Baby (Quicketh)
Overseas (Quicketh)
Blaine (Finn/Puck/Kurt)
Ten Fingers, Ten Toes (Quick)
Visiting (Quicketh/Shelby)
Prom Apology (Finn/Quinn)
Prinicpal's Office (Puck/Beth/Quinn)
I don't (Finchel/Finn/Puck)
Options (Quinn/Fuinn/Fabrays)
Proving it (Quicketh)
Homework (Quick)
Wheelchair (Finn/Quick)
Daddy vs Mommy & Future Stepdad (Puck/Beth/Quinn)
Mother's Comfort (Quinn/Ruth)
Glee Christmas (Fucktana)
Sobriety (Quick)
Miscarriage (Quicketh)
Sushi & Spa Nights (Quinn/Mercedes)
Bullied (Quicketh fam)
Sick (Quick fam)
Make Things Right (Quick/F/Russell)
Graduation Gift (Quick)
Plane Ride Home (Puck)
Birds and Bees (Quicketh fam)
Picky Eater (Pucketh)
New Rules (Quick/Unholy Trinity)
Mommy's Wedding (Quicketh)
Girls Night (Quinn/glee girls)
Vineyard (Quick/NDs)
Tell Finn (Quick/Finchel)
Nineteen (Quinn/Finn/Puck)
Pregnancy Scare (Quicketh fam)
Rumours (Quicketh/Sam/Finn)
Maternity Leave (Quinn/ND)
Secrets (Beth/Quick/Finn)
Aftermath (Quicketh /Santana)
Divorce (Quicketh fam)
Trust Fund Baby (Quicketh)
Beth is 1 (Quicketh/ND)
Summer 2010 (Quicketh)
Self Conscious (Quicketh/Fabrays)
Homeward (Quick)
Father's Day (Hudson-Hummels/ND)
Lola (Quick)
Parents (Pucketh)
Meeting Beth (Quicketh)
Beth's Father (Quinneth/Fabrays)
Sisters (Quinn/Fabrays)
Aunt Mom (Quicketh/Fabrays)
Hot Towel (Quick)
Locker Room (Fuck)
Between Us (Quick/Finn)
Tiny (Finn/Quicketh)
Best Friend (Puck/Quicketh)
Casting (Artie/Puck)
Make Him Proud (Puck/Mercedes)
Middle Name (Quicketh )
Dating (Fuinn/Puckleberry/Finchel)
Quarter (Quicketh)
On a Break (Quick)
Avoiding (Quick/Finn)
Future (Quick)
Two Weddings (Quick)
School's Out (Quicketh)
Halloween (Quicketh )
Five Years (Finchel/Quicketh)
Consequences (Quicketh fam)
After Beth (Puck/Finn/Santana)
Due Date (Quicketh)
Bambi (Quicketh)
Family Planning (Quicketh/Puckermans)
In or Out? (Quicketh)
Twenty (Santana/Puck)
Obgyn (Quicketh)
First Father's Day (Quicketh)
Dead Dad (Puck)
Parenting Advice (Finn/Puck)
A Star (Finchel/Berrys)
Four Years (Quick)
Thanksgiving (Quicketh/graduates)
Bring a Date (Quicketh)
Thanksgivings (Fabrays/Puck)
Stayed (Quicketh)
Military Spouse Appreciation (Quicketh)
Babysitting (Quicketh/Fabrevans)
Leave (Quick)
Stepdad (Quicketh fam)
First Day Away (Quicketh)
Coach (Quicketh fam)
Get it Together (Quick/Puck/Santana)
Bad Grades (Quicketh fam)
Phone Contacts (Quick/ND)
Mother's Day (Quinn/Quick)
Talk Show (Quick/Brittana)
Relapse (Quicketh fam)
Dogsitter (Quicketh)
Home for the Holidays (Fuinn)
Memorial (Quick)
Drink (Quick/Brittana/Finchel)
Gone (Quicketh)
Holidays (Quick)
Ex (Quick)
Who's in Your Bed? (Pucktana)
The Talk (Pucktana)
Anniversary (Quicketh fam)
Ignore It (Quick)
Break Up (Quick)
Christmas (Quicketh fam)
Holiday Card (Quicketh /Fabrays)
Mom (Quicketh fam)
Rehab (Quicketh )
Post-Wedding (Klaine/Brittana)
Postpartum (Quicketh fam)
Dad (Quinn/F/Quicketh fam)
Nomination (Quicketh)
Teacher (Jake/Puck)
Sophomore (Puck/Quinn)
Baby Girl (Quicketh fam)
Back at College (Quinn)
Imitation (Quinn/Shelby)
Run Hide (Quicketh/Finn/Shelby)
Name (Quicketh)
Hook Ups (NDs)
Sailboat (Puck/Finn/H)
Drugged (Santana/ND)
Adjustments (Quicketh)
High School Reunion (Quick/ND)
Laundry Room (Quicketh fam)
Baby Names (Quinn/ND girls)
Car Accident 2 (Quicketh fam)
Eggs (Quick)
Nose job (Quicketh)
James (Puck/Quick/P)
Sleep (Quicketh fam)
Social Media (Quicketh)
Caleb and Deb (Beth/Quick)
Military Tap Out (Quicketh)
Cannon (Unholy Trinity/Brittana)
Apartment (Quinntana/Fuck)
Crayon on the Wall (Quicketh)
June 8th (Quick)
Sex tape (Quick)
Propose Already (Quicketh)
Dog (Quicketh )
Run (Quicketh/Finn/Santana)
Interrogate (Quicketh /P)
Baby Blanket (Finn/Quicketh)
Friend (Fuinn)
Surprise Baby (Quicketh fam)
Weekend (Quick/Finn)
Senior Prom (Quick)
Family Day (Puck/Quinneth)
Fire (Puck/Quinn/Finn)
Party (Puck/Fuinn)

