UN: Germany!
Germany: ja UN?
*TR walks into the room*
Third Reich: oh my son! How good it is to see you~
Germany: what the hell is this man doing here.
UN: calm down Germany, it's only for a few questions.
Germany: nein, I don't want to say a single word to him.
TR: oh come on my son~ *puts hand on Germany's shoulder* at least talk to your father!
Germany:*pushes hand off* do not touch me.
UN: Germany it's just one question then you can go.
Germany: fine, but make it quick.
UN: how do you feel about TR?
Germany: I hate him. He ruined the lives of millions just for fun.
TR: that isn't true! The Jews are demons!
UN: That's enough TR! I invite you to leave.
TR: such dumb people... *Leaves*
Germany: thank you.
UN: don't worry about it.
(So that was interesting. NO, Jewish people are not demons, I am quite fond of them to say the least.)