Nudes (Quicketh fam)

27 2 0
By timesoftrouble

"Noah! Are you home?!" Quinn called as she entered the house.

"What's going on?" Puck wondered as he walked down the stairs.

"I need to tell you something." Quinn said.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"Please don't freak out." Quinn requested.

"Q." Puck replied.

Quinn took Puck's hands and led him to the living room. They sat down, and Quinn took a deep breath.

"Remember when I did some modeling when Beth was little?"


"Hey, Hudson. Your dad still on tour?"

"What?" Hudson asked.

"'Cause I was thinking I'd come over and hang out with your mom. You know, she's kind of a milf."

"Dude." Hudson said. "That's my mom."

"Exactly the point. She's hot."

"Why the sudden creepy obsession with my mom?" Hudson wondered. "I mean, other than your apparent mommy issues."

"Her new photoshoot was released today. Or should I say nude photoshoot?"


"It wasn't completely nude." Quinn clarified. "Just topless."

"Quinn." Puck said.

"Beth and I were on our own in New York. I was young and I wanted to get my foot in the door." Quinn explained.

"More like your boob in the door." Puck stated, making himself chuckle.

"Noah." Quinn scolded as she nudged him. "This is serious. These pictures are already all over the Internet."

"Well, if I've learned one thing from Santana and Brittany's sex tape, it's that the Internet is forever." Puck noted. "Let's just hope the kids don't see it and let it go away on its own."

"Do you wanna see it?" Quinn asked.

"I looked it up the second you said it was topless." Puck smirked, showing off the pictures on his phone screen. "Pick one to be my lock screen."

"You're acting like you've never seen me naked before." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"Well, maybe I need a refresher." Puck shrugged.

"Four kids isn't refreshing enough for you?" Quinn teased.

"Dad! Are you home?"

"Speaking of kids." Quinn noted.

"I'm in the living room, buddy. What's up?" Puck called back.

Hudson entered the living room and paused when he saw Quinn. He looked at Puck and held out a slip of paper. "Can you sign this?"

"Give me a pen." Puck nodded.

"What's this?" Quinn wondered, looking over Puck's shoulder.

"A detention slip." Puck said. "I used to get them all the time, no biggie."

"Detention?" Quinn repeated. "What happened?"

"I punched someone." Hudson admitted.

"You punched someone? All right!" Puck exclaimed proudly.

"No." Quinn shook her head. "Why did you punch someone?"

"You're not in trouble." Puck promised. "Just tell us what happened."

"A bunch of kids at school were making comments, so I punched the ringleader." Hudson explained.

"What kind of comments?" Puck wondered.

Hudson glanced at Quinn. "There are some pictures of Mom going around."

"Your mom's nudes?" Puck guessed.

"Noah." Quinn scolded.

"You didn't see them, did you?" Puck asked. "'Cause we have money, but those therapy bills will really put a dent in things."

"No, thank god." Hudson responded. "But they're all over school."


